WORD UNIT NO PAGE DEFINITION PoS EXAMPLE IPA CEF your female child Liz and Phil have a daughter and three sons. daughter 4 38 noun C1 ˈdɔː.tə sister 4 38 a girl or woman who has the same parents as another person noun Sophie and Emily are sisters. B1 ˈsɪs.tə father 4 38 your male parent noun My father took me to watch the football every Saturday. ˈfɑː.ðə wife 4 38 the woman a man is married to noun I met Greg's wife for the first time. A1, A2 waɪf son 4 38 your male child noun This is our son Raja. A1 sʌn brother 4 38 a man or boy with the same parents as another person noun Do you have any brothers and sisters? A1 ˈbrʌð.ə mother 4 38 a female parent noun a single mother A1 ˈmʌð.ə husband 4 38 the man a woman is married to noun I've never met Fiona's husband. ˈhʌz.bənd aunt 4 38 the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your uncle noun Lisa Simpson has one aunt. ɑːnt used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connected with the person who is speaking or writing This is my father. my 4 40 adjective A1 maɪ used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are mine 4 40 connected with the person who is speaking or writing pronoun "Whose bag is this?" "It's mine." maɪn used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is your 4 40 connected with the person or people you are talking or writing to adjective Take off your coat. jɔː used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are yours 4 40 connected with the person or people you are talking or writing to pronoun Is this pen yours? jɔːz used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is her 4 40 connected with a female person who has already been mentioned adjective Where's Kath - have you seen her? hɜː used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are Jenny and I both have red hair, but hers is lighter than connected with a female person who has already been mentioned mine. hers 4 40 pronoun hɜːz used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connected with a male person or instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are connected with a male person who has already been mentioned That's Frank's coat over there - at least I think it's his. his 4 40 adjective hɪz used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connected with the person who is speaking or writing and one or our 4 40 more other people adjective This is our house. aʊə used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are connected with the person who is speaking and one or more other ours 4 40 people pronoun Which table is ours? B2, C2 aʊəz used before a noun to show that something belongs to or is connected with a group of people, animals or things that have their 4 40 already been mentioned adjective Where are their friends? ðeə used instead of a noun to talk about things that belong to or are connected with a group of people, animals, or things that have theirs 4 40 already been talked about pronoun I think she's a relation of theirs. ðeəz
used to ask about someone's name or which person or group who 4 40 someone is talking about pronoun Who told you? huː used to ask who something belongs to or who someone or whose 4 40 something is connected to pronoun Whose is this bag? huːz the members of a family that are connected to one person in a side of the family 4 40 couple phrase Here’s a photo of my dad’s side of the family. ˌsaɪd əv ðə ˈfæm.əl.i big brother 4 40 a brother who is older than you phrase My dad’s got a big brother called Bob. ˌbɪg ˈbrʌð.ə uncle 4 40 the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt noun He’s my uncle and he’s great. ˈʌŋ . kl̩ aunty 4 40 the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle noun His wife Jemma is my aunty. ˈɑːn.ti a woman married to your brother, or the sister of your husband or sister-in-law 4 40 wife noun She’s my dad’s sister-in-law. ˈsɪs.tə.rɪn.lɔː little brother 4 40 a brother who is younger than you phrase They’ve got two sons – Jimmy and his little brother Robin. ˌlɪt . l̩ ˈbrʌð . ə grandparents 4 40 the parents of your parents plural noun They are my grandparents. ˈɡrændˌpeə.rənts Ten-year-old Ben Tennyson is spending his summer cousin 4 40 a child of your aunt or uncle noun holiday with his Grandpa and his cousin Gwen. ˈkʌz.ən grandma 4 40 grandmother noun I call them Grandma Diana and Grandpa Roger. ˈgræn.mɑː grandpa 4 40 grandfather noun I call them Grandma Diana and Grandpa Roger. ˈgræn.pɑː They’re really nice to me because I’m their only granddaughter 4 40 the daughter of your son or daughter noun granddaughter. ˈgræn.dɔː.tə granddad 4 41 grandfather noun My granddad just talks about the ‘good-old days’. B1 ˈɡrænd.dæd upset 4 43 unhappy or worried because something unpleasant has happened adjective She’s really upset now. B1, B2 ʌpˈset having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, angry 4 43 making you want to shout at them or hurt them adjective The teacher was angry. B1, B2 ˈæŋ.gri feeling surprise because something has happened that you did not surprised 4 43 expect adjective I was very surprised to see so many people there. B1 səˈpraɪzd confused 4 43 unable to think clearly or to understand something adjective I’m really confused now. B1, B2 kənˈfjuːzd feeling very pleased about something you have done, something proud 4 43 you own, or someone you know adjective We are so proud of her. B1 praʊd relieved 4 43 happy that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended adjective I was relieved when it was over. A1, B1 rɪˈliːvd anxious because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant worried 4 43 things that might happen adjective I was a bit worried. Where was she? B2, C1 ˈwʌr.id scared 4 43 frightened or worried adjective I was really scared when I saw the gun. B1 skeəd fight 4 38 to argue verb But, of course, he still has time to fight with his cousin too. B1 faɪt spend time 4 38 to use time phrase They spend a lot of time together. B1 ˌspend ˈtaɪm someone who does something brave or good, which people respect But he knows that his daughters were heroes and thanks hero 4 42 or admire them for noun them every day for saving his life. A1, A2, B2, C ˈhɪə.rəʊ ambulance 4 42 a special vehicle used to take ill or injured people to hospital noun Ten minutes later an ambulance was there. A2 ˈæm.bjʊ.ləns to become impossible to find David disappeared under the water. disappear 4 42 verb B1 ˌdɪs.əˈpɪə
in trouble 4 42 having problems phrase Suddenly David shouted. He was in trouble. ɪn ˈtrʌb . l̩ to take the paper covering off something that someone has given open presents 4 44 you, for example for your birthday phrase I'll open my presents after breakfast. ˌəʊ.pən ˈpre.zents to look at someone who is acting, singing, playing an instrument, watch a performance 4 44 etc. phrase We watched a performance of "Hamlet" at the theatre. ˌwɒtʃ ə pəˈfɔː.məns to do something enjoyable because it is a special day, or because We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going celebrate 4 44 something good has happened verb out to dinner. B1 ˈsel.ɪ.breɪt international 4 44 relating to or involving two or more countries adjective This was International Children’s Day. B2 ˌɪn.təˈnæʃ.ən.əl national 4 44 relating to or typical of a whole country and its people adjective This day is a national holiday in Turkey. A2 ˈnæʃ.ən.əl The children also bring in their favourite food to share share 4 44 to divide something between two or more people verb with their friends. A2 ʃeə The most important thing is for children and parents to together 4 44 with each other or doing something with each other adverb have some time to spend together. A2 təˈgeð.ə invitation 4 45 when someone invites you to do something or go somewhere noun I’d be very happy to accept your invitation. ˌɪn.vɪˈteɪ.ʃən
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