cee 370 environmental engineering principles

CEE 370 Environmental Engineering Principles Lecture #6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Print version Updated: 18 September 2019 CEE 370 Environmental Engineering Principles Lecture #6 Environmental Chemistry IV: Thermodynamics, Equilibria, Acids-bases I Reading: Mihelcic & Zimmerman, Chapter 3 Davis & Masten, Chapter

  1. Print version Updated: 18 September 2019 CEE 370 Environmental Engineering Principles Lecture #6 Environmental Chemistry IV: Thermodynamics, Equilibria, Acids-bases I Reading: Mihelcic & Zimmerman, Chapter 3 Davis & Masten, Chapter 2 Mihelcic, Chapt 3 David Reckhow CEE 370 L#6 1

  2. Kinetics  Base Hydrolysis of dichloromethane (DCM)  Forms chloromethanol (CM) and chloride  Classic second order reaction (molecularity of 2) − − − − d [ DCM ] d [ OH ] d [ CM ] d [ Cl ] − = = = = = Rate k [ DCM ][ OH ] dt dt dt dt  First order in each reactant, second order overall 2 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  3. Kinetic principles  Law of Mass Action  For elementary reactions +  → k aA bB products rate = a b kC A C B where, C A = concentration of reactant species A, [moles/liter] C B = concentration of reactant species B, [moles/liter] a = stoichiometric coefficient of species A b = stoichiometric coefficient of species B k = rate constant, [units are dependent on a and b] 3 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  4. Kinetics: zero order  Reactions of order dc = − “n” in reactant “c” kc n dt  When n=0, we 90 have a simple 80 = − c c kt zero-order 70 Concentration o 60 reaction 50  Example: 40 biodegradation of 30 Slope 2,4-D 20 = 10 k mg l / / min 10 dc 0 = − k 0 20 40 60 80 dt Time (min) 4 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  5. Kinetics: First Order  When n=1, dc = − 1 A => products kc we have a dt simple first- order reaction 90 80  This results in − = kt c c e 70 Concentration an o 60 “exponential 50 40 decay” 30  Example: 20 decay of − k = 1 0 032 . min 10 137 Cs from 0 Chernobyl 0 20 40 60 80 accident Time (min) 5 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  6. Kinetics: First Order (cont.) dc = − 1 kc  This equation dt can be linearized  good for assessment of “k” from data 6 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  7. dc Kinetics: Second Order = − 2 kc dt  When n=2, we have a simple second-order reaction A + A => products  This is a reaction 90 1 between two 80 = c c 70 + identical o 1 kc t Concentration 60 o molecules 50  More common to 40 = 0 0015 k . L mg / / min have different 30 20 molecules 10 reacting (see next 0 slide) 0 20 40 60 80 Time (min) 7 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  8. Kinetics; Pseudo-1 st Order  When you have two different species reacting via 2 nd order kinetics overall dc dc = = − A B kc c A + B => products A B dt dt  If one reactant (c B ) is present in great excess versus the other, the concentration of that one can be treated as constant and folded into the rate constant to get a pseudo-first order reaction dc = − = A k c k kc where obs A obs B dt From here you can use the first order equations 8 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  9. Comparison of Reaction Orders  Curvature: 2nd>1st>zero 90 80 Zero Order 70 Concentration 60 First Order 50 Second Order 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 Time (min) 9 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  10. Half-lives  Time required for initial concentration to drop to half, ie., c=0.5c o  For a zero order reaction: 0 . 5 c 1 = t o = − = − c c kt 0 . 5 c c kt k o o o 1 2 2  For a first order reaction: ln( 2 ) = t − kt − = = 1 kt 1 c c e 0 . 5 c c e k 2 2 o o o 0 . 693 = Try example 3.5 & 3.6 in Mihelcic k 10 CEE 370 L#5 David Reckhow

  11. Temperature Effects Temperature Dependence • Chemist's Approach: Arrhenius Equation Activ ivat ation en ener ergy (ln ) = Pre re-exponen ential F Fac actor d k E a − = E / RT k Ae a a 2 dT RT T a a a R = universal gas constant − = E ( T 293 )/ RT 293 k k e a a a = 1.987 cal/ o K/mole T o 293 K T a = absolute temp ( o K) a • Engineer's Approach: Or more generally − = θ T T o − = θ k k T 20 C k k o where T o is any T T T o 20 C o “baseline” temperature Typical values: θ =1.02 to 1.15 11 David Reckhow

  12. Activity  Activity is the “effective or apparent” concentration, which may be slightly different from the true “analytical” concentration  These two differ substantially in waters with high TDS, such as sea water.  We identify these two as follows:  Curved brackets ({X}) indicate activity  Square brackets ([X]) indicate concentration  Usually this is molar concentration  This may also be used when we’re not very concerned about the differences between activity and concentration 12 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  13. Why the difference?  Mostly long-range interactions between uninterested bystanders (chemical species that are not involved in the reaction) and the two dancers of interest (those species that are reacting) 13 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  14. Activity & Ionic Strength { } { } c d C D K =  Equilibrium quotients are really written { } { } a b A B for activities, not concentrations  in most natural waters activities are { } [ ] A ≈ A nearly equal to the molar concentrations [ ] { } =  In saline waters, we must account for A f A A differences between the two [ ] { } = γ A A  activity coefficients (f or γ ) are used for this A  Ionic Strength (I or µ) is used to determine the extent of correction ∑ µ = 2 I or C i z 1 i 2 14 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  15. µ Corrections  From textbook  Mihelcic & Zimmerman 15 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  16. Correlations for ionic strength  µ vs. specific conductance: Russell Approximation  µ = 1.6 x 10 -5 x K (in µmho/cm) Equ 3.3  µ vs. TDS: Langlier approximation  µ ~ 2.5 x 10 -5 x TDS (in mg/L) Equ 3.2 16 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  17. Corrections to Ion Activity Approximation Equation Applicable Range for I <10 -2.3 Debye-Hückel = − 2 log f 0 . 5 z I <10 -1 Extended I = − 2 log f 0 . 5 z Debye-Hückel + 1 0 . 33 a I <10 -1 , solutions Güntelberg I = − 2 log f 0 . 5 z of multiple + 1 I electrolytes Davies <0.5   I   = − 2 − log f 0 . 5 z 0 . 2 I   + 1 I   From Stumm & Morgan, Table 3.3 (pg.103) 0.3, based on Mihelcic 17 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  18. Kinetic model for equilibrium  Consider a reaction as  The rates are: follows: b = r k { C }{ D } f = r k { A }{ B } b f  And at equilibrium the A + B = C + D two are equal, r f =r b  Since all reactions are = reversible, we have two k { A }{ B } k { C }{ D } f b possibilities  We then define an equilibrium constant (K eq ) k +  → + A B C D f k { C }{ D } ≡ f = K + ←  + A B C D eq k { A }{ B } k b b 18 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  19. Kinetic model with moles  In terms of molar concentrations, the rates are: [ ] [ ] D [ ] [ ] B = γ γ = γ γ r k C D r k A B f f A b b C  And at equilibrium the two are equal, r f =r b [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] D γ γ = γ γ k A B k C D f A B b C  And solving for the equilibrium constant (K eq ) [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]   k γ γ γ γ C D C D   ≡ f = = K C D C D [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]   eq γ γ γ γ k A B A B   b A B A B 19 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  20. Equilibrium Chemistry  Tells us what direction the reaction is headed in  Doesn’t tell us how fast the reaction is going (kinetics)  Solving equilibrium problems  identify reactants and products  formulate equations  equilibrium equations  mass balance equations  electroneutrality equation  solve equations 20 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  21. Temperature Effects on K  Need ∆ H (enthalpy change)  ∆ H < 0, exothermic (heat evolved)  ∆ H > 0, endothermic (heat absorbed)  The Van’t Hoff Equation: ( ) ∆ o − K = H T T log 2 2 1 K 2 . 303 RT T 1 2 1 Log K  recall that: ∑ ∆ ∆ o = ν o H H 1/T i f 21 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  22. Acids & Bases  pH of most mineral-bearing waters is 6 to 9. (fairly constant)  pH and composition of natural waters is regulated by reactions of acids & bases  chemical reactions; mostly with minerals  carbonate rocks: react with CO 2 (an acid)  CaCO 3 + CO 2 = Ca +2 + 2HCO 3 -  other bases are also formed: NH 3 , silicates, borate, phosphate  acids from volcanic activity: HCl, SO 2  Biological reactions: photosynthesis & resp.  Sillen: Ocean is result of global acid/base titration 22 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  23. Acids & Bases (cont.)  Equilibrium is rapidly established  proton transfer is very fast  we call [H + ] the Master Variable  because Protons react with so many chemical species, affect equilibria and rates  Strength of acids & bases  strong acids have a substantial tendency to donate a proton. This depends on the nature of the acid as well as the base accepting the proton (often water). 23 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow

  24. pH: the intensity factor Alkalinity: a capacity factor 24 CEE 370 L#6 David Reckhow


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