cee 370 environmental engineering principles

CEE 370 Environmental Engineering Principles Lecture #23 Water - PDF document

CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 Print version Updated: 30 October 2019 CEE 370 Environmental Engineering Principles Lecture #23 Water Quality Management I: Pollutants and Sources Reading: Mihelcic & Zimmerman, Chapter 7 Davis &

  1. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 Print version Updated: 30 October 2019 CEE 370 Environmental Engineering Principles Lecture #23 Water Quality Management I: Pollutants and Sources Reading: Mihelcic & Zimmerman, Chapter 7 Davis & Cornwall, Chapt 5-1 to 5-2 Davis & Masten, Chapter 9-1 to 9-2 David Reckhow CEE 370 L#23 1 Question  What is the biggest water quality problem in rivers and lakes today? A. Dissolved oxygen B. Pathogens C. Endocrine disrupters D. Cyanotoxins E. Organic solvents 2 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 1

  2. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 Water Quality  Measures of Water Quality  DO and Oxygen Demand  Solids  Nutrients  Metals  Pathogens  Organic compounds  Toxics  Bioactive compounds  Sources and Quantities  Water Quality Modeling 3 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Introduction Water Pollution: The presence of any harmful chemical or other constituent present in concentrations above the naturally occurring background level. Wastewater: discarded or previously used water from a municipality or industry 4 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 2

  3. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 Waste Sources  Point Sources  Municipal Wastewater Well defined origin easily measured  Industrial Wastewater more constant  Tributaries  Non-point sources  agricultural  silvicultural Diffuse origin more transient  atmospheric often dependent on precipitation  urban & suburban runoff  groundwater Treatment is generally feasible 5 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Typical Municipal WW Charact. Typical Wastewater U.S. EPA Discharge Typical Characteristics, mg/L Standards, mg/L Concentrations in Parameter except pH except pH Lakes or Streams, mg/L except pH BOD 5 150-300 30 2-10 Total Suspended Solids 150-300 30 2-20 COD 400-600 N/A 5-50 D.O. 0 4-5 4-Sat. NH 3 -N 15-40 * <1 NO_ 3 0 * <1 pH 6-8 6-9 6-8 6 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 3

  4. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 Pathogenic Organisms  Viruses  Polio, Norfolk agent, Hepatitis  Bacteria  Typhoid, Cholera, Shigella, Salmonella  Antibiotic resistant forms  Protozoans  Cryptosporidium, Giardia 7 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.)  Oxygen is a rather insoluble gas  often the limiting constituent in the aerobic purification of wastes and natural waters  solubility ranges from 14.6 mg/L at 0 o C to about 7 mg/L at 35 o C.  In addition to temperature, its solubility varies with barometric pressure and salinity.  The saturation concentration of oxygen in distilled water may M&Z Equ #7.11 be calculated from Henry’s law 𝐸𝑃 ��� � 𝐿 � 𝑞 � � KH= 1.36E ‐ 03 PO2= 0.21 DOsat= 2.86E ‐ 04 M 𝐿 � � 1.36 𝑦 10 �� ����� ����� at 20°C GFW= 32 DOsat= 9.14 mg/L  But if you need to adjust to other temperaturs, the following empirical expression is more useful: 8 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 4

  5. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 DO saturation formula        P   wv P   1 1 P              C C P       s sl    1 P 1   wv     where: P vw = water vapor partial pressure (atm) = 11.8571 - (3840.70/T k ) + (216,961/T k 2 ) P = total atmospheric (barometric) pressure (atm), which may be read directly or calculated from a remote reading at the same time from: = P o - (0.02667)  H/760  H = Difference in elevation from the location of interest (at P) to the reference location (at P o ) in feet. 9 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow DO (cont.) P o = Simultaneous barometric pressure at a nearby reference location  = pressure/temperature interactive term = 0.000975 - (1.426x10 -5 T) + (6.436x10 -8 T 2 ) T = Temperature in degrees centigrade C s1 = Saturation concentration of oxygen in distilled water at 1 atmosphere total pressure. ln(C s1 ) = -139.34411 + (1.575701x10 5 /T k ) - (6.642308x10 7 /T k 2 ) + (1.243800x10 10 /T k 3 ) - (8.621949x10 11 /T k 4 ). T k = Temperature in degrees Kelvin (T k = T + 273.15) 10 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 5

  6. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 DO Saturation Profile For an on-line calculator, see: http://water.usgs.gov/software/DOTABLES/ 11 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow DO (cont.)  Minimum concentration is required for the survival of higher aquatic life  larval stages of certain cold-water fishes are quite sensitive  Significant discharges of organic wastes may depress the D.O. concentrations in receiving waters  microbially-mediated oxidation  each state has established ambient dissolved oxygen standards  Another use of D.O. is the assessment of oxidation state in groundwaters and sediments 12 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 6

  7. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 DO (cont.)  also a very important parameter in biological treatment processes  indicates when aerobic and anaerobic organisms will predominate  used to assess the adequacy of oxygen transfer systems  indicates the suitability for the growth of such sensitive organisms such as the nitrifying bacteria .  used in the assessment of the strength of a wastewater through either the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) or respirometric studies. 13 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Insufficient DO Solutions – Reduce DO “demand”  reduction of BOD by biological WW treatment  nutrient control Ambient Water Quality Criteria  established by EPA in "Gold Book"  dependent on type of fish, averaging period Ambient Water Quality Standards [enforceable]  established by states, and other local agencies  dependent on use classification 14 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 7

  8. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 Oxygen Demand  It is a measure of the amount of “reduced” organic and inorganic matter in a water  Relates to oxygen consumption in a river or lake as a result of a pollution discharge  Measured in several ways  BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand  COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand  ThOD - Theoretical Oxygen Demand 15 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow BOD: A Bioassay Briefly, the BOD test employs a bacterial seed to catalyze the oxidation of 300 mL of full-strength or diluted wastewater. The strength of the un-diluted wastewater is then determined from the dilution factor and the difference between the initial D.O. and the final D.O. BOD   BOD DO DO Bottle t i f 16 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 8

  9. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 Glucose example C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 = 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O 12 10 Oxygen (mg/L) 8  D.O. L t Glucose 6 Oxygen 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (days) 17 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow BOD with dilution When BOD>8mg/L BOD = DO - DO i f t   V s     V b Where BOD t = biochemical oxygen demand at t days, [mg/L] DO i = initial dissolved oxygen in the sample bottle, [mg/L] DO f = final dissolved oxygen in the sample bottle, [mg/L] V b = sample bottle volume, usually 300 mL, [mL] V s = sample volume, [mL] 18 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 9

  10. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 BOD - loss of biodegradable organic matter (oxygen demand) L o L or BOD remaining L o -L t = BOD t L t Time BOD BOD BOD BOD BOD Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle Bottle 19 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow The BOD bottle curve  L=oxidizable carbonaceous material remaining to be oxidized 35 Nitrification 30 Inhibitor BOD or Y (mg/L) 25 NBOD stops this L o 20 L t 15 CBOD 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 Time (days)    BOD y L L t t o t 20 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 10

  11. CEE 370 Lecture #23 10/30/2019 BOD Modeling in a BOD test "L" is modelled as a simple 1st order decay: dL   k L 1 dt Which leads to:   1 k t L L e o    BOD y L L And combining with: t t o t     k t BOD y L ( 1 e ) We get: 1 t t o 21 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Temperature Effects Temperature Dependence  Chemist's Approach: Arrhenius Equation (ln )  d k E a 2 dT RT a a   E ( T 293 )/ RT 293 k k e a a a T o 293 K a  Engineer's Approach: For CBOD o    Often we use:  =1.047 T 20 C k k D&M cite: 1.056 for 20-30C T o 20 C and 1.135 for 4-20C 22 CEE 370 L#23 David Reckhow Lecture #23 Dave Reckhow 11


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