Caught between blindness and a heart attack? Or how research reporting can keep an informed patient awake at night
How can patients add value? Engage physicians, patients from the onset What we seek to answer with the study What we want to ask Discuss results, how to report them Proactive knowledge transfer Standard procedure Built into calls for proposals, funding
How can academics add value? Improve quality of conduct (e.g. questionnaires) Address communication implications from the get-go. Study limitations Causality, associations Interpretation (expert vs. expert, lay vs. expert) Contradictory evidence Assess results in the context of existing knowledge. Reporting does not end with publication
Mediations: key target Take into account all reporting mediations Health professionals Public health communicators Patient groups, fora, bloggers Social media Engage in constructive dialogue
Patients Journalists, Interested portals, lay bloggers audiences REPORTING Health Editors professionals Peer reviewers
Context: patient-centred? Patient centred vs. health system/provider/researcher centred Patient input built into research Read user comments on news articles, blogs, online fora Educate the user? Educate the researcher? Learn to live with user needs, logic, and use of evidence
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