categorical groups in k theory and number theory

Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory F Muro 1 A Tonks 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory F Muro 1 A Tonks 2 M Witte 3 1 Barcelona 2 London Metropolitan 3 Regensburg Workshop on Categorical Groups IMUB/CRM 20.06.2008 1 , 2 Partially supported by MEC/FEDER grant MTM2007-63277 F. Muro,

  1. Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory F Muro 1 A Tonks 2 M Witte 3 1 Barcelona 2 London Metropolitan 3 Regensburg Workshop on Categorical Groups IMUB/CRM 20.06.2008 1 , 2 Partially supported by MEC/FEDER grant MTM2007-63277 F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  2. 0 -additive invariants. . . Let W be a Waldhausen category, with a zero object ∗ , cofibre sequences A ֌ B ։ B / A , weak equivalences A ∼ → A ′ , satisfying certain axioms. Example: If A is an abelian category, then the category of bounded chain complexes Ch b A is a Waldhausen category. A 0-additive invariant on W is given by an abelian group G φ a function Ob W − → G satisfying A ֌ B ։ B / A ∈ W ⇒ φ ( B ) = φ ( A ) + φ ( B / A ) A ∼ → A ′ φ ( A ′ ) = φ ( A ) ∈ W ⇒ F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  3. � � 0 -additive invariants. . . and K 0 A 0-additive invariant on W is given by an abelian group G φ a function Ob W − → G satisfying A ֌ B ։ B / A ∈ W ⇒ φ ( B ) = φ ( A ) + φ ( B / A ) A ∼ → A ′ ∈ W ⇒ φ ( B ) = φ ( A ) Easy Theorem There is a universal 0-additive invariant φ : Ob W → G given by G = K 0 W and φ ( A ) = [ A ] . � K 0 W Ob W � K 0 W is the abelian group with � � � � ∀ � ∃ ! generators [ A ] for each object A of W � � � � relations [ B ] = [ B / A ] + [ A ] and [ A ′ ] = [ A ] G for each cofibre sequence and weak equivalence in W . Any x ∈ K 0 W can be expressed as [ A 1 ] − [ A 2 ] , A i ∈ Ob W . F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  4. � � � The 0 -type of the K -theory spectrum The functor K 0 fits into a commutative square K 0 M 0 Waldhausen cats. EM � � � � ∼ = K � � � � � � Ho spec 0 Connective spectra 0 P 0 Here EM is the Eilenberg–MacLane spectrum on the category M 0 of abelian groups, K is the Waldhasen K -theory spectrum, and P 0 is the 0-th Postnikov section. Easy Theorem The 0-th Postnikov section of the Eilenberg–MacLane spectrum of K 0 W coincides with that of K W . F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  5. � � � � � The 1 -type of the K -theory spectrum After the preceding discussion, it is clear the next step is to find an algebraic model DW which classifies the 1-type of the Waldhausen K -theory spectrum. We present a category of algebraic models M 1 a functor D from Waldhausen categories to M 1 a classifying functor B from M 1 to connective spectra � DW W weq a definition of 1-additive invariants � � � a universal 1-additive invariant � � ∃ ! ∈M 1 � � ∀ 1 -add � � such that the following square commutes: G D � � Ho M 1 M 1 Waldhausen cats B � � � ∼ = K � � � � � � Ho spec 1 Connective spectra 0 P 1 F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  6. � � An ‘easy’ model DW for the 1-type of K W Our model DW for K 0 and K 1 consists not of a pair of abelian groups but of a stable quadratic module ( D 0 W ) ab ⊗ ( D 0 W ) ab � � H � �· , ·� � � D 1 W ∂ � D 0 W K 1 W � � � � K 0 W . in which the bottom row is exact. Important features: small — generators given just by the objects, weak equivalences and cofibre sequences of the category W . minimal nilpotency degree — D 0 W and D 1 W are class 2 nilpotent groups. encodes the 1-type P 1 K W in a functorial way; there is a bijection between homotopy classes of morphisms DW → DW ′ and of morphisms P 1 K W → P 1 K W ′ . F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  7. A stable quadratic module can be seen as a special case of: a commutative monoid in the category of crossed modules a commutative strict categorical group, a (commutative, strict) Picard category, a symmetric monoidal category, in which all objects have inverses with respect to the monoidal structure. We therefore have a notion of the classifying spectrum of a stable quadratic module. A stable quadratic module consists of a diagram of groups H ab ⊗ H ab �· , ·� ∂ − → G − → H ∂ � h 1 , h 2 � = [ h 2 , h 1 ] , satisfying � ∂ ( g 1 ) , ∂ ( g 2 ) � = [ g 2 , g 1 ] , � h 1 , h 2 � + � h 2 , h 1 � = 0 . Here ( − ) ab is abelianization and [ a , b ] = − a − b + a + b . F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  8. Stable quadratic modules v monoids in crossed complexes v symmetric monoidal categories. . . There is a group action of H on G via g h = g + � h , ∂ g � and ∂ : G → H is a crossed module of nil 2 -groups; � , � gives a monoid stucture on this crossed module. One can define a strict symmetric monoidal category with objects h ∈ H and morphisms ( h , g ) : h → h + ∂ g ; the symmetry isomorphism is given by the bracket: ( h 1 + h 2 , � h 2 , h 2 � ) : h 1 + h 2 − → h 2 + h 1 Note: the kernel and cokernel of the boundary map ∂ are abelian, π 1 ( ∂ ) := ker ( ∂ ) , π 0 ( ∂ ) := coker ( ∂ ) F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  9. � � A 1-additive invariant to a Picard category G . . . is a functor from the subcategory of weak equivalences det : W weq → G together with additivity data in G , det (∆): det ( B / A ) ⊗ det ( A ) → det ( B ) , for each cofibre sequence ∆ = ( A ֌ B ։ B / A ) satisfying naturality, associativity and commutativity conditions: Naturality: For a weak equivalence of cofibre sequences ∼ → ∆ ′ the following diagram must commute in G , ∆ − det (∆) � det ( B ) det ( B / A ) ⊗ det ( A ) det (∆ ′ ) � det ( B ′ ) det ( B ′ / A ′ ) ⊗ det ( A ′ ) F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  10. � � � � �� �� � �� Associativity: For a diagram of cofibre sequences as follows g f ∆ f = ( A ֌ B ։ B / A ) , ∆ g = ( B ֌ C ։ C / B ) , gf � ∆ gf = ( A ֌ C ։ C / A ) , ∆ = ( B / A ֌ C / A ։ C / B ) , C / B � C / A B / A � � B � A � C the following diagram must commute in G , det ( e ∆) ⊗ 1 det ( C / B ) ⊗ det ( B / A ) ⊗ det ( A ) det ( C / A ) ⊗ det ( A ) det (∆ gf ) 1 ⊗ det (∆ f ) det ( C / B ) ⊗ det ( B ) det ( C ) det (∆ g ) F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  11. � � Commutativity: Let A , B be two objects in W with the following cofibre sequences equences associated to inclusions and projections of a coproduct A ⊔ B , ∆ 1 = ( A ֌ A ⊔ B ։ B ) , ∆ 2 = ( B ֌ A ⊔ B ։ A ) . Then the following diagram must commute in G , det ( A ⊔ B ) � ���������� � det (∆ 1 ) � det (∆ 2 ) � � � � � � � � det ( A ) ⊗ det ( B ) det ( B ) ⊗ det ( A ) symmetry F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  12. History and context Deligne 1 introduces 1-additive determinant functors for exact categories and non-strict Picard categories, Burns–Flach 2 use this formalism in the Tamawara number conjecture with coefficients in non-commutative rings. Fukaya–Kato 3 give an adhoc construction of universal determinant functors in their extension of Burns–Flach. Muro–Tonks 4 give a construction of the universal determinant functor which is more explicit and general. Breuning 5 gives a construction ‘by hand’ of universal determinant functors on triangulated categories. Witte uses the Muro–Tonks construction in his thesis Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjectures for Varieties over Finite Fields (May 2008) 1Le d´ eterminant de la cohomologie (1987) 2Tamagawa numbers for motives with (non-commutative) coefficients (2001) 3A formulation of conjectures on p -adic zeta functions in non-commutative Iwasawa theory (2006) 4The 1-type of a Waldhausen K -theory spectrum (2007) 5Determinant functors on triangulated categories (preprint 2006) F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory

  13. Explicit presentation of the universal object DW is the stable quadratic module with generators [ A ] ∈ D 0 W for any object in W , [ A ∼ → A ′ ] ∈ D 1 W for any weak equivalence in W , [ A ֌ B ։ B / A ] ∈ D 1 W for any cofibre sequence in W , and seven types of relations: [ ∗ ֌ ∗ ։ ∗ ] = 0 (R0) ∂ [ A ∼ → A ′ ] = − [ A ′ ] + [ A ] , (R1) ∂ [ A ֌ B ։ B / A ] = − [ B ] + [ B / A ] + [ A ] , (R2) (Hence coker ( ∂ ) gives us K 0 ). For any composite of weak equivalences A ∼ → B ∼ → C , [ A ∼ → C ] = [ B ∼ → C ] + [ A ∼ → B ] , (R3) F. Muro, A. Tonks, M. Witte Barcelona 20.06.2008 Categorical groups in K -theory and number theory


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