case study solution case study solution 1 8

CASE STUDY Solution CASE STUDY Solution 1/8 Main characteristics: A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CASE STUDY Solution CASE STUDY Solution 1/8 Main characteristics: A multi site ITN of 8 partners (coordinated by the organisation KIWI) proposes to provide: initial training of 36 months to 11 ESRs (total 396 person months) and

  1. CASE STUDY Solution

  2. CASE STUDY ‐ Solution 1/8 Main characteristics: A multi ‐ site ITN of 8 partners (coordinated by the organisation KIWI) proposes to provide: ‐ initial training of 36 months to 11 ESRs (total 396 person months) and ‐ complementary training to 4 ERs (total 42 person months). A senior visiting scientist (VS) will be recruited by KIWI to share his knowledge and skills during the workshop and summer school organised in year 3 (recruitment for 1 period of 2 months). A conference will be organised in year 3 by KIWI. The event is programmed to run over 2 days and it is expected that 40 external researchers will attend. 25 of these external researchers will be paying their attendance themselves, whilst additional funding from the Commission is sought for the remaining 15 researchers. Thus support for a total of 30 external researcher days is requested. KIWI will host: ‐ N ° of ESR: 2 * 36 months (Laboratory based research project) ‐ N ° of ER: 1 * 12 months (Laboratory based research project) ‐ N ° of Sr VS: 1 * 2 months ‐ will organise the workshop in year 3

  3. CASE STUDY ‐ Solution 2/8 Organisation: KIWI Country: Germany Main characteristics: ESR ER VS Employment Employment Fixed amount contract contract fellowship Living allowance (A) 34.500 53.000 51.675 Correction factor = 101,5% Mobility allowance (A) 500 800 800 Without family With family With family Correction factor = 101,5% obligations obligations obligations Travel allowance (B) ‐ yearly 750 500 1.000 Based on direct distance between place of origin and host institution Career exploratory allowance (C) 2000 € for each researcher with a stay of at least 1 year. Contribution to the participation expenses of eligible researchers (D) Table 1

  4. CASE STUDY ‐ Solution 3/8 Activities: 1. Complete the following table 2 with the missing data 2. Calculate the overall KIWI’s budget as per table 3 3. During the project implementation KIWI decided to not take the ER and to use the money allocated to the researcher to increase the budget for the organisation of a large international event. What is the procedure that KIWI should follow to change his budget? 4. KIWI plans to transfer the “Travel allowance” to the ESRs at the end of all the mobility period (so at the end of the 36 months). How KIWI should report this change in the Form C? 5. Due to project’s unexpected situation, the ER will not be able to go to KIWI for his/her mobility period. Is it possible to change such man/month with ESR, and which should be the procedures to follow? 6. In order to be fair KIWI decides to apply the same contract and salary levels for the Marie Curie fellows as the other researchers in its organization, meaning €32.500, for the ESR, and €57.000, for the ER. Is this possible? 7. KIWI provides intensive coaching to the fellows with its own personnel. E.g. Senior Research Manager Silvio Berlusconi will dedicate 1 day a month to coaching, equaling € 17230, of salary. In which category should this costs be declared?

  5. CASE STUDY ‐ Solution 4/8 Organisation: KIWI Country: Germany Main characteristics: ESR ER VS Employment contract Employment contract Fixed amount fellowship Living allowance (A) 34.500 53.000 51.675 Correction factor = 101,5% Mobility allowance (A) 500 800 800 Correction factor = 101,5% Without family obligations With family obligations With family obligations 2*(34.500*3+500*36)*101,5% (53.000+800*12)*101.5% (51.675*2/12+800*2)*101,5% Total Living + Mobility = 246.645 =63.539 =10.366 Travel allowance (B) ‐ yearly Based on direct distance between 750 x 3 years x 2 ESR = 4.500 500 x 1 year = 500 1.000 x 1 year = 1.000 place of origin and host institution Career exploratory allowance (C) 2000 € for each researcher with a stay 2.000 x 2 ESR = 4.000 2.000 x 1 ER = 2.000 0 of at least 1 year. Contribution to the participation 600 x 36 months x 2 ESR = 43.200 600 x 12 months = 7.200 0 expenses of eligible researchers (D) Table 1

  6. CASE STUDY ‐ Solution 5/8 Open training events and Initial Training 0-5 years Visiting Scientists conferences Number of Visiting Scientists (<10 Visiting Scientists (>10 Participant Early-Stage Researchers Experienced Researchers researcher days years) years) for researhers Number of events from outside the netw ork Fellow s Number of Fellow s Number of Person Number of Person Number of Months researchers Months researchers Months scientists Months scientists KIWI 72 2 12 1 0 0 2 1 30 1 Table 2

  7. Requested EC contribution Maximum EC contribution Indirect costs Subcontracting Direct actual costs Lump sums/flat-rate Total 320.550 320.550 320.550 Monthly living and mobility A CASE STUDY ‐ Solution 6/8 allowance Travel Allowance B 6.000 6.000 6.000 Career exploratory C 6.000 6.000 6.000 allowance Table 3 Contribution to the 50.400 50.400 50.400 participation expenses of D eligible researchers Contribution to the researcher/training/transfer 51.600 51.600 51.600 E of knowledge programme expenses Contribution to the organisation of international 9.000 9.000 9.000 F conferences, workshops and events Management activities 37.003 37.003 37.003 (including certification on G financial statements) 48.055 48.055 48.055 Contribution to overheads H Other types of eligible expenses /specific I conditions 528.608 528.608 528.608 528.608 Total A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I

  8. CASE STUDY ‐ Solution 7/8 Questions and Answers Q. During the project implementation KIWI decided to not take the ER and to use the money allocated to the researcher to increase the budget for the organisation of a large international event. What is the procedure that KIWI should follow to change his budget? A. By derogation from Article 4.2, transfers of budget from the allowances allocated for the activities carried out by the researcher to the amounts allocated for the activities carried out by the beneficiary are not allowed. Q. KIWI plans to transfer the “Travel allowance” to the ESRs at the end of all the mobility period (so at the end of the 36 months). How KIWI should report this change in the Form C? A. The travel allowance must be paid yearly, usually at the beginning of each mobility year. Q. Due to project’s unexpected situation, the ER will not be able to go to KIWI for his/her mobility period. Is it possible to change such man/month with ESR, and which should be the procedures to follow? A. Before to do this kind of change is fundamental to inform the Project Officer. In theory it’s possible to do the change and the remaining money of Living allowance could be used for example to extend the mobility period of the ESR

  9. CASE STUDY ‐ Solution 8/8 Questions and Answers Q. In order to be fair KIWI decides to apply the same contract and salary levels for the Marie Curie fellows as the other researchers in its organization, meaning €32.500 of organisation costs for the ESR, and €57.000, for the ER. Is this possible? A. It’s not possible to reduce the salary of the MC researchers, the Living Allowance of the ESR (without family) can not be less of 34.000 euro. Oppositely, please notice that it is possible to increase the salary of the researchers, for example, the Living Allowance of the ER (with family) is € 53.000 and in this case could be increased to € 57.000, nevertheless, please notice that the eligible cost for the EC is only € 53.000, the difference should be paid by the hosting organisation. Q. KIWI provides intensive coaching to the fellows with its own personnel. E.g. Senior Research Manager Silvio Berlusconi will dedicate 1 day a month to coaching, equaling € 17.230, of salary. In which category should this costs be declared? A. To be investigated! The cost of Silvio Berlusconi (own personnel of KIWI) for coaching sessions, may be declared under the cost category “D ‐ Contribution to the participation expenses of eligible researchers”, even if this category of cost is a fixed amount of 600 euro per researcher ‐ month (for laboratory research projects)

  10. THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Ron WEERDMEESTER Carolina SALAS Phone: +39 085 77547 Phone: +39 06 33268972 Fax: +39 085 77547 Fax: +39 06 33267022

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