case management training program

Case Management Training Program May 18, 2016 Anissa Ray, Training - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Case Management Training Program May 18, 2016 Anissa Ray, Training Program Manager, Infectious Disease Bureau Vadim Kogan Training Coordinator, Infectious Disease Bureau Vis isio ion: Empower er ca case m se manager ers t s to work as a s

  1. Case Management Training Program May 18, 2016 Anissa Ray, Training Program Manager, Infectious Disease Bureau Vadim Kogan Training Coordinator, Infectious Disease Bureau

  2. Vis isio ion: Empower er ca case m se manager ers t s to work as a s a co community t y to p provide e co consi sist sten ent, co compreh ehen ensi sive e care t ca e to PL PLWH. The g goa oal: For a all PLWH to a achieve a and ma maintain viral suppression. . Step eps s to rea each ch t the g e goal: Collaborate to build and share resources Develop a learning community of case managers, clients and others Advocate for the health and wellbeing of PLWH and those who serve them

  3. Our M Mission: To partner with organizations within the Boston EMA to provide comprehensive case management training and resources in order to provide PLWH with barrier free access to the full continuum of HIV services so they can reach and maintain viral suppression.

  4. Case Management Core Curriculum  Science of HIV Goal: Provide case managers with background scientific knowledge needed to support their clients.  Building a Client & Case Manager Partnership Goal: To understand the “unmet needs” of PLWH and to empower clients to obtain the resources necessary to address these needs.  Comprehensive Services Planning Goal: To enhance case managers’ skills so they are able to support PLWH to reach and maintain viral suppression and comply with funder requirements.

  5. Contact Us Anissa Ray Vadim Kogan Training Program Manager Training Coordinator II P: 617-534-5672 P: 617-534-2277 F: 617-419-1517 F: 617-419-1518 Visit our webpage for additional information on upcoming trainings, registration and resources. Will insert link to our webpage once it is up and running


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