CAS@UCC Year 11 Parent Presentation 2017
What is CAS? It’s everything you remember in life! It’s fun! It’s France!
CAS Creativity Developing a broader view of the world and of oneself through the arts, and other experiences that involve creative thinking . Working in areas that stretch oneself beyond his/her comfort zone and embraces ‘thinking outside of the box’. MUN, Debating, DECA, Art Club, Any music program, Convergence, College Times, Robotics...over 55 on-campus opportunites. Off campus is fine too! Take up writing, sketching, create someting, learn a language, give a presentation ….. Activity Physical involvement contributing to a healthy lifestyle , complementing academic work elsewhere in the Diploma Programme. Can be formal - like a team or informal. Take up yoga! Start walking! Get out there and do something! Service Unpaid and voluntary exchange that has a learning benefit for the student. The rights, dignity and autonomy of all those involved are respected. The Goal is to work with someone and not work for a person and/or organization. On- campus: Horizons and over 15 Service Clubs; Off-campus: do something monthly, or weekly...regularly is the key.
Balance Find a balance between the 3 strands. Can do “all of one strand” one year and others the second year or mix it up. Whatever works for best for you and your family life. Try and stay involved in each activity for at least 4-6 weeks, if possible. Find something he loves!
CAS vs OSSD CAS does not count hours. The IB just wants them to have a balanced program between the three elements: Creativity, Action and Service. They must do reflections on their major experiences in each of C, A and S. The IB prefers if the experiences take place over several week or months. OSSD counts hours. The Ontario Government requires these to be the in the area of Service only. “One-off” experiences are fine. He needs 40 of them.
Do they need these to graduate? Yes.
What does he have to submit? He must be recording his major activities and creative commitments on a regular basis and REFLECTING on them and providing EVIDENCE. He must be recording ALL his service activities and having them CONFIRMED by the supervisor (or submit a letter of confirmation as evidence). He must REFLECT on the major service activities.
How is this monitored? ManageBAC system. Year 11 students will be trained over the next few weeks.
The Reflections
What do you have to do? Encourage your son to try something new this year. Support the school if we call you letting you know he’s missing something. Tell him to come and see me if he’s confused.
Anything else? NO - you are feeding him and sending him here. You have done your job!
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