Can You Hear Me Now? Expressive Language: Speaking & Writing for English Learners SAMUEL II 2018 Grades 9-12
Presentation Overview ▪ Introduction ▪ Laws and Court Cases ▪ Terms to Know ▪ Resources for Lesson Planning ▪ Language Domains ▪ BICS and CALP ▪ Language Objectives ▪ Strategies for Speaking and Writing ▪ Resources
Finding SAMUEL resources on the ALSDE website: Hover over Department Offices Under Office of Student Learning , click Federal Programs Click English Language Learners Hover over SAMUEL Click 2017 – 2018 Look for PowerPoint and Handouts for 9-12
Same Does NOT ALL IN Folks! Its all about the mean Equal! program! Plyler v. Doe Lau v. Nichols Castañeda vs. (U.S. Supreme Court Pickard (US Supreme Court Decision Decision 1982) 1974) (5 th Cir. 1981 648 F.2d 989(US Chilling Effect, COURT OF APPEALS) Registration Process Equitable Access to Sound Theory and Research, Education Implementation, Evaluation Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) No person in the United States shall, on the High academic standards for all students ground of race, color, or national origin, be Monitor exited ELs for four years excluded from participation in, be denied the (accountability) benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination ELs language proficiency and academic under any program or activity receiving achievement are more fully integrated into Federal financial assistance. accountability and assessment Laws and Court Cases
Terms to Know ▪ EL – English Learner (the student) ▪ ESL – English as a Second Language (program) ▪ ELD – English Language Development (program) ▪ L-TEL – Long-term ELs ( 5 years or more) ▪ SIFE – S tudents with I nterrupted F ormal E ducation (Newcomers) ▪ L1 – Native Language ▪ L2 – Second Language
Input Output Receptive Language Productive Language Listening Reading Speaking Writing
WIDA English Language Development Standards
In addition to the WIDA standards, the Alabama CCRS states: ▪ The Alabama CCRS standards set requirements not only for English language arts (ELA) but also for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects (including mathematics). ▪ Literacy standards for Grade 6 and above are based on teachers of ALL SUBJECTS using their content-area expertise to help students meet the particular challenges of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language in their respective fields. ▪ It is important to note that the Grades 6-12 literacy standards in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects are not meant to replace content standards in those areas but rather to supplement them. (pg. 1)
Language Proficiency Levels Expanding Bridging Entering Emerging Developing Reaching 4 5 1 2 3 6 paragraph words and simple simple extended support sentences paragraph pictures passages
ACTIVITY: Pass the Pencil • Pass your paper to the • Write your first name at the left. top of the paper. • Write something that you • Write one thing that intrigued want to know more about. you about the first few slides. • Pass the paper back to its owner. • Pass your paper to the left. • Share and Discuss. • Write one thing that you already knew from the first few slides.
Level 1: words and pictures • Speaking Name/Identify items • Answer yes/no questions • Answer WH- questions • All with VISUAL SUPPORT • Level 2: short, simple sentences • Speaking CAN-DOs from WIDA Ask WH- questions • Describe pictures, objects • Restate facts • Level 3: complex sentences/short • paragraphs Describe procedures • Retell stories/events • Level 4: multiple paragraphs/longer passages • Paraphrase/summarize content • Describe in small groups • Explain Cause/effect with support • (sentence starters) Level 5: still needs support with academic • language Engage in debate • Give examples/justify responses • Defend point of view •
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills vs. Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (Cummins, 1979) BICS CALP “Playground” or Academic 1-2 5-7 Social Language Language YEARS YEARS
Level 1: words and pictures Writing Label objects, diagrams • Draw in response to prompts • Produce words/phrases • Level 2: short, simple sentences Writing CAN-Dos from WIDA Make lists • Produce phrases, short sentences • Give info from oral or written • directions Level 3: complex sentences/ short paragraphs Produce bare-bones texts • Compare/contrast info • Describe events, people, processes • Level 4: multiple paragraphs/longer passages Summarize information • Edit and revise writing • Create original ideas • Level 5: still needs support with academic language Apply information to new contexts • Multiple forms of writing •
Resources for lesson planning: CCRS WIDA Standards Key Uses Can Do Descriptors
Lesson Plan – Standards and Objectives Rags to Riches or Riches to Rags? Standards CCRS WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards MA2015 (9-12) Algebraic Connections – Standard 1 – English language learners communicate for Social and 3. Use formulas or equations of functions to calculate Instructional purposes within the school setting. outcomes of exponential growth. Standard 2 - English language learners communicate information, ideas 7. Use analytical, numerical, and graphical methods to and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of make financial and economic decisions. Language Arts. ELA 2015 – Standard 3 - English language learners communicate information, ideas 22. Write informative or explanatory texts to examine and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information Mathematics. clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. [W.9-10.2] What How Content Language Objectives Students will be able to: Students will be able to: apply the interest formulas to a real life situation. Describe the components of the interest formulas ( speaking ) using • use the writing process to create an expository visuals and manipulative supports. (explaining) essay. Explain which solution yields the greatest return ( speaking ) using • words, pictures and other graphic supports. Create a poster or graphic organizer to sequence the steps of the • writing process. ( writing ) Write a paragraph to explain how they solved the problem using • sentence frames, a word bank, and other visual/graphic supports. ( writing)
Why are language objectives important? What they will do to What they will learn Objectives Content Language demonstrate what they learn Students will be able to: Students will be able to: apply the interest formulas to a • Describe the components of the interest real life situation. formulas ( speaking ) using visuals and use the writing process to create manipulative supports. an expository (explaining) essay . • Explain which solution yields the greatest return using words, pictures and other graphic supports. (speaking) Focusing on the • Sort the steps of the writing process by objectives is creating a poster, storyboard, or graphic organizer to sequence the steps. (writing) important because • Write a paragraph to explain how they this is how you will solved the problem using sentence frames, grade your ELs at their a word bank, and other visual/graphic proficiency level. supports . (writing )
Creating Language Objectives for Speaking retrieved 8/23/2017 Language Objectives Verbs Retell Explain Summarize Sing When you plan your Discuss Echo Share Repeat lessons, what language Tell Read aloud development concerns Persuade Present will you address? Argue Talk Report Say HOW are they going Recite Whisper to speak? Describe Chant Comment Announce Answer Ask
Creating Language Objectives for Writing retrieved 8/23/2017 Language Objectives Verbs Write Fill in Draw Illustrate When you plan your Copy Color lessons, what Compare Record language Contrast Collect development Draft Graph concerns will you Type Diagram address ? Label Create Edit Make HOW are they going Sort Print to write? Summarize
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