can we use big data for skills anticipation and matching

Can we use big data for skills anticipation and matching? The case - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Can we use big data for skills anticipation and matching? The case of Online Job Vacancies Fabio Mercorio, PhD in AI Assistant Professor in AI and Data Science University of Milano-Bicocca Geneva, September 20 th , 2019 The CRISP Centre

  1. “Can we use big data for skills anticipation and matching?” The case of Online Job Vacancies Fabio Mercorio, PhD in AI Assistant Professor in AI and Data Science University of Milano-Bicocca Geneva, September 20 th , 2019

  2. The CRISP Centre @Unimib The Interuniversity research centre on public services (CRISP) is an interdisciplinary academic network of Universities in Milan, guided by Unimib Research Goal. To study and support policy and decision makers in the analysis of socio-economic phenomena through novel AI, Big Data and Statistics algorithms and pipelines, by processing statistical, administrative and web data as well. 2

  3. Some Research Projects on Big Data for LM [selection] • (2014-2016) Cedefop I [Prototype real-time skill and vacancies analysis] . 5 countries (United Kingdom, Ireland, Czech Republic, Italy and Germany). Granted by Cedefop • (2016-ongoing) Cedefop II [Development of Cedefop I real-time system for Europe] . 28 EU Countries, 32 languages supported. Granted by Cedefop • (2016-ongoing) ETF [Guide on putting Big Data into LMI + source selection for Tunisia and Morocco] , Granted by The European Training Foundation • (2016-ongoing) Italian Digital Competences Observatory 2017, 2018 and 2019 [Estimate Skill Impact on ICT jobs] granted by Italian ICT Unions. • (2018-ongoing) EXCELSIOR [Put OJV into Official Occupation Statistics] granted by The Italian Unions of chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture • (2017-ogoing) REPLY-VET [Strengthening key competencies of low-skilled people in VET to cover future replacement positions]. Erasmus+ 3

  4. Labour Market Challenging Factors 1. Skills Evolution LM 2. New Emerging Occupations CHALLENGING 3. Job Automatisation/Replacement FACTORS 4. Mobility 1. Updated information (near-real-time) LM 2. Data driven decisions (let data speak) NEEDS 3. Process LM data at scale Labour Market Intelligence (LMI): Design, define and implement AI-based framework and algorithms to derive knowledge from labour market information

  5. “Can we use big data for skills anticipation and matching?” • Occupation and Skill Discovery: Focus on occupations and skills requested by the online-LM • Soft/Digital/Hard Skill Rates: How to estimate the impact of digitalization within occupations? • New Emerging Occupations on the basis of skill (dis)similarities • Training Course Design through skills identification • Taxonomy Extension: Improve skills/occupations taxonomy through

  6. How to deal with OJVs at scale?

  7. Web Job Vacancy example Job Title: Data Scientist . Description: We’re looking for a talented Computer Scientist to join our growing development team. Your expertise in data will help us take this to the next level. You will be responsible for identifying opportunities to further improve how we connect recruiters with jobseekers, and designing and implementing solutions. […] Required skills and experience: • SQL and relational databases; • Data analysis with R (or Matlab); • Processing large data sets with MapReduce and Hadoop); • Real time analytics with Spark, Storm or similar; • Machine Learning; • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and text mining; • Development in C++, Python, Perl; • Experience with search engines e.g. Lucene/Solr or ElasticSearch advantageous 8

  8. Web Job Vacancy example Job Title: Data Scientist . Description: We’re looking for a talented Computer Scientist to join our growing development team. Your expertise in data will help us take this to the next level. You will be responsible for identifying opportunities to further improve how we connect recruiters with jobseekers, and designing and implementing solutions. […] Required skills and experience: • SQL and relational databases; • Data analysis with R (or Matlab); • Processing large data sets with MapReduce and Hadoop); • Real time analytics with Spark, Storm or similar; • Machine Learning; • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and text mining; • Development in C++, Python, Perl; • Experience with search engines e.g. Lucene/Solr or ElasticSearch advantageous NEW ESCO Novel c SKILL SKILL l a s s Occ. i f i e d o n linkage ISCO/ Web contained Job ESCO SKILL Vac. classified on Occ. 9

  9. The Methodological path Data pre processing, Skills extraction Trasformation and cleansing Analysis and Classification Source selection, Data Visualisation Raking and data Ingestion 10

  10. ITALIAN Real-Time Labour Market Monitor Labour Market Intelligence Eco+ Stat AI Big Data OJV since 2013 – 4M+ vacancies unique 11

  11. EUROPEAN Real-Time Labour Market Monitor Labour Market Intelligence Eco+ Stat AI Big Data 28 EU Countries – 32 Languages – more than 6M unique vacancies per month 12

  12. Occupation and Skill Discovery: Focus on occupations and skills requested by the online-LM

  13. Li Live e demo emo: : Te Territorial di dimens nsion Credits to WollyBI: a trademark of TabulaeX

  14. Li Live e demo emo: : sk skills ills ga gap Credits to WollyBI: a trademark of TabulaeX

  15. Soft/Digital/Hard Skill Rates: How to estimate the impact of digitalization within occupations?

  16. Compute Skills Rates Goal : Estimate the pervasiveness of ICT in both ICT and not ICT- related jobs Idea: Exploit the informative power of Classified OJV for computing The Digita Skill Rate (DSR), Soft skill rate and Hard non digital Skill Rate DSR estimates the incidence of digital skills in a single profession and comes from observing the pervasiveness of digital skills in all professions whether they are related to the ICT world or not.

  17. Co Comp mpute e Ski kills Ra Rates es S OURCE W OLLY BI Demand of digital, specialist and soft skills - by sector Ad hoc analyses at different level of granularity, here focusing on the «sector»…. Credits to WollyBI: a trademark of TabulaeX

  18. Co Comp mpute e Ski kills Ra Rates es S OURCE W OLLY BI Secretary personnel HR training specialist Graphic and multimedia designers Industrial and management engineers Applied and ICT Information Basic techniques Management Skills Brokerage Applied and Management Skills = ability to use tools and software to manage both operational • and decisional processes ICT Techniques Skill = very specialized on solutions, platforms and programming languages • Basic Skill = for everyday use of basic IT tools • Information Brokerage Skill = for the use of IT tools aimed at corporate communication • … and more, looking at each occupation… Credits to WollyBI: a trademark of TabulaeX

  19. Co Comp mpute e Ski kills Ra Rates es [E [ESC SCO sk skills ills + + no novel] S OURCE W OLLY BI Information Applied and Management Skills ICT techniques Brokerage Program Front-end Graphic SW 3D Database s for Web Occupation Website Software markup modelling usage draughts programming implementation Usage usage man Graphic and multimedia designers Applied and Management Skills Information Brokerage Digital SEO Social Database data Search Occupation ERP Networ usage manage Engine k Usage ment Optimiz. HR training specialist … and more, looking at elementary skills Credits to WollyBI: a trademark of TabulaeX

  20. New Emerging Occupations on the basis of skill (dis)similarities

  21. Detecting new emerging occupations through AI 1. Classify OJV over ISCO-iv digit 2. Build-up several vector-space Job Vacancy Source A Vacancies classified over Word Similarities on Word-embeddings code A of ISCO-08 code A representations of words (occupations and skills) to catch lexicon similarities between ISCO IV digit Word Similarities Classifier OJVs Vacancies classified over Word-embeddings Word Similarities Job Vacancy Source B on code B code B of ISCO-08 3. Compute similarities between known terms (occupations and skills) and new ones Word Similarities Word-embeddings Job Vacancy Source N Vacancies classified over 4. Suggest new potential on code Z code Z of ISCO-08 occupations for Human-AI validation Human-AI Suggested new Approved new interaction potential occupations occupations

  22. (Some) New Emerging Occupations Data Scientist Cloud Computing Cyber Security Expert Big Data Analyst Business Intelligence Analyst Social Media Marketing 9,000 Web Job Vacancies collected related to (some) new emerging occupations (above) between Jan-2014 and August-2019

  23. DATA SCIENTIST – 1,7k vacancies 2014-2019 39% 48% 13% MATH & STAT COMPUTING BUS & ADM HARD SKILLS • Data Analysis, Statistical Learning SQL, Python, Hadoop Public Relations • • • SAS, R BI, Machine-Learning Management • • SAP & SPSS* • Data Integration Clients Relations • • Management 38% 29% 13% 7% 5% PROBLEM BEHAVIOURS LEADERSHIP FOREIGN LANGUAGES SOFT SKILLS SOLVING COLLABORATION Variation 2019 vs 2018: +31% Variation 2019 vs 2017: +149%

  24. SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST – 0,4k vacancies 2014-2019 55% 39% 16% MATH & BUS & ADM COMPUTING HARD SKILLS STAT Adobe Photoshop & HTML5 Management • Data Analysis • Google Analytics & AdWords* • Public Relations • CMS (Content Management • Marketing • System)* 42% 35% 7% 6% 4% BEHAVIOURS FOREIGN LANGUAGES SOFT SKILLS PROBLEM SOLVING CREATIVE & ENTREPN. THINKING INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION Variation 2019 vs 2018: +105% Variation 2019 vs 2017: +123%

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