can one extract causal information from high dimensional

Can one extract causal information from high-dimensional - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Can one extract causal information from high-dimensional observational data? Applied Multivariate Statistics Spring 2012 (not relevant for exam) What is a causal effect? Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 2 What is a causal effect? Drowning

  1. Can one extract causal information from high-dimensional observational data? Applied Multivariate Statistics – Spring 2012 (not relevant for exam)

  2. What is a causal effect? Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 2

  3. What is a causal effect? Drowning accidents Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 3

  4. What is a causal effect? Drowning accidents Ice cream sales Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 4

  5. What is a causal effect? Drowning accidents Ice cream sales Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 5

  6. What is a causal effect? Drowning accidents Ice cream sales Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 6

  7. What is a causal effect? Drowning accidents Ice cream sales ? Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 7

  8. What is a causal effect? Drowning accidents Ice cream sales Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 8

  9. What is a causal effect? Drowning accidents Ice cream sales Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 9

  10. What is a causal effect? Drowning accidents Ice cream sales Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 10

  11. Another example: Smoking Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 11

  12. Scenario 1: Observe 1000 smoker and count the incidence of lung cancer Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 12

  13. Scenario 1: Observe 1000 smokers and count the incidence of lung cancer Scenario 2: Make 1000 random people smoke and count the incidence of lung cancer Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 13

  14. Scenario 1: Observe 1000 smokers and count the incidence of lung cancer Scenario 2: Make 1000 random people smoke and count the incidence of lung cancer are different. Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 14

  15. What is a causal effect? CHANGE BY INTERVENTION Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 15

  16. How to find causal effects? Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 16

  17. Experimental How to find causal effects? Data ? Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 17

  18. Experimental How to find causal effects? Data Two groups of plots: Identical in all aspects (sunlight, water, soil quality, …) Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 18

  19. Experimental How to find causal effects? Data Two groups of plots: Identical in all aspects (sunlight, water, soil quality, …) Practice: Randomized assignment Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 19

  20. Experimental How to find causal effects? Data Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 20

  21. Experimental How to find causal effects? Data Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 21

  22. Experimental How to find causal effects? Data Outcome due to fertilizer, since everything else was equal Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 22

  23. How to find causal effects? Sometimes, randomized controlled experiments are  too expensive (gene experiments)  too time-consuming (gene experiments)  unethical (HIV treatment)  just not practical (smoking). Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 23

  24. Observational If experiment is impossible… Data Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 24

  25. Observational … observe fields of two farmers. Data Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 25

  26. Observational … observe fields of two farmers. Data Groups not guaranteed to be identical in all aspects (sunlight, water, soil quality, …) Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 26

  27. Observational … observe fields of two farmers. Data Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 27

  28. Observational … observe fields of two farmers. Data Is outcome due to fertilizer? We can’t tell ! Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 28

  29. Observational … observe fields of two farmers. Data Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 29

  30. Observational … observe fields of two farmers. Data Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 30

  31. How to find causal effects? Can one extract causal information from observational data alone? Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 31

  32. IDA Goal of this talk  IDA finds a set of possible causal effects given observational data consistently even in high dimensions.  One element of the set is the true causal effect; bounds on set are useful  Does not replace randomized experiments  Helps prioritizing and designing random experiments Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 32

  33. Example  Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 33

  34. Example  Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 34

  35. Example  Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae  What are the causal effects among the thousands of genes? Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 35

  36. Example  Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae  What are the causal effects among the thousands of genes?  Approach: Model gene expression of each gene as a random variable. Can we use the joint distribution of gene expression to extract causal information? Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 36

  37. Here is a distribution oracle. Now find the causal effect! Distribution oracle Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 37

  38. Outline in Theory Distribution oracle do-calculus Causal IDA with known Structure causal structure Causal effects Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 38

  39. do-calculus Pearl’s do -operator with known causal structure  Notation for causal intervention P(Y=y | do(X=x)) “distribution of Y, if there is an intervention in variable X ”  Causal effect C(x’) = d/ dx E[Y=y | do(X=x)]| x=x’ “change in expected value of Y, if there is an intervention in variable X ” Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 39

  40. do-calculus P(Y=y | X=x) ≠ P(Y=y | do(X=x)) with known causal structure Pick a random day: P(rain | wet) = high P(rain | do(wet)) = = P(rain) = = low Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 40

  41. do-calculus Pearl’s do -calculus with known causal structure Causal structure Rules: Z Expression with “do” X Expression without “do” Y Judea Pearl, “ Causality” , 2010, Cambridge University Press Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 41

  42. do-calculus with known Example: Back-door Adjustment causal structure Assume Z is binary (0/1) Causal structure P(Y=y | do(X=x)) Z Rules X P(Y=y | X=x, Z=0) * P(Z=0) + P(Y=y | X=x, Z=1) * P(Z=1) Y Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 42

  43. do-calculus with known Example: Back-door Adjustment causal structure Assume Z is binary (0/1) “do” Causal structure P(Y=y | do(X=x)) Z Rules X P(Y=y | X=x, Z=0) * P(Z=0) + P(Y=y | X=x, Z=1) * P(Z=1) Y Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 43

  44. do-calculus with known Example: Back-door Adjustment causal structure Assume Z is binary (0/1) Causal structure P(Y=y | do(X=x)) Z Rules X P(Y=y | X=x, Z=0) * P(Z=0) + P(Y=y | X=x, Z=1) * P(Z=1) Y No “do” Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 44

  45. do-calculus with known Conclusion 1 causal structure If causal structure is known, we can infer causal effects from observations Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 45

  46. Outline in Theory Distribution IDA  oracle do-calculus Causal with known Structure causal structure Causal effects Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 46

  47. Causal Structure Estimate Causal Structure Oftentimes, causal structure is unknown Estimate causal structure Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 47

  48. Causal Structure Causal Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) X W Z Y Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 48

  49. Causal Structure Causal Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) X W Random Direct Variables cause Z Y Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 49

  50. Causal Structure Causal Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) X W Random Direct Variables cause Z Y implies Conditional independence relations among variables Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 50

  51. Causal Structure Estimate a DAG model DAG encodes independence information Independencies among Reverse DAG variables given engineering by oracle Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 51

  52. Causal Structure Estimate a DAG model DAG encodes independence information PC Algorithm Independencies among Reverse DAG variables given engineering by oracle P. Spirtes, C. Glymour, R. Scheines , “ Causation, Prediction, and Search ”, 2000, MIT Press Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 52

  53. Causal Structure Ambiguity: Equivalence class Several DAGs describe exactly the same list of independence relations X W X W Y Z Y Z Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 53

  54. Causal Structure Ambiguity: Equivalence class Several DAGs describe exactly the same list of independence relations X W X W Y Z Y Z Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 54

  55. Causal Structure Ambiguity: Equivalence class Several DAGs describe exactly the same list of independence relations X W X W Y Z Y Z X W Y Z Equivalence class: PARTIALLY Directed Acyclic Graph (PDAG) Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 55

  56. Causal Structure Ambiguity: Equivalence class Several DAGs describe exactly the same list of independence relations X W X W Y Z Y Z X W Y Z Equivalence class: PARTIALLY Directed Acyclic Graph (PDAG) Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 56

  57. Causal Structure Ambiguity: Equivalence class Some DAGs describe exactly the same list of independence relations X W X W Y Z Y Z X W PC Algorithm finds equivalence class Y Z Equivalence class: PARTIALLY Directed Acyclic Graph (PDAG) Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 57

  58. Outline in Theory Distribution IDA  oracle do-calculus Causal with known Structure causal structure Up to equivalence class Causal effects Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 58

  59. Putting everything together DAG 1 Effect 1 Distribution PDAG … Set of causal effects oracle DAG n Effect n Markus Kalisch, ETH Zurich 59


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