South Sutter Water District Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project (FERC Project No. 2997) - Section 106 Consultation Kick-off Meeting- June 29 , 2016 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Meeting Purpose Provide Participants with the Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project Description and the FERC Relicensing Schedule Provide Overview of Section 106 and FERC Processes Discuss Cultural Resources Studies to be Completed as Part of the Relicensing Effort Cultural Resources Study Tribal Interests Study Introduce Project Ethnographer: Clinton Blount (Albion Environmental) Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 2 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Project Description These documents may be found on the Project’s public website at March 14, 2016 - SSWD filed with FERC a Notice of Intent to File an Application for a New License (NOI), a PAD, and a letter requesting FERC’s approval for SSWD to use FERC’s traditional licensing process (TLP). SSWD provided a copy of the letter to agencies, and advised them they had 30 days from the date of the letter to file comments with FERC on SSWD’s request to use the TLP. Prior to March 14, SSWD placed notices in local newspapers regarding the availability of SSWD’s NOI and PAD, and availability of SSWD’s request to use the TLP. May 13, 2016 - FERC issued a Notice of Intent to File License Application, Filing of Pre-Application Document, and Approving Use of The Traditional Licensing Process (Notice of Preceding). FERC also issued a letter to SSWD approving SSWD’s use of the TLP FERC’s Notice of Preceding included FERC delegating SSWD as FERC’s non-federal representative for carrying out informal consultation pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 3 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 4 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Relicensing Milestone Dates August 26, 2016 - Agencies, Indian tribes and members of the public deadline to provide comments on SSWD’s PAD, especially with regards to requests for studies [18 C.F.R. 16.8(b)(3)(i)(B)(5)] Late 2016 - Resolve study disagreements, if any [18 C.F.R. 16.8(b)(3)(i)(B)(6)] 2017 - SSWD develops data and information to be included in its application 2018 - SSWD prepares Draft License Application (DLA) December 2018 - SSWD makes DLA available to agencies, Indian tribes and members of the public for review March 2019 - Agencies, Indian tribes and members of the public may provide to SSWD written comments on the DLA April and May 2019 - SSWD holds meeting to resolve any substantive disagreements regarding SSWD’s conclusions on resource impacts and proposed measures in the DLA June 2019 - SSWD files with FERC SSWD’s Final License Application (FLA) Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 5 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Section 106 Process Section 106 requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties (i.e., cultural resources listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]) Applied to projects with “federal nexus” – actions that are funded, authorized, permitted, or otherwise carried out by any federal agency Implementing regulations of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) have been promulgated by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) in 36 CFR 800 Basic Section 106 Compliance Steps: Identification of Historic Properties (i.e., a cultural resources inventory and NRHP evaluations) Assessment of Adverse Effects to Historic Properties Caused by the Federal Undertaking Resolution of Adverse Effects Consultation with Consulting Parties Throughout the Section 106 Process (Native American Tribes, the State Historic Preservation Office, other participating federal and state agencies, and interested parties Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 6 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Cultural Resources Studies to be Completed Cultural Resources Study (Archaeological and Built Resources) – Steps and Schedule 1) Archival Research June 2016 – July 2016 2) Field Survey September 2016 – October 2016 3) Analysis and Report Preparation November 2016 – March 2017 Tribal Interests Study – Steps and Schedule 1) Archival Research June 2016 – August 2016 2) Tribal Consultation/Site Visits August 2016 – November 2016 3) Analysis Report Preparation November 2016 – March 2107 Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 7 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 8 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Section 106 Schedule Submit Study Reports to Tribes for Review Target Spring – Fall 2017 Following Tribal Review, Submit Study Reports to State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) for Review and Concurrence Fall – Winter 2017 File Study Reports with FERC Winter 2017 Develop HPMP in Consultation with Tribes, SHPO, and FERC Following Completion of Study Reports Execution of Programmatic Agreement (end of Section 106 for relicensing) Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 9 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
CEQA; PRC § 21080.3.1 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance to be completed following FERC process, after FERC issues its REA Notice. SSWD will be the lead agency for the CEQA process. SSWD will consult with California Native American tribes pursuant to the new CEQA requirements at PRC § 21080.3.1 Consultation with California Native American tribes pursuant to CEQA will be initiated when the CEQA process begins Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 10 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Project Ethnographer: Clinton Blount Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 11 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
Questions & Discussion Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project June 29, 2016 Slide 12 Presentation to State Historic Preservation Office and Native American Tribes
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