calf categorical automata learning framework

CALF: Categorical Automata Learning Framework Matteo Sammartino - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CALF: Categorical Automata Learning Framework Matteo Sammartino Alexandra Silva Gerco van Heerdt May 23, 2017 1 / 61 Active automata learning Active automata learning algorithms learn an automaton describing the behaviour of a system by

  1. CALF: Categorical Automata Learning Framework Matteo Sammartino Alexandra Silva Gerco van Heerdt May 23, 2017 1 / 61

  2. Active automata learning ◮ Active automata learning algorithms learn an automaton describing the behaviour of a system by providing inputs and observing outputs ◮ Enables verification methods that work on an automaton ◮ Allows comparison of different implementations of e.g. a network protocol Capturing systems more precisely requires more complex types of automata and more complicated learning algorithms Idea: understanding the main concepts on an abstract level helps developing and reasoning about new algorithms 2 / 61

  3. CALF Our Categorical Automata Learning Framework ◮ Gives an abstract view on the ingredients and constructions of learning algorithms, leading to new adaptations ◮ Covers also minimisation and equivalence testing ◮ Allows transferring optimisations among these areas other automata optimisations types Automata Learning 1 2 Testing Minimisation 3 3 / 61

  4. Active learning of DFAs: the basic setting ◮ Finite alphabet set A ◮ Target regular language L : A ∗ → 2 = { 0 , 1 } ◮ Oracle that can tell whether a given word is in L ( membership queries ) Aim is to learn a DFA accepting L , in particular the minimal one A simple data structure used to conjecture a DFA is the observation table 4 / 61

  5. Observation table Given S , E ⊆ A ∗ , define row t : S → 2 E row t ( s )( e ) = L ( se ) row b : S · A → 2 E row b ( sa )( e ) = L ( sae ) E ε a aa � ε 0 0 1 S � a 0 1 0 S · A b 0 0 0 S and E evolve throughout runs of learning algorithms 5 / 61

  6. Hypothesis Given an observation table defined by S , E ⊆ A ∗ , the hypothesis DFA is given by H = { row t ( s ) | s ∈ S } ⊆ 2 E init ∈ H init = row t ( ε ) δ : H × A → H δ (row t ( s ) , a ) = row b ( sa ) out: H → 2 out(row t ( s )) = row t ( s )( ε ) provided that ε ∈ S ∩ E and two properties hold 6 / 61

  7. Closedness and consistency ◮ Closedness states that each transition leads to a state of the hypothesis. The table is closed if for all t ∈ S · A there is s ∈ S such that row t ( s ) = row b ( t ) ◮ Consistency states that there is no ambiguity in determining transitions. The table is consistent if for all s 1 , s 2 ∈ S with row t ( s 1 ) = row t ( s 2 ) we have, for any a ∈ A , row b ( s 1 a ) = row b ( s 2 a ) 7 / 61

  8. Closedness The table is closed if for all t ∈ S · A there is s ∈ S such that row t ( s ) = row b ( t ) ε 1 ε 0 a If no such s exists, add the word t to S ε 1 ε a 0 aa 1 8 / 61

  9. Consistency The table is consistent if for all s 1 , s 2 ∈ S with row t ( s 1 ) = row t ( s 2 ) we have, for any a ∈ A , row b ( s 1 a ) = row b ( s 2 a ) ε ε 1 1 a 0 aa If row b ( s 1 a )( e ) � = row b ( s 2 a )( e ), add ae to E to distinguish row t ( s 1 ) and row t ( s 2 ) ε a ε ε 1 1 a 1 0 aa 0 0 9 / 61

  10. � � � Hypothesis construction ◮ State space: distinct top rows (image of row t ) ◮ Initial state: ε row ◮ Output: taken from ε column ◮ Transitions: appending symbols to row labels ε a a ε 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 a a aa 0 1 10 / 61

  11. ID algorithm Assume a given set S ⊆ A ∗ such that for every state of the minimal DFA accepting L there is a word in S reaching that state Closedness will automatically hold 1. Initialise E = { ε } 2. Enforce consistency 3. Construct the hypothesis The hypothesis will be isomorphic to the minimal DFA 11 / 61

  12. ⋆ algorithm L Assume an oracle that can tell whether a hypothesis accepts the right language, and if not provides a counterexample word ( equivalence queries ) 1. Enforce closedness and consistency 2. Construct the hypothesis 3. Ask the oracle if the hypothesis is correct 4. If not, add all prefixes of the counterexample to S and restart The hypothesis will be correct after finitely many iterations, and it will be isomorphic to the minimal DFA 12 / 61

  13. DA of words Given the language L : A ∗ → 2, we have a DA accepting L : ◮ State space: A ∗ ◮ Initial state: ε ∈ A ∗ ◮ Output: L : A ∗ → 2 ◮ Transitions: c : A ∗ × A → A ∗ c ( u , a ) = ua 13 / 61

  14. Reachability map If Q is a DA accepting L , there is a unique DA homomorphism r : A ∗ → Q given by r ( ε ) = init Q r ( ua ) = δ Q ( r ( u ) , a ) called the reachability map , which assigns to each word the state it reaches in Q Q is reachable if r is surjective: every state is reached by a word 14 / 61

  15. DA of languages Given the language L : A ∗ → 2, we have a DA accepting L : ◮ State space: 2 A ∗ ◮ Initial state: L ∈ 2 A ∗ ◮ Output: ε ?: 2 A ∗ → 2 ε ?( l ) = l ( ε ) ◮ Transitions: ∂ : 2 A ∗ × A → 2 A ∗ ∂ ( l , a )( v ) = l ( av ) e.g. ∂ ( { a , ba , abb } , a ) = { ε, bb } 15 / 61

  16. Observability map If Q is a DA accepting L , there is a unique DA homomorphism o : Q → 2 A ∗ given by o ( q )( ε ) = out Q ( q ) o ( q )( av ) = o ( δ Q ( q , a ))( v ) called the observability map , which assigns to each state the language it accepts The DA Q is observable if o is injective: different states accept different languages A DA is minimal if it is both reachable and observable 16 / 61

  17. Total response The language L : A ∗ → 2 induces DAs A ∗ and 2 A ∗ accepting L The reachability map of 2 A ∗ coincides with the observability map of A ∗ in the DA homomorphism called the total response of L : t L : A ∗ → 2 A ∗ t L ( u )( v ) = L ( uv ) → Q o r → 2 A ∗ If Q is any DA accepting L , then t L = A ∗ − − 17 / 61

  18. � � � Function factorisation Every function can be written as a surjection followed by an injection: f B C e ( b ) = f ( b ) e � � m m ( c ) = c im( f ) 18 / 61

  19. � � � Factorisation uniqueness In a commutative square of functions as on the left, i � � i � � U V U V d g � g � h h j j � X � X W � W � where i is surjective and j injective, there is a unique diagonal d making the triangles commute: d ( i ( u )) = g ( u ) 19 / 61

  20. � � � DA homomorphism factorisation In an image factorisation f B C � m e � � im( f ) if f is a DA homomorphism, then so are e and m , given this DA structure on im( f ): ◮ Initial state: initial state of C ◮ Output: output of C ◮ Transitions: the unique diagonal e × id A � � m × id A � B × A im( f ) × A C × A δ im( f ) � δ B � δ C e m � im( f ) � � C B 20 / 61

  21. � � � � � � Minimal DA The minimal DA accepting L : A ∗ → 2 can be obtained in theory by factorising the total response t L : t L 2 A ∗ A ∗ e m � � M Since e and m are DA homomorphisms, we must have e = r M and m = o M by the uniqueness properties t L 2 A ∗ A ∗ r o � � M 21 / 61

  22. � � � � Minimisation Similarly, the reachable part of a DA Q is obtained by factorising its reachability map: r A ∗ Q r � � R � Equivalent states are merged by factorising the observability map: o 2 A ∗ Q o � � O � 22 / 61

  23. � � � The hypothesis approximates the minimal DA t L 2 A ∗ A ∗ r o � � M Concretely, the minimal DA is given by M = { t L ( u ) | u ∈ A ∗ } init ∈ M init = t L ( ε ) δ : M × A → M δ ( t L ( u ) , a ) = t L ( ua ) out: M → 2 out( t L ( u )) = t L ( u )( ε ) This is equivalent to the hypothesis for S = E = A ∗ 23 / 61

  24. � � � Abstract automaton Given a category C , objects I and O in C , and a functor F : C → C , an automaton is an object Q in C with three morphisms: FQ δ Q init out I O 24 / 61

  25. � � � � DAs as automata For DAs: ◮ A singleton 1 serves as the initial state selector ◮ The set 2 = { 0 , 1 } captures rejection (0) and acception (1) ◮ The functor ( − ) × A provides the transition domain FQ Q × A δ δ Q Q init � out init � out 1 2 I O 25 / 61

  26. � � � � � � � � � � Reachability and observability maps Assume an initial object @ among automata without output and a final object Ω among automata without initial state: Fr Fo F @ FQ F Ω δ r � Q o @ Ω init out I O Languages can be defined as morphisms I → Ω or @ → O , which correspond bijectively to each other through the total response The total response may be defined as the reachability map of Ω or as the observability map of @ 26 / 61

  27. Factorisation system We assume two classes of C -morphisms: ◮ “surjective” morphisms E and ◮ “injective” morphisms M such that ◮ every C -morphism f : A → B can be factored as f = m ◦ e , with e ∈ E and m ∈ M ; ◮ E and M are closed under composition and contain all isos; ◮ everything in E is an epi, and everything in M is a mono; and ◮ we have the unique diagonal property that does not fit on this slide but is the same as before Lifts to the category of automata if F preserves E 27 / 61

  28. 28 / 61

  29. � � Approximating an object A wrapper for an object T is a pair of morphisms σ π w = ( S − → T , T − → P ) ◮ T is called the target of w ◮ σ selects from T ◮ π classifies T The (unstructured) hypothesis H is the image of ξ = π ◦ σ : σ π � P S T e m � � H � 29 / 61

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