Business Model Canvas
Business Model : Definition A business model describes how an idea will create value.
How do they make money? Product & service Subscription to a Ad revenue sales service
How do they make money? Commission Freemium
Building your business model You can visualize your business model using a business model canvas … or use old way J
Business plan or Business model canvas Business Plan Business Model Canvas
Customer Customer Key activities Key partners segments relationships What will your business spend the Who are your paying What types of most time doing? What external customers? interactions will your partnerships customers expect to Product development? Do you have any Value should you invest have with you? Sales? Other? non-paying in? proposition customers? Channels Key resources Mentors? • How large is this How will customers Lawyers? What will it cost for: • group? find out about you? Distributors? • Manufacturing? Do you have Suppliers? • How will you get Intellectual property? multiple customer products to them? Human resources? segments? Revenue streams Cost structure How might you make $ from this? • How much time and money will be required What value, other than money, are you • to do this? hoping to create?
Transform the business model canvas Use the business model canvas for the idea development... …this is an excellent template to approach your project in any stage !
Audience Key activities YOUR IDEA Key partners relationships Audience What specific tasks segments What kind of must you do to get Project idea Who can you ask to relationship are you your idea off the invest their time and Who is your idea trying to build with ground? energy to help you? for? your audience? Lesson idea Teachers? • Channels What are the needs Key resources Peers? Thesis • of this group? What are some Parents? • What materials statement different ways of Subject experts? • should you invest in? Why would they find presenting your your idea valuable? idea? Hypothesis The cost of your idea The value of your idea Time investment Social value • • Which collaborators would be valuable to Academic value • • invest in? Monetary value • Material investment •
Let’s assemble canvas !
Client Segments • Whom you are selling to ? • B2B, B2C or both • Where are they located ? • Europe, Asia, Global • What are your customer profiles ? • Long thinking, Only group decision –making • DO YOUR KYC !!!
Customer Relationships
Revenue Streams
Value Proposition
Key Activities Are you spending most of the time on product development ? Are the sales most important for you ? Is R&D the ultimate way to your business success ? Or some mix of above ? You have to decided based on your business uniqueness
Key Resources • Resources needed to support Key Activities - Key Employees - Proprietary technology - Superior business know-how - Expertise of client segment - Excellence in business process management Key Activities are dependent on Key Resources
Key Partners • 2 better than one ! To strengthen Key Activities you cooperate with other players - Universities - Service providers - Strategic suppliers Key Partners are the external Key Resources for your Key Activities
Cost Structure • Cost structure supports the Key Activities which are dedicated to Value Proposition in order to make Revenues • Are the costs aligned with this value chain ? • Are they more variable or fixed ? • Do they scale slower than revenue ?
Be Benefits of Bu Business Model Ca Canvas • One pager • Well structured for discussions • Fast to draw • Everything strategic is covered • Great for new ideas, business verticals screening • Easily understandable and transparent to the whole team PLEASE USE IT !
To understand BMC use your imagination !
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