building resilience linking covid 19 and climate change

Building Resilience Linking Covid-19 and Climate Change June 5, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Resilience Linking Covid-19 and Climate Change June 5, 2020 Dont Rebuild Systems that Broke: Investing in community-led climate resiliency in Portland, Oregon Sam Baraso Program Manager, Portland Clean Energy Fund Bureau of

  1. Building Resilience Linking Covid-19 and Climate Change June 5, 2020

  2. Don’t Rebuild Systems that Broke: Investing in community-led climate resiliency in Portland, Oregon Sam Baraso Program Manager, Portland Clean Energy Fund Bureau of Planning & Sustainability City of Portland, OR Sustainable Quarterly Climate Adaptation Forum | June 5, 2020 Solutions Lab

  3. Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) Climate Adaptation Forum Building Resilience, 6/5/2020 1

  4. What is the Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF)? established by a successful ballot measure passed by 65% • of Portland voters in November 2018 first-ever environmental measure in Oregon history created • and led by communities of color $44-61M in new annual revenue for green jobs and • climate-related investment in frontline communities Climate Adaptation Forum – 06/05/2020 – 2

  5. What is the purpose of PCEF? provide long-term funding source for climate action that • supports social, economic, and environmental benefits projects that benefit low-income communities and • communities of color Prioritize skills training and workforce development for • economically disadvantaged and traditionally underemployed Climate Adaptation Forum – 06/05/2020 – 3

  6. How is PCEF funded? 1% surcharge on retailers whose annual sales are over $1 billion nationally AND over $500,000 in Portland. Climate Adaptation Forum – 06/05/2020 – 4

  7. How are funds accessed? NONPROFITS PCEF COMMITTEE CITY COUNCIL GRANT PROPOSALS Climate Adaptation Forum – 06/05/2020 – 5

  8. Where will the money go? What kinds of projects can be funded Climate Adaptation Forum – 06/05/2020 – 6

  9. How are we accountable to meeting PCEF goals? Targets: • At least 20% of funding to nonprofits with track record of serving economically • disadvantaged community members At least 50% of clean energy projects should specifically benefit low-income residents • and communities of color. Requirements: • Funding agreements must include terms to encourage rent stability • All projects must agree to a specified workforce and contractor equity plan • At least 180% of minimum wage to employees on PCEF projects. • Processes: • Equity-centered Grant Committee • Public engagement • Reporting and continuous improvement. • Climate Adaptation Forum – 06/05/2020 – 7

  10. Year One Timeline 1. RFP development • Grant scoring criteria • Workforce and contractor equity agreement • RFP released 2. Application period • 60 days 3. Review 4. Council • Eligibility and Technical Review approval • Scoring panels • Committee deliberation • Prepare and deliver Council docs 11 18 25 22 10 16 23 4 1 8 15 29 6 13 20 27 3 2 12 19 26 2 9 30 7 14 21 28 MAY JUNE JULY AUG OCT NOVEMBER DECEMBER 2020 Scoring panels Release Grant Public comment opens begin Committee RFP approvals deliberation Eligibility and technical review begins Climate Adaptation Forum – 06/05/2020 – 8

  11. Thank you! 503-823-7713 9


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