building digital resilience

Building Digital Resilience Barcelona presentation February, 2013 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Digital Resilience Barcelona presentation February, 2013 Internet access creates vast economic benefits ... A 10% increase in Internet penetration... ... increases new business creation by 1% ... increases GDP by more than 1% Source:

  1. Building Digital Resilience Barcelona presentation February, 2013

  2. Internet access creates vast economic benefits ... A 10% increase in Internet penetration... ... increases new business creation by 1% ... increases GDP by more than 1% Source: MIT; EU; UNCTAD; GSMA; BCG Analysis 1 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  3. ... benefits priority social issues ... Education Income and Government lifestyle transparency opportunities Financial Health care services Freedom of expression Source: MIT; EU; UNCTAD; GSMA; BCG Analysis 2 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  4. ... and offers crucial learning opportunities A digital world needs digital skills ICT skills growing requirement Work-life across all occupations Research, data, lectures, debates... Education all moving online Public Access to and ability to benefit from services online public services Managing one's own / family's health Health care via e-health solutions Being able to take part in social Social life networks and online communication "Digital literacy is as relevant as reading and writing, mathe- matics, or the management of social behavior" - UNESCO Source: UN; UNICEF; UNESCO; OECD; ITU; Youth Center of Excellence; California Emerging Technology Fund; Power Up: The Campaign for Digital Inclusion; BCG analysis 3 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  5. 100 million new children will come online by 2017 Expected to reach 176 million online children in 2017 in 12 study markets No. of children online (M) +106 200 176 146 150 121 101 100 84 70 50 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 85 million of these children will use a mobile device when going online for their first time = 40M children Source: World Bank Data; BMI; EIU; United States Census Bureau; BCG analysis 4 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  6. Children face a wide range of risks online Significant numbers of children already encountering risks Child's role Passive Active Type of risk • 20% (~14M) potentially exposed to harmful user-generated content Content • Up to 50% (35M) may have experienced cyber bullying Contact • 8% (5M) may have unknowingly subscribed to commercial services Commerce • 10% (~6M) have potentially been subject to personal data misuse Security Source: EU Kids Online; OECD; ITU; YPRT; US Census Bureau; BCG analysis 5 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  7. Risk does not equal harm Assessing potential harm requires considering both risks and resilience Resilience reduces translation of online risks to harm Risk Resilience Harm • Represents the potential for • Child's ability to be exposed • Injury, loss or damage • Various types of harm can harm to risks without harm... • Online services expose • ... and to cope and recover be inflicted: social, financial, children to a range of risks faster if harm occurs legal, physical, psychological Source: Newman and Blackburn (2002); University of Virginia;; BCG analysis 6 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  8. Risk exposure partially mitigated by resilience Risk exposure and resilience, 2012 Resilience High Medium Low Low Medium High Risk exposure Source: EIU; ITU; WEF; BMI; World Bank; Communication Chambers; IMF; OpenNet Initiative; Reporters Without Borders; IC Intelligence Center; BCG analysis 7 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  9. The threat of harm is real Example: Websites advocating eating disorders as active lifestyle choice Risk category & Pro-ana and pro-mia websites potential harm Content Passive Wide range of online content with potentially harmful effects on children 1 Potential sources of harm • Psychological harm – Normalization of socially deviant behavior – Contracting / reinforcing self-destructive behavior – Unwanted persuasion 1. Whether or not actual harm is inflicted on children by viewing various types of online content is disputed – included here to allow broad view of potential risks to children online 2. Children between the age of 9 to 16 Source: EU Kids Online; The Economist; Kids and Media; Borzekowski et al. (2010); press search; BCG analysis 8 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  10. Legal framework will never be sufficient Other levers required to reduce risk and increase resilience Example Risk Resilience Type of activity (Contact risk) reduction levers levers Positive Innocent Online chatting content Monitoring Skills training Unknown "Grey zone" grown-ups chatting with children Filter / Support blocking Adult grooming Legal Raising Illegal child with the framework awareness purpose of abuse 9 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  11. Diverse stakeholders must collaborate Example: Addressing cyber bullying requires multi-stakeholder action Positive content Raising Monitoring • Educational / awareness entertaining content • Awareness programs • Active monitoring / addressing issue targeted at children, moderating of chat parents, teachers rooms Filter / Support blocking • Tools to block messages • Help lines • Reporting tools from specific sender(s) Legal Skills framework training • Understanding potential • Clear legal framework consequences of bullying – Online harassment • How to use tech tools 10 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  12. Diverse stakeholders must collaborate Example: Addressing cyber bullying requires multi-stakeholder action Positive content Raising Monitoring • Content/service providers • Educational / awareness • Civil society entertaining content • Awareness programs • Educators / civil society • Parents • Active monitoring / • Parents addressing issue • Connectivity providers • Content/service targeted at children, moderating of chat • Parents parents, teachers rooms providers Filter / Support blocking • Parents • Parents • Tools to block messages • Help lines • Civil society • Content/service providers • Reporting tools from specific sender(s) • Connectivity providers • Content/service providers Legal Skills framework training • Understanding potential • Clear legal framework • Educators • Authorities consequences of bullying • Parents – Online harassment • How to use tech tools 11 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  13. Telcos will play a key role in reducing harm Direct access to those potentially at risk Access through delivery of service The competence and tools to contribute to Ability the solution Share the responsibility as provider of Responsibility online access Source: ITU; OECD; eNACSO; BCG experience 12 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  14. Nature of role varies with market characteristics Telco Support Catalyze Conditions High Institutional strength Low High Focus on online risks Low Participate Stakeholder forums Launch Actions Support / Build Mitigating activities Initiate Share Collaboration Trigger Telcos already taking responsibility but they cannot do this alone Source: Expert interviews; BCG analysis 13 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  15. Call to action: Reduce harm in all markets Study experiences and Generate independent, Remain vigilant towards best practices in other research based evidence current and emerging risks markets Family Family Family Educators Educators Educators Civil society Civil society Civil society Connectivity providers Connectivity providers Connectivity providers Service/content providers Service/content providers Service/content providers Authorities Authorities Authorities 14 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx

  16. Call to action: Reduce harm in all markets Study experiences and Generate independent, Remain vigilant towards best practices in other research based evidence current and emerging risks markets Family Family Family Educators Educators Educators Together we can build digital resilience to secure the future of our children Civil society Civil society Civil society Connectivity providers Connectivity providers Connectivity providers Service/content providers Service/content providers Service/content providers Authorities Authorities Authorities 15 197940-71-Building Digital Resilience-BCN presentation-Feb25-AH-OSL-vff_release.pptx


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