Build up to 10:00 1
10:00 2
10:02 3
10:04 to 10:15 4
10:04 to 10:15 Welcome to the ‘FACE’ of Finance • Introduction to the day • Quick post it note exercise of what people want from the day • Where we want to be in 12 months’ time • ShahanaKahn Step Up theme and suggestion about building confidence 5
10:15 to 10:45 6
10:15 to 10:45 FACE PACK – Resources and practical guides to getting started • Launch the purpose • Launch the charter • Plug the new twitter account • Plug the tool kit – maybe a quick walk through 7
10:45 to 11:45 8
10:45 to 11:45 FACE TIME - How to make an animation/ video blog • AK to introduce the package • Talk through the basic features and making a video • Get the delegates to have a go at making a video • Show the animation • How to make one on powtoon • Question what would you do • Story board and script exercise – see who make it into a reality? 9
11:45 to 12:00 Coffee Break • Recruiting people to join us at the national table • Tease out thoughts on where they think we should be going • Find some lurkers to bring into engaged 10
12:00 to 12:30 11
12:00 to 12:03 So to startof touch base with the basics and remind people this is available good little resource to put on the wall as prompt and reminder 12
12:03 to 12:05 But that is very much an in the moment view of presenting and we’ve covered that quite a few times previously, so we wanted to develop on that and go a little further this time and look at how we get to that moment. Demystifying finance and educating people is about spreading and transferring knowledge wider. To real ideal is not just educating but also that those people we educate go on to be advocates and champions of our cause. And that is why we thought it would be a good idea to share some learning from TED Talks who’s sole purpose is to spread great ideas through public speaking no longer than 18 minutes long. And save you a little money or get to spend a little money?! 13
12:05 to 12:06 14
12:06 to 12:10 15
12:10 to 12:12 16
12:12 to 12:16 17
12:16 to 12:18 18
12:18 to 12:19 19
12:19 to 12:21 20
12:21 to 12:23 Covering the: The wrong way The right way The structure Ken Robinson – one of the most watched TED Talks ever A. Introduction – getting settled, what will be covered B. Context – why this issue matters C. Main Concepts D. Practical Implications E. Conclusion Tackling tough topics 21
12:23 to 12:24 22
12:24 to 12:25 23
12:25 to 12:26 24
12:26 to 12:27 25
12:27 to 12:28 26
12:28 to 12:30 So this is the bit where we’ve either saved you a little money, by talking through some of the highlights of the book so you don’t have buy it or made you think you might spend a little money on finding out more about what TED can teach you. Either way, this is something we are passionate about, who hope we’ve planted a seed in your heads and recognise this wasn’t a sales pitch but a mix of of stories and examples, but you’ll have to wait until after lunch to find out what the through line is !! 27
12:30 to 13:15 Lunch and learn • Lunch time session on Driving your Career & Communication & leadership • Showing that part of demystifying finance is having credible colleagues in the department that know how to educate and engage at other opportunities, as well as being a hook for career development for our Educators, not just educating but developing the FACE of finance in their organisation. 28
13:15 to 14:15 Educator stories and video blogs FACE NEWS!!! • Where to start– Health Foundation CommsBook, where we want to be on resources and activities i.e. we don’t know enough of what is going out there to shout about link to the TED talks subtle shouting about what we want etc (5 minutes) • Don’t hit one channel find a way to hit all channels • Each take a turn – 10 minutes taking about how each of us educate • Linking into different medias etc that we each use in different ways • Touch on the barriers we find and how we try to overcome them • Then pose some questions to bring to a close, what do you find gets in the way? What is your preference for sharing learning and educating? Etc • Then comes the ask for the next session, we want you to share some of your stories and if some people want to talk to group that is what the next session will be about etc. 29
13:15 to 13:16 Where is the NHS going and as a educators, as a network and as a action area what part do we have to play in that/ 30
13:16 to 13:17 However you look at it, it’s about Transformation,just to explain at every delivery group we do an ice breaker and last time was about films and it’s stuck 31
13:17 to 13:18 But there are some pretty big barriersto this….... 32
13:18 to 13:19 One of the barriersis not having good ideas and people willing to share learning and educate One of the biggest barriers is actually the speed at which we spread good ideas and learning The part of the answer to that is how we communicate and in turn educate people We need to think differently 33
13:19 to 13:21 So we’ve got copies for everyone of the Health Foundations books…. [hand out books at this point] Short piece about the book etc. 34
13:21 to 13:23 There a few bits form the book that really stand out and I don’t think are isolated to just spreading improvement but also spreading education and back that vision of demystifying finance, targeting our education resources to get to all these audiences Quick talk at each stage about, so we can use the toolkit as an example through this. 35
13:23 to 13:25 Linking nicely into the engaging the right people, so start of targeted and build to adoption, targeting success as how we get to that 34% early majority to 34% late majority Education and communication are so closely linked, this is not one size fits all, this isn’t just send out an e-mail, this is about developing resources and skills that can hit different channels 36
13:25 to 13:27 And again taking the shiftof adopters, looking at how we engage and understanding out types of audience we can develop and build resources to to satisfy these needs. Look at each category and think, right what is the best way to connect and educate with this group? Briefly talk through each category 37
13:27 to 13:30 Okay so what has this got to do with anythingwe’re talking about, well… If has lots to do with what we’re talking about today, in order to generate those resources we need people like you to share experiences, partly to help us build the number of FACES out there and secondly becasue we also need to recognise that everyone has different skills. So David in the audience has done some great blogs, what’s Playboy got to do with the NHS Ken & John did this fantastic video and I know that all of you will have done something equally brilliant within your organisation, and we want to help you celebrate that and spred it far and wide. BUT we need to you to speak up about that work. So waht we’re going to do know is ahre some of our experiences with you, and then we’ll pick up what we want you do....... 38
13:30 to 13:33 So I’m to go first, in Bolton and other places I've worked I've always tried to do no numbers finance Back to the TED talk earlier, it’s about building something that matters to you in your audiences mind. Any when you think about that, most buildings or creations start with a concept and for us that is the art of the win win is possible 39
13:33 to 13:37 2 Andy Lipkis 40
13:37 to 13:41 So I start of a lot of my presentations and with two stories.. 1 Judy Bonds Obvious problems don’t need obvious solutions, 41
13:41 to 13:44 If you’ve seen any of our presentations you will notice that is a lack of actual numbers, because the first barrier of demystifying anything for me and building that idea in someone's head is convincing them it is absolutely possible. Once there is that belief and proof of concept, and people grasp that concept, anything really is possible. We open the door to possibility and back to the story about the lawyer earlier and not selling something, when he really needed to. It delivered despite not being obvious, 42
13:44 to 13:47 And we run a campaign as a team, by tweeting, blogging presenting, writing articles etc and we show up to events etc and we find people repeating our lines back to us. And it works, we’ve educated them and planted the seed of transformation So that’s what works for us and how we’ve overcome the barriers we’ve faced and now I’m going to hand over to tell you about what ha worked for them in educating people 43
• 13:45 to 13:55 • Each take a turn – 10 minutes taking about how each of us educate • Linking into different medias etc that we each use in different ways • Touch on the barriers we find and how we try to overcome them 44
• 13:55 to 14:05 • Each take a turn – 10 minutes taking about how each of us educate • Linking into different medias etc that we each use in different ways • Touch on the barriers we find and how we try to overcome them 45
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