buffalo avenue industrial corridor

BUFFALO AVENUE INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR Brownfield Opportunity Area - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BUFFALO AVENUE INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR Brownfield Opportunity Area Pre-Nomination Study A GENDA Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Review Buffalo Avenue Preliminary BOA Characteristics Conceptual Plans Next Steps B ROWNFIELD

  1. BUFFALO AVENUE INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR Brownfield Opportunity Area Pre-Nomination Study

  2. A GENDA Brownfield • Opportunity Area (BOA) Review Buffalo Avenue • Preliminary BOA Characteristics Conceptual Plans • Next Steps •

  3. B ROWNFIELD A REA O PPORTUNITY (BOA) P ROGRAM Step 3: Step 2: Step 1: Implementation Nomination Study Pre-nomination Strategy & Site Study Defined Area Assessments Investigation Detailed Analysis Pre-developmen t

  4. S TEP 1: P RE -N OMINATION S TUDY Purposes  Identified an area adversely affected by brownfields  Unsure of appropriate study area  Unknown existing conditions – Land ownership – Potential contaminants  Uncertain about redevelopment potential

  5. BOA P ROGRAM B ENEFITS Advances projects to the marketplace  Community support / Partnerships  Revitalization strategy  Transparency of environmental conditions  Grants  Project marketing

  6. B UFFALO A VENUE I NDUSTRIAL C ORRIDOR S TEP 1: S TUDY A REA A NALYSIS Total Parcels in the PBOA: 3,000 Total PBOA Acreage: 1,800 Assessed Value: $450,000,000

  7. B UFFALO A VENUE I NDUSTRIAL C ORRIDOR S TUDY A REA A NALYSIS Public Input Existing Plans Community and Regulations Vision Sustainable Redevelopment & Cleanup Economic & Environmental Demographic Data - Properties Data

  8. S TUDY A REA A NALYSIS : E CONOMIC P ROFILE Population Estimate : 5,620 Housing Units : 2,800 55% Owner Occupancy Vacant Housing Units : 13% Traffic Counts - Daily NF Blvd 26,000 Buffalo Ave 10,000 Robert Moses 15,000


  10. S TUDY A REA A NALYSIS Brownfields, Underutilized, and Vacant Sites VACANT by landuse (excluding Brownfields & Underutilized) Underutilized/Vacant Properties - Publicly Owned Underutilized/Vacant Properties - Privately Owned Brownfield Sites

  11. STUDY AREA ANALYSIS: Brownfield Site Scores Brownfield Sites with Score The Brownfield Scores are a preliminary estimate of the level of urgency in 3 - 5 redeveloping a given site. 6 - 8 Brownfield Scorecard Criteria : 9 - 10 Total possible Score = 26 pts  Environmental Record (up to 3pts) 11 - 12  Environmental Perception (up to 5 pts) 13 - 15  Visibility from Roads (up to 3 pts) 16 - 18  Gateway Location (up to 5 pts) 19 - 21  Critical Node (up to 5 pts)  Historic Potential (up to 5 pts)

  12. C OMMUNITY M EETINGS Survey Results – Development Preferences Maintain businesses, relocate some, redevelop 69% Mixed Use Development preferred 80% Traditional Development near waterfront/downtown 87% Suburban development near NF Blvd, LaSalle 77% Should developers be assisted with incentives? 91% Public Access to the Niagara is important? 96% Models for Future Development Baltimore Inner Harbor The Flats Cleveland

  13. CONCEPTUAL ZONES Gray area represents heavy industrial parcels to be transitioned to  new “clean” industries. Heavy Industry remains only in the purple zones and is buffered  on all sides. Residential (yellow) areas remain and existing green spaces as  well as commercial areas (red) are enhanced.

  14. C ONCEPTUAL P LAN P RINCIPLES  Economic Development Potential – Location • River • Transportation/Traffic • Amenities – Reduction of Risk • Grants • Real Estate potential  Community Input  Anchor Mentality  Gateways

  15. CONCEPTUAL PLAN from Community Input Illustrates the beginnings of redevelopment within 5 key  areas. Key corridors and linkages to water front 

  16. 1. Adam’s Plant

  17. 1. Adam’s Plant Transformer Building

  18. 1. Adam’s Plant NY State Parks acquisition of the Adam’s Plant parcel.  Extend Acheson Drive to the water with new light industrial  and commercial development. Strengthen the public “face” along Buffalo Avenue –  including both historic and new buildings.

  19. 2. Water Intakes Development

  20. 2. Water Intakes Development

  21. 2. Water Intakes Development Round-about creates a formal gateway to the city and allows for signage, interpretation,  and pedestrian friendly connections to water. Hyde Park Blvd extends to water front with mixed use development on both sides.  Improve public “face” along Buffalo Avenue 

  22. 3. LaSalle Expressway Extension 3. LaSalle Expressway Extension

  23. 3. LaSalle Expressway Extension

  24. 3. LaSalle Expressway Extension LaSalle Expressway provides a direct route to downtown  Existing residential areas remain undisturbed and well buffered.  Improve public “face” of heavy industry along LaSalle Expressway 

  25. 4. Gateway Community and New Park

  26. 4. Gateway Community and New Park

  27. 5. Packard Rd & Niagara Falls Blvd Intersection

  28. 5. Packard Rd & Niagara Falls Blvd Intersection

  29. N EXT S TEPS  Revisions to Plans  Final Pre-nomination Study  Nomination Study Phase


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