budget tax

BUDGET & TAX RATE PUBLIC MEETING August 22, 2019 1 19-20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2019-20 BUDGET & TAX RATE PUBLIC MEETING August 22, 2019 1 19-20 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS Current Enrollment 25,534 Projected Enrollment 25,767 +233 1% Property Value $15.1 Billion +10% Tax Rate M&O $0.99 Tax Rate Debt

  1. 2019-20 BUDGET & TAX RATE PUBLIC MEETING August 22, 2019 1

  2. 19-20 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS Current Enrollment 25,534 Projected Enrollment 25,767 +233 1% Property Value $15.1 Billion +10% Tax Rate – M&O $0.99 Tax Rate – Debt Service $0.46 Total Proposed Tax Rate $1.45 ($.07) 18-19 Operating Budget $229.3 Million 19-20 Operating Budget $246.9 Million 199 Cost per Student 18-19 $8,980 199 Cost per Student 19-20 $9,582 2

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  4. ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS 18-19 Students 25,534 19-20 Projected Students 25,767 Increase: + 233 1% Elementary Growth -37 - 16% Middle School Growth 159 68% High School Growth 111 48% Total Student Growth 233 Total Elementary Students 12,120 48% Total Middle School Students 5,956 23% Total High School Students 7,691 29% 4 Total Students 25,767

  5. Demographics 09-10 5

  6. Demographics 19-20 19-20 Free/Reduced Lunch Students: 51.0% Hawaiian/Pac Islander 0.2% Two or more 4.5% Asian White 8.0% Native American 23.1% 0.2% African-American 15.3% Hispanic 48.7% 6

  7. EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS Staff Raises 4%, 5%, 6.7%, 7% $10,350,000 New Positions ($2.3M Campus) $ 2,675,000 Northwest Leadership Program $ 750,000 Benefit Cost Increase $ 2,730,000 Campus Allotment Increase $ 454,000 Custodial Supplies/Equip. $ 187,000 PreK Program Funding $ 1,200,000 7

  8. COMPENSATION PLAN SUMMARY During Legislative Session, District committed to a 3% across the board raise New Money Total (If designated Fast Growth per TEA) $12,038,898 Fast Growth Allotment: $5,904,000* Early Education Allotment: $2,723,000 HB3 Requirement for Compensation Increases: 30% $ 3,611,669 PfISD Approval for Compensation Increases: 86% $10,350,000 4% Salaried Employees (OL Scale) 5% Hourly Employees (Clerical/Para/Aux Scales) HB3 Requirement for Teacher Increases: 75% of 30% $ 2,708,752 PfISD Approval for Teacher Increases: $ 7,572,000 6.7% - 1-5yr Teachers, Librarians, Nurses, Counselors +$3,450 ($51,416 X 6.7%) 7% - 6+ yr Teacher, Librarians, Nurses, Counselors +$3,600 ($51,416 X 7%) ALL experienced Teachers These raises included Teacher, RN, & Professional Support Pay Scales % Increases calculated as they have been historically for comparison purposes Based on Central Texas Area Teacher Market Average Salary Study conducted by TASB. PfISD opted to use the 75 th percentile salary of $51,416 rather than the median 8 50% salary in order to provide a higher salary increase for teachers.

  9. PfLUGERVILLE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT PRELIMINARY BUDGET GENERAL FUND 18-19 19-20 19-20 Amended Budget HB3-Fast Growth HB3 Estimated Revenue LOCAL TAXES - CURRENT $ 147,756,000 $ 154,165,000 $ 154,165,000 OTHER LOCAL REVENUE 3,055,000 3,750,699 3,750,699 STATE REVENUE 61,106,000 71,400,000 65,495,024 STATE ON-BEHALF 10,700,805 13,393,000 13,393,000 FEDERAL REVENUE 4,100,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 Total Revenue $ 226,717,805 $ 246,908,699 $ 241,003,723 Estimated Expenditures OPERATING BUDGETS $ 44,880,498 $ 38,408,699 $ 38,408,699 PAYROLL STAFFING PLAN 181,837,307 208,500,000 208,500,000 Total Expenditures $ 226,717,805 $ 246,908,699 $ 246,908,699 Excess (Deficiency) $ - $ - $ (5,904,976) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ - $ - $ (5,904,976) 9

  10. PfLUGERVILLE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 3 YEAR PROJECTION GENERAL FUND 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 Amended Budget Estimated Revenue LOCAL TAXES - CURRENT $ 147,756,000 $ 154,165,000 $ 159,156,000 $ 162,163,000 OTHER LOCAL REVENUE 3,055,000 3,750,699 3,750,699 3,750,699 STATE REVENUE 61,106,000 71,400,000 73,808,000 71,363,000 STATE ON-BEHALF 10,700,805 13,393,000 14,062,000 14,765,000 FEDERAL REVENUE 4,100,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,200,000 Total Revenue $ 226,717,805 $ 246,908,699 $ 254,976,699 $ 256,241,699 Estimated Expenditures OPERATING BUDGETS $ 44,880,498 $ 38,408,699 $ 38,950,000 $ 39,175,000 PAYROLL STAFFING PLAN 181,837,307 208,500,000 215,900,000 218,500,000 Total Expenditures $ 226,717,805 $ 246,908,699 $ 254,850,000 $ 257,675,000 Excess (Deficiency) $ - $ - $ 126,699 $ (1,433,301) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ - $ - $ 126,699 $ (1,433,301) 10

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  12. Pflugerville ISD Operating Budget by Object 2019-20 Object Budget 6100 - Salaries $ 214,898,700 6200 - Contracted Services 14,301,712 6300 - Supplies/Materials 11,461,404 6400 - Fees/Dues/Travel 5,156,284 6500 - Debt Service 570,599 12 6600 - Capital Outlay 520,000 Total $ 246,908,699

  13. Operating Expenditures By Function 19-20 0% 2% 11 - Instruction 0% 1% 9% 12 - Instructional Resources 3% 0% 13 - Curriculum and Staff Develop 3% 21 - Instructional Leadership 0% 0% 4% 23 - Campus Administration 31 - Guidance & Counseling 1% 32 - Social Work 0% 33 - Health Services 4% 34 - Pupil Transportation 59% 35 - Food Service 6% 36 - Co-Curricular Activities 41 - General Administration 2% 51 - Maintenance and Operations 3% 52 - Security and Monitoring 53 - Data Processing 1% 61 - Community Services 71 - Debt Service 95 - Payments to JJAEP's 99 - Other Intergov. Charges 13

  14. 14

  15. Admin Cost Ratio 15

  16. State Compensatory Education Budget Pflugerville ISD State Compensatory Education 2019-20 61XX 62XX 63XX 64XX Total Program Intent Code 24 Comp Ed $ 1,963,756 $ - $ 16,735 $ - $ 1,980,491 Program Intent Code 26 PACE 527,245 1,100 18,206 4,700 551,251 Program Intent Code 29 DAEP 586,278 - - - 586,278 Program Intent Code 30 Title 1 - Schoolwide 4,072,867 14,331 103,393 - 4,190,591 Program Intent Code 34 Pre-K 3,419,481 1,100 20,000 1,200 3,441,781 Total $ 10,569,627 $ 16,531 $ 158,334 $ 5,900 $ 10,750,392 State Compensatory Education - Programs and/or services designed to supplement the regular education program for students identified as at risk of dropping out of school. 16

  17. 18-19 AMENDED BUDGET - GENERAL FUND ORIGINAL BUDGE T AME NDE D FUNCTION BUDGE T AME NDME NTS BUDGE T E stimated Revenues 5711 - PROPERTY TAXES $ 147,756,000 $ 949,000 $ 148,705,000 5700 - OTHER LOCAL REVENUE $ 3,055,000 $ 1,205,000 $ 4,260,000 5800 - STATE REVENUE $ 65,023,000 $ (1,998,000) $ 63,025,000 5831 - STATE TRS ON-BEHALF $ 10,700,805 $ - $ 10,700,805 5900 - FEDERAL $ 4,100,000 $ 100,000 $ 4,200,000 Total E stimated Revenue $ 230,634,805 $ 256,000 $ 230,890,805 E stimated E xpenditures 11 - Instruction $ 136,747,169 $ (1,638,120) $ 135,109,049 12 - Instructional Resources $ 3,419,032 $ - $ 3,419,032 13 - Curriculum and Staff Develop $ 6,931,438 $ 20,000 $ 6,951,438 21 - Instructional Leadership $ 4,632,639 $ (162,000) $ 4,470,639 23 - Campus Administration $ 13,811,911 $ (400,000) $ 13,411,911 31 - Guidance & Counseling $ 9,807,202 $ (110,000) $ 9,697,202 32 - Social Services $ 930,656 $ 50,000 $ 980,656 33 - Health Services $ 2,856,282 $ 165,000 $ 3,021,282 34 - Pupil Transportation $ 8,812,451 $ 500,000 $ 9,312,451 35 - Food Service $ 186,223 $ - $ 186,223 36 - Co-Curricular Activities $ 6,750,713 $ 120,000 $ 6,870,713 41 - General Administration $ 6,260,118 $ 200,000 $ 6,460,118 51 - Maintenance and Operations $ 19,329,847 $ (565,000) $ 18,764,847 52 - Security and Monitoring $ 3,771,004 $ - $ 3,771,004 53 - Data Processing $ 3,520,721 $ (14,000) $ 3,506,721 61 - Community Services $ 32,425 $ - $ 32,425 71 - Debt Service $ 570,399 $ - $ 570,399 95 - Payments to JJAEP's $ 15,695 $ - $ 15,695 99 - Other Intergov. Charges $ 920,000 $ 25,000 $ 945,000 Total E stimated E xpenditures $ 229,305,925 $ (1,809,120) $ 227,496,805 Sources of Funds - E DP $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 Uses of Funds-Capital Projects/Healthcare $ 3,675,000 17 Excess/(Deficiency) $ 2,828,880 $ 1,219,000

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  19. TAX RATE INFO 18-19 19-20 Current Tax Rate Proposed Tax Rate M&O: $1.06 M&O: $ .99 Debt: .46 Debt: .46 Total: $1.52 Total: $1.45 $0.07 Cent Tax Rate Decrease Rollback Rate: $1.4500 Effective Tax Rate: $1.3427 2018 2019 Average Market Value of Residence $253,804 $265,394 Taxes Due on Average Residence $3,316 $3,377 Average Increase in Taxes $61 19 2019-20 Funding uses Current Values vs Prior Year Values

  20. $1.45 Tax Rate Lowest PfISD Tax Rate in 15 Years 20

  21. DEBT DEFEASANCE 2011 Series Bonds $22,910,000 Interest Savings $4 Million 2014A Variable Rate Bonds Remarketed Yield Goal: 1.50% Actual Yield: 1.38% 6X Oversubscribed Current debt structure allows for future defeasance $21,500,000 Standard and Poors Rating AA+ (1 of 20) 21

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  23. Pflugerville ISD TOP TEN TAXPAYERS 2019 Name Taxable Value % of Total Value 1. DELL INC $ 162,588,783 1.08% 2. A-S 93 SH 130-SH 45 LP 157,433,885 1.04% 3. LOGISTICS II TECH RIDGE PORTFOLIO LLC 86,232,142 0.57% 4. SCOFIELD PARK AUSTIN LLC 64,200,000 0.43% 5. CENTENNIAL STONE HILL TWO LOP 62,900,000 0.42% 6. TX13 AUSTIN LLC 62,444,506 0.41% 7. PARMER TECH RIDGE LLC 60,815,300 0.40% 8. ORACLE CORPORATION 60,136,069 0.40% 9. SAN PALOMA APARTMENTS 100 LP 57,950,000 0.38% 10. WC BRAKER PORTFOLIO LLC 57,119,350 0.38% TOTAL $ 831,820,035 5.51% Assessed Taxable Value $ 15,096,367,339 23



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