brussels briefing no 38

Brussels Briefing No. 38: Fighting IUU FISHING IN THE CARIBBEAN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brussels Briefing No. 38: Fighting IUU FISHING IN THE CARIBBEAN Milton Haughton Executive Director Presentation Overview IUU Fishing in the Caribbean Common Fisheries Policy Castries Declaration on IUU Regional Strategy on MCS

  1. Brussels Briefing No. 38: Fighting IUU FISHING IN THE CARIBBEAN Milton Haughton Executive Director

  2. Presentation Overview  IUU Fishing in the Caribbean  Common Fisheries Policy  Castries Declaration on IUU  Regional Strategy on MCS  Shared responsibility  Next Steps

  3. Local News Headlines “ Venezuelans could not outrun JDF coastguards ” December 31, 2012. SEVEN Venezuelan nationals who were busted for fishing illegally in Jamaican waters …The foreigners, Antonio Lemos (captain),... (Observer, Jamaica) “ Honduran fisherman remanded in custody ” January 22, 2011. ONE of the injured Honduran fishermen involved in a recent shooting incident with the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) Coast Guard was yesterday remanded in custody…(Observer.) ”Greatest single threat' to Bahamas seafood resources ” January 26, 2011. A RECENT report by a leading University of Miami marine scientist has confirmed that poaching by commercial fishermen from the Dominican Republic is the greatest single threat to Bahamian seafood resources… (The Tribune)

  4. Local News Headlines ‘ Lobster poachers rob Ja of US$132m’ June 02, 2011. POACHERS have robbed Jamaica of more than US$130 m in lobster meat..Agriculture Minister … “ Guatemalan Fisherman Illegally Fishing In Blue Hole” Aug,28, 2013. A Guatemalan fisherman pleaded guilty to Illegal Fishing… (Channel5news Belize) “ French Fishing in Dominica’s Waters a Major Problem says Environment Minister” 26 May 2014. Minister for the Environment,..& Fisheries, Dr. Kenneth Darroux, has revealed that Dominica is facing a major challenge with illegal fishing activity from the French Islands ( “ARMED AND DANGEROUS POACHERS FROM DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DEPLETING TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS FISH STOCK” . By Vivian Tyson, Senior SUN Editor • Thu, Jun 26, 2014. Armed and dangerous Poachers from the Dominican Republic are wreaking havoc on the Turks and Caicos Islands fishing industry,.(Turks and Caicos Sun)

  5. Target – High value Species: Lobster, conch, shrimp, tunas, shark-fins, snappers, groupers etc

  6. Regional Study (ACP Fish 2 )  Limited studies or 100% published info on the 80% nature, extent and 60% magnitude of IUU Not sure No 40% Yes Fishing 20%  Economic, social & 0% IUU fishing considered a Combatting IUU fishing is The economic loss Formal compliance environmental costs threat to the sustainable considered a top incurred by IUU fishing estimates for at least one management of fisheries Government priority has been estimated national fishery have resources been established remain largely un- quantified  IUU fishing by nationals within national waters  IUU fishing by foreign industrial, semi- industrial & small-scale vessels in national waters - Regional vessels - Distant Water Fishing Nations

  7. Regional Study (ACP Fish 2) Key weaknesses include :  Outdated legal / regulatory frameworks  Inadequate sanctions / low penalties  MCS not always recognised as an inherent part of fisheries governance  Low level of MCS planning in national fisheries management structures  Limited number of approved FMPs and  inadequate data on catch, effort, IUUs incidents ,

  8. Regional Policy Framework 1. Revised Treaty of Charaguamas 2. CARICOM Strategic Plan (2015-2019) 3. CARICOM Common Fisheries Policy  Prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing  Strengthen, harmonise & modernises legislation  Cooperation in MCS & information sharing  Ecosystems approach  Protect and conserve fish stocks & ecosystems  Marketing and Trade 4. Castries Declaration on IUU Fishing 2010

  9. Castries Declaration on IUU Fishing ● Main policy document ● Closer cooperation, commitment & consistency in fighting IUU Fishing ● Preamble + Body of the Declaration:- - 7 sections - sections 4-7 speaking to 28 specific actions ● Adopted by Ministerial Council in June 2010

  10. RESOLVE & RENEW EFFORTS: Integrated approach (social, economic, environmental) &  considering varying state responsibilities under international law Phased implementation via national & regional plans of action  Adopt management actions for long term sustainable use of  resources Revise legislation and regulations, with strong sanctions  Identify & eliminate economic incentives of IUU,  Adopt market measures in accordance with international standards  Database of vessels in good standing  Participatory approach  Implement plans of action with transparency  Seek to improve capacity at national and regional levels (CRFM) 

  11. Agree to: Monitor & regulate transshipment  Regional network of information exchange meshing with  International MCS Network Strengthen coastal and port state measures  Further international actions against ‘Flag of Convenience’ vessels  & require ‘genuine link’ between states and vessels Strengthen CRFM to more effective coordinate regional action  Vessel marking requirements consistent with international &  regional standards CRFM working group on IUU to deal with data collection  Exchange info on IUU between States and with CRFM  IUU fishing in the Bahamas, Aug 2014 Source : Ocean CREST Alliance

  12. Regional MCS Strategy

  13. Shared Responsibility: KEY Implementing partners REGIONAL  IMPACS  RSS  CRFM National Systems  Police  Coast Guards  Fisheries Dept - enforcement Unit (Belize)  Fishers / Civil Society Organisations

  14. Recent National Measures Suriname: – - Investment in Patrol vessels - Integrated approach - VMS Bahamas: - US$200 million investment in MCS Jamaica - Fines / sanctions - Drones – monitor & surveillance - Upgrading legislation

  15. Next Steps Regional:  Update legislation focusing on MCS content:  Multi-lateral agreements among states for fisheries conservation, protection & MCS activities  Harmonised management measures for high value species - conch & lobster  Improving public awareness & involvement in MCS  Cost-benefit analysis of MCS strategic options  Establishment of Working Group on IUU fishing  Improve cooperation with other Caribbean States - Central American States (MOU: CRFM/OSPESCA 2012) - French - département d'outre-mer in Caribbean

  16. Next Steps National Level  Development of NPOA-IUUs and direct assistance for customised NPOA-IUU implementation  Reinstitute/formalise a coastal/fisher watch program in support of combating IUU fishing  Legislative reforms

  17. Protecting Caribbean Fisheries

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