broker dealer audits tackling pervasive deficiencies

Broker-Dealer Audits: Tackling Pervasive Deficiencies Identified by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Broker-Dealer Audits: Tackling Pervasive Deficiencies Identified by PCAOB TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014, 1:00-2:50 pm Eastern IMPORTANT INFORMATION This program is approved for 2 CPE credit hours . To earn credit you must: Attendees must listen

  1. Broker-Dealer Audits: Tackling Pervasive Deficiencies Identified by PCAOB TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014, 1:00-2:50 pm Eastern IMPORTANT INFORMATION This program is approved for 2 CPE credit hours . To earn credit you must: • Attendees must listen throughout the program, including the Q & A session, in order to qualify for full continuing education credits. Strafford is required to monitor attendance. • Record verification codes presented throughout the seminar. If you have not printed out the “Official Record of Attendance,” please print it now (see “Handouts” tab in “Conference Materials” box on left -hand side of your computer screen). To earn Continuing Education credits, you must write down the verification codes in the corresponding spaces found on the Official Record of Attendance form. • Please refer to the instructions emailed to the registrant for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-926-7926 ext. 10. WHOM TO CONTACT For Assistance During the Program : - On the web, use the chat box at the bottom left of the screen - On the phone, press *0 (“star” zero) If you get disconnected during the program, you can simply call or log in using your original instructions and PIN.

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  3. FOR LIVE EVENT ONLY If you have not printed the conference materials for this program, please complete the following steps: • Click on the ^ symbol next to “Conference Materials” in the middle of the left - hand column on your screen. • Click on the tab labeled “Handouts” that appears, and there you will see a PDF of the slides and the Official Record of Attendance for today's program. • Double-click on the PDF and a separate page will open. • Print the slides by clicking on the printer icon.

  4. Broker-Dealer Audits: Tackling Pervasive Deficiencies Identified by PCAOB Addressing Auditor Independence, Related-Party Transaction Challenges, Deficiencies in Applying SEC Net-Capital Rules and More MARCH 25, 2014 Kevin Breard John T . Hague Breard & Associates McGladrey

  5. Notice ANY TAX ADVICE IN THIS COMMUNICATION IS NOT INTENDED OR WRITTEN BY THE SPEAKERS’ FIRMS TO BE USED, AND CANNOT BE USED, BY A CLIENT OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF (i) AVOIDING PENALTIES THAT MAY BE IMPOSED ON ANY TAXPAYER OR (ii) PROMOTING, MARKETING OR RECOMMENDING TO ANOTHER PARTY ANY MATTERS ADDRESSED HEREIN. You (and your employees, representatives, or agents) may disclose to any and all persons, without limitation, the tax treatment or tax structure, or both, of any transaction described in the associated materials we provide to you, including, but not limited to, any tax opinions, memoranda, or other tax analyses contained in those materials. The information contained herein is of a general nature and based on authorities that are subject to change. Applicability of the information to specific situations should be determined through consultation with your tax adviser.

  6. Broker-Dealer Audits: Tackling Pervasive Deficiencies Identified by PCAOB Kevin G. Breard, CPA Breard & Associates, Inc. March 25, 2014 6

  7.  Are CPA firm’s deficiencies on PCAOB’s radar? 7

  8. Protecting Investors Requires a Strong PCAOB Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC Open Meeting, Washington, D.C. Feb. 5, 2014  “Additional concerns were raised by the PCAOB’s 2013 progress report on the interim inspection program for firms that audit broker-dealers.  That report noted that 95% of the audits selected for inspection had deficiencies.  In fact, deficiencies were found in one or more of the audits conducted by each of the firms inspected.  It is particularly troubling that, in 37% of the broker- dealer audits selected for inspection, auditors appeared to have been involved in the preparation of the very financial statements they audited, a violation of the independence required by SEC rules. ” 8

  9.  Is the PCAOB funded for their mission? 9

  10. Protecting Investors Requires a Strong PCAOB Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC Open Meeting, Washington, D.C. Feb. 5, 2014  “Today, we consider the PCAOB’s budget to fund its operations for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014. I support the PCAOB’s 2014 budget and the accounting support fee because, in my view, the budget provides the PCAOB with an appropriate level of resources to fulfill its mission and because the PCAOB has demonstrated an ability to use those resources prudently. ” 10

  11. Overview  How many CPA firms audited broker- dealers with the SEC as of December 31, 2011?  A. 800  B. 1,000  C. 1,250  D. 1,500 11

  12. Overview Source: PCAOB Release No 2013-006 August 19, 2013 12

  13. Inspection Report 1  Observation  Almost 50% of audits are prepared by one- off firms (46%)  5 or less greater than 80% (46% + 37%) 13

  14. Inspection Overview 3 rd 1st 2nd Report date August 2012 August 2013 ? # of firms 10 43 60 * # of audits 23 60 90 * * anticipated 14

  15. PCAOB Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers November 8, 2012 15 San Diego, CA

  16. PCAOB Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers November 8, 2012 16 San Diego, CA

  17. Inspection Report 1  Exemption form Rule 15c3-3 Customer Protection Audit Insuffici % Reports nt Tested Procedu es  Auditor  Did not perform sufficient inquiries 14 14 100%  Or other procedures 17

  18. PCAOB Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers November 8, 2012 18 San Diego, CA

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  20. Areas of High Risk  Net capital rule  Audit failed to test components of net capital computation  Fair value  Insufficient procedures 20

  21. What does that mean, failed to test components of net capital?  Insufficient testing  Haircuts  Classification allowable/non-allowable  Early warning notification. Means 120% net capital $5,000, early warning $6,000.  Material inadequacy 21

  22. What does insufficient procedures mean for Fair Value Measurement?  Firms failed to test the valuation of securities. 22

  23. PCAOB Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers November 8, 2012 23 San Diego, CA

  24. PCAOB Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers November 8, 2012 24 San Diego, CA

  25. PCAOB Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers November 8, 2012 25 San Diego, CA

  26. PCAOB Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers November 8, 2012 26 San Diego, CA

  27. PCAOB Forum on Auditing Smaller Broker-Dealers November 8, 2012 27 San Diego, CA

  28. Six Most Common Mistakes  First Report  Second Report  1. Accountant’s  1. Same Supplemental Report of Material Inadequacies  2. Same  2. Revenue Recognition  3. Same  3. Consideration of Risks of a Material Misstatement due to Fraud 28

  29. Six Most Common Mistakes (continued)  First Report  Second Report  4. Establishing a  4. Same basis for Reliance on Records and Reports  5. Related Party  5. Financial Transactions Statement disclosures  6. Financial  6. Related Party Statement disclosures Transactions 29

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  31. Results of 2012 PCAOB Broker-Dealer Inspections John Hague, Financial Services Industry Leader

  32. Inspection Program  Objectives: - Assess compliance - Permanent program scope  Status: - 2 Progress reports - Plans for 2014 and beyond 32

  33. Inspection Process  Screening  Planning  Communication and scheduling  Planning week  Inspection week  Wrap-up/comment form issuance  Firm response  Reporting 33

  34. Inspection Process - Focus Areas  Mandatory  Presumptively mandatory  Conditional  Screening 34

  35. Inspection Process – Team Structure  Planning team  Inspection team  Reviewers 35

  36. Independence  Deficiencies in 22 of the 60 audits - 3 by auditors of issuers (triennially) - 19 by auditors of non-issuers  Auditors of broker-dealers subject to SEC independence requirements: REG S-X Rule 2.01  Financial statement preparation 36

  37. Polling Question Yes or No: The BD FINOP asks the engagement team for help in calculating deferred taxes. The engagement team informs the FINOP that they cannot perform the calculation due to SEC independence rules. However, the engagement team provides to the FINOP a template created by the engagement team. Did the engagement team comply with the SEC independence rules? 37


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