britvic educational day 5 april 2006 introduction and

Britvic Educational Day 5 April 2006 Introduction and Welcome 1 - PDF document

Britvic Educational Day 5 April 2006 Introduction and Welcome 1 Agenda for the day Rugby Factory Tour Market Performance 2005 2006 What we are doing Business Transformation Programme (BTP) Product Value Optimisation

  1. Britvic Educational Day 5 April 2006 Introduction and Welcome 1

  2. Agenda for the day � Rugby Factory Tour � Market Performance � 2005 � 2006 � What we are doing � Business Transformation Programme (BTP) � Product Value Optimisation Programme (PVO) � Tour of National Distribution Centre 2

  3. Soft Drinks Category Report 2005 3

  4. Overall Market Performance 4

  5. Take Home • Britvic and CCE continued to lead the market with over 50% of all value sales • Soft drinks was the largest FMCG category with the highest growth rate at 5% • Out of town led channel growth with value up 6% to over £2.4 billion 5

  6. Take Home Sub-category performance 6

  7. Pubs and Clubs � Britvic retained its top UK supplier ranking: � 44% value share � 43% volume share � Soft drinks growth out performed beer and spirits � Independent pubs showed 8% value gains with the leased and tenanted sector up by 4% 7

  8. Pubs and Clubs Sub-category performance 8

  9. “Better for you” - Key trend for 2005 � Health and well-being trend extended to all sectors � Carbonates growth driven by NAS variants � Water remains a key growth driver � Indulgent products showed huge growth � New legislation focused on several areas � On trade: smoking ban � Take home: provision of nutritional data and the sugar levels in kids drinks � Vending: restrictions on soft drinks in schools 9

  10. Summary � Stills market in good growth � particularly adult and functional � Trend towards “better for you” � driven by dairy, and water � resultant movement away from full sugar carbonates 10

  11. Current trading 11

  12. Depressed Carbonates Market � “Better for you” trend continues into March � Rate of decline in sales of full sugar carbonates is stabilising � Overall stills market continues to show growth 12

  13. 24 Weeks trading to 20 March 2006 � A quieter time of the year for trading � Branded revenue performance: � Total down 3.4% � Carbonates down 7.3% � Stills up 1.3% � Trading in the last 4 weeks influenced by: � Easter falling 3 weeks later in 06 than 05 � Unseasonably cold weather � Recent structural changes in the customer base 13

  14. First half 06 guidance � Net margins impacted by: � A marginally negative pricing backdrop � Lower volumes � Increases in input and energy costs � Cost saving initiatives offsetting some of the impact � Expect EBIT margins to be 1 percentage point down on last year 14

  15. Managements focus � Driving revenue through: � Core brand activity � Successful new product launches � Increasing average realised price � Reducing costs – full year target of at least £10m � Improving our cash position � Reducing working capital 15

  16. Summary � Continuing to maintain a strong market share performance in many of our key categories � Looking forward to a stronger second half – our most significant trading period � Confident of delivering earnings within the range of market expectations � On basis of anticipated recovery 16

  17. Business Transformation 17

  18. Our systems were complicated and very inefficient, they were also very old 18

  19. Business Transformation Program – What we told you: 90% Paid For – 80% Done – Full Benefits Not Yet Realised � Remove internal barrier to growth � Enhance capability, functionality and efficiency � Alignment and simplification of processes Objective � One source of in depth accurate in depth information � Fundamental change and upgrade: Business process redesign � What is it? Platforms – small number of smarter integrated systems � IT Systems � � SAP Enterprise Resource Planning software Systems � Siebel Customer Relationship Management software � Time to 3 years, commenced in January 2004 Implement � Higher risk and complexity releases now complete � Overhead reduction � Working capital via inventory reduction and efficient cash collection Benefit � Improved purchasing scale of non-product related costs � Improved efficiency and effectiveness of promotions Cost � £26 million to date 19

  20. Our Vision is about ….. Redesigning our Providing us with the Redesigning our Providing us with the business to be simpler right information to business to be simpler right information to Delivering improved Delivering improved and even more make smarter decisions and even more make smarter decisions Shareholder Value Shareholder Value successful and act more quickly successful and act more quickly Working together to create Working together to create a leading edge organisation a leading edge organisation Replacing the large Replacing the large Giving us the Making Britvic a great Giving us the Making Britvic a great number of current number of current opportunity to improve place to work and a opportunity to improve place to work and a systems with a smaller systems with a smaller our processes and make great partner to our processes and make great partner to number of smarter ones number of smarter ones our jobs more fulfilling do business with our jobs more fulfilling do business with that talk to each other that talk to each other 20

  21. Workstream Programme Stream Commercial Asset Management Commercial Asset Management Logistics Execution Logistics Execution Planning & Production Planning & Production Core SAP Stream Business Transformation Programme Finance Finance Procurement Procurement Order to Cash Order to Cash Field Execution Field Execution Core (Commercial) Contact Centre Contact Centre The Scope Siebel Stream Promotions Management Promotions Management Account Management Account Management 21

  22. The original Business Transformation Roadmap is nearly complete 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jan 08: NDC R10 Jan 08: NDC October 06: SNP Phase 2 October 06: SNP Phase 2 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 Jan 2004 Common design June 2003 Set up and April 2002 mobilisation Issues analysis and kick off We are here 22

  23. All these key process streams have been implemented Commercial Optimisation All Other Processes SIEBEL SAP Contact Centre Production (7 factories) Promotions Management Supply Planning Account Management Procurement Field Execution Demand Planning Order Management Logistics Warehousing (depots & NDC) Finance Commercial Asset Management KPI Reporting and Data Change Management 23

  24. Clear project success criteria � Savings � At flotation � TY £6m, 07 £9m, 08 £12m � Now � TY £10m, 07 £15m, 08 £18m � Costs controlled within budget � Growth – better sales capability and more effective innovation � ARP – Greater visibility on Actual Realised Price through ability to model and evaluate promotion effectiveness � Standard processes & a stable systems platform enabling future growth � Customers & Suppliers see tangible improvements in how we work with them � People can access a single trusted source of data 24

  25. Driving adoption and changing behaviours is critical to our success Pre Cut-Over Cut-Over Post Cut-Over Business As Usual (BAU) 2 2 Cut-Over & Contingency Plan Stabilisation Plan 3 3 Change Readiness Plan 4 4 5 Benefits Realisation Plan 5 Operational Performance Contingency Period System Downtime • Continuous Improvement Procedures in Place* • BAU Disaster Recovery Plans in Place* Minimum Acceptable Level of Operational Invoke Performance 6 Business Continuity Plan 6 Business Continuity Plan Time *out of scope Go- Live 1 1 Programme Plan Key Typical Operational Performance During/Post Cut-Over Non-Performing Operational Levels 25

  26. A lot has been achieved, but there are still areas to work on � Against this we have made strong progress Logistics Execution, Planning and production - Cost reduction and Working Capital Improvements including - procurement Improved Innovation Process - KPI reporting framework - � We have the following still to go for Commercial optimisation (incl’ Promotions Optimisation) - Benefit from embedding the business practices into the - “culture” of the organisation 26

  27. Commercial Optimisation 27

  28. The Commercial Vision for Business Transformation Increased Increased agility and agility and ability to get ability to get to market to market CULTURE faster faster Increased Culture of TECHNOLOGY Increased Culture of BEHAVIOURS focus on continuous focus on continuous total value learning and total value learning and BUSINESS creation evaluation BUSINESS creation evaluation TRANSFORMATION TRANSFORMATION Creating a Creating a Leading Edge Leading Edge Organisation Organisation A longer- A longer- Smarter Smarter term term decision decision perspective perspective making making Industry Industry PROCESS SKILLS leading leading REDESIGN execution to execution to deliver deliver optimal ROI optimal ROI 28


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