
Brassai 1899-1984 Brassai - Background - Inspired by Paris. - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brassai 1899-1984 Brassai - Background - Inspired by Paris. - First saw Paris at age 5 when his father was on sabbatical. - Loved it even at young age as he watched Buffalo Bill at the circus and the first cars ever made. - Moved

  1. Brassai 1899-1984

  2. Brassai - Background - Inspired by Paris. - First saw Paris at age 5 when his father was on sabbatical. - Loved it even at young age as he watched ‘Buffalo Bill’ at the circus and the first cars ever made. - Moved to Paris when he got older. (around the 1920’s and 30’s) - Like to document prostitutes and scandals at night in Paris. - This is what inspired him to create his book Paris by Night. - Then took photos, mostly of Paris life and scandals.

  3. Brassai - Fun facts - Inspired a lot of characters in plays. (The main character in The Madwoman of Chaillot) - Was acquainted with Pablo Picasso. - Was acquainted with Joan Miro. (famous Spanish painter, sculptor and ceramist) - Was also acquainted with Salvador Dali. (Spanish, famous for his surrealist work) - Started taking photographs in between World War I and World War II. - As I mentioned above he was acquainted with Picasso and took many photographs of him. (example photo to the right) - Developed most of his photographs in his kitchen in Paris.

  4. Brassai - Materials & Techniques - Used mostly real people, and candids, to make his photos portray a more real version of the era at the moment of the picture. - Used rule of thirds a lot in his photos. (A few examples in pictures later on) - Lots of value to create more of an appeal. - Stories within the photos that makes them even more interesting than a regular photograph. - Mostly Modern art or Contemporary art. - Usually printed with Silver gelatin.

  5. 2 Most Important Photos 1. Date made : 1932 Title : La Môme Bijou, Bar de la Lune Theme/Main Idea : The picture was taken of a locally well known Parisian woman, named La Mome Bijou (Miss Diamonds) because of her appearance that seemed heavily jeweled but also shabby and tattered, in the Montmartre nightclub Bar de la Lune (Moon Bar). Inspiration : Brassai was at Bar de la Lune writing his book Secret Paris of the 30s when the bartender told him the story of La Mome Bijou. She was once rich and famous, rode in her barouche in the Bois de Boulogne back in the carriage days, and then she had to live off charity.

  6. 2 Most Important Photos Symbolism: Behind the tattered old woman, he could see “the ghost of a pretty girl”. The photo was also heard to represent the nostalgia and loss of the splendor of the 1930s, better known as La Belle Epoque (‘the beautiful era’). Why it was important when it was made : It was one of Brassai’s best-known pieces and had a part in his book Secret Paris of the 30s, and his 1933 project Paris by Night that became controversial because of its scandalous manner . Lasting importance : The piece became the inspiration for the main character in Jean Giraudoux’s French playwright in 1945, The Madwoman of Chaillot.

  7. 2 Most Important Photos 2. Date made: 1946 Title : Rooftops, Paris Theme/Main Idea: A photograph from a high vantage point of a large city. Inspiration (why was it made): Brassai was known to be involved in a surrealist movement that is hypothesized to have influence this piece. Symbolism: Later on, Brassai denied that his work shared the same philosophical view as the surrealist publication.

  8. 2 Most Important Photos Why it was important when it was made: By the time Brassai took this photo he was already well-known, but more so for his Paris photos of regular people in the streets or at bars. This photo was taken of the modern metropolis, emphasizing the fog over the buildings and creating a new aesthetic for Brassai. Lasting importance: Now held by two museums, each gave the piece a different name, although similar in theme, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), Chartres from Cathedral Tower , and at the J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles), Chartres Cathedral in Winter. Both share the idea that the Chartres is the main focus of the photograph.

  9. 5 Extra Photos Title: Deux Voyous de la Bande du Grand Albert Type of photography: Modern art How it was made: Silver gelatin print Size: 29.7 x 22.8 cm Location: Paris, France Date made: 1932

  10. 5 Extra Photos Title: Couple at the Bal des Quatre Saisons Type of photography: Contemporary Art How it was made: Oversized gelatin silver enlargement print on ferrotype paper. Size: 49.5 x 40.3 cm Location: Rue de Lappe, Paris Date made: 1933

  11. 5 Extra Photos Title: Rosée sur une feuille de capucine Type of photography: Modern art How it was made: Gelatin silver print Size: 11.2 x 8.5 cm Location: France Date made: 1935

  12. 5 Extra Photos Title: Untitled Type of photography: Contemporary art, Modern art How it was made: Gelatin silver print Size: 24.1 x 17.8 cm Location: France Date made: 1932

  13. 5 Extra Photos Title: La Rue Quincampoix et ses Hotels De Passe Type of photography: Modern art How it was made: Gelatin silver print. (printed in 1955) Size: 48.3 x 36.2 cm Location: France Date made: 1932

  14. Inspired Photos Brassai:

  15. Inspired Photos Photos I took:

  16. THE END