bonus the policy driven joint baltic sea

BONUS, the policy-driven joint Baltic Sea research and development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BONUS, the policy-driven joint Baltic Sea research and development programme supports cleaner and safer maritime activities and related policy action Maija Sirola at CBSS Expert Group on Maritime Policy, 5 September 2017, Dons Participating

  1. BONUS, the policy-driven joint Baltic Sea research and development programme supports cleaner and safer maritime activities and related policy action Maija Sirola at CBSS Expert Group on Maritime Policy, 5 September 2017, Donsö

  2. Participating states • Eight EU member states surrounding the Baltic Sea • Russia participates through bilateral agreements • A bottom-up initiative of national funding agencies, matching funds from EU, total of EUR 100 million, Art-185 programme

  3. • All members channelling their programmatic Baltic Sea research funding through BONUS • Covers fields with direct impact on Baltic Sea ecosystem and sustainable use of goods and services – incl. safer and cleaner shipping • A trend-setter and testlab in EU macro-regional issues - first and only programming and funding initiative integrating marine and maritime research • Marine ecosystem management based on best knowledge and innovation, science ja technical solutions to support environmental protection action • underpinning national, regional and EU policies, contributing to sust. blue growth agenda, UN SDGs, – e.g. HELCOM BSAP & maritime WG, contribution to HELCOM’s integrated thematic assessment on maritime activities and response to pollution at sea

  4. BONUS SRA, a systemic approach responding to dynamic development in relevant policy fields 19 themes Coast and catchment Societal responses Ecosystem Sustainable use of Observation and goods and services data management

  5. BONUS calls: • 5 calls in BONUS Art 185 and 1 in BONUS+ • 56 projects worth over EUR 100 million involving a total of 16 countries • Over 100 region’s leading universities and institutions and 35 businesses • More than 1000 researchers • Currently open – synthesis call, 18-month desk-top studies start in 2018 • Coordinating and delivering cutting edge science & technological advances to fill in information gaps

  6. BONUS projects in science policy interface in 2016: • 313 BONUS researchers as members in the stakeholder committees (HELCOM, ICES, EU etc) • 58 significant contributions to ’fit -for-purpose ’ regulations, policies and management practices • 43 suggestions for designing, implementing and evaluating the efficacy of relevant public policies and governance originating from the projects’ work

  7. BONUS Art 185 projects... • look for environmentally safer maritime activities • develop ways to reduce loadings from the catchment • boost sustainable fisheries • develop methods and approaches to trade-offs between various sectors and interests • develop new methods for monitoring, surveillance and assessment • create new knowledge about marine ecosystems


  9. Further projects boosting environmentally safer maritime activities ▪ BONUS+ BALTICWAY (2009-2011) demonstrated how optimising ship routes in GoF would result in 40% decrease of coastal pollution ▪ BONUS STORMWINDS research project develops next generation online information management platform on situ awareness in icy conditions ▪ BONUS INNO briefing coming soon on outcomes of BONUS ANCHOR (safer harbour maneuvering ) , ESABALT (citizens’ software platform for maritime information crowdsourcing), ZEB (onboard oily water separator system), SWERA (detecting oil in sunken wrecks) projects ▪ + BONUS CHANGE on leisure boats antifouling practices, regulatory practices

  10. Collaboration with other initiatives and networks through broad communications programme, joint stakeholder platforms, cross-sectoral collaboration, contributions to strategic planning , advisory boards, joint young scientists training activities etc. On macro-regional level: • HELCOM, VASAB, Interreg BSR, BDF, EUSBSR, CBSS, BSN - “ The EU-BONUS-programme is a best practical model for successful joint research programming in the BSR” etc. • The future plan: ’The northern European regional seas research and innovation programme’

  11. THANK YOU! Maija Sirola


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