boar ard o of co county co commis issioners

Boar ard o of Co County Co Commis issioners Regular Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Boar ard o of Co County Co Commis issioners Regular Meeting Thursday, July 20, 2017 5:30 P.M. School Board Administrative Complex 1 CDB DBG G Projec oject - Plant antat ation ion Pa Park rk On November 21, 2016, the Department

  1. Boar ard o of Co County Co Commis issioners Regular Meeting Thursday, July 20, 2017 5:30 P.M. School Board Administrative Complex 1

  2. CDB DBG G Projec oject - Plant antat ation ion Pa Park rk  On November 21, 2016, the Department of Economic Development awarded a CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization Grant to Columbia County and on June 8, 2017, sent the Subgrant Agreement to the County.  Meets CDBG National Objective to Benefit Low and Moderate Income Persons and Families.  Replaces an old water system, connects the new system to City water, and paves two dirt roads.  Project is located in the Columbia City area near SE Mauldin Avenue 2

  3. CDB DBG P G Proje oject - Plant antat ation ion P Park  Replace Water Lines in Plantation Park.  Install Transmission Line connecting Plantation Park to City Utilities at SW Bishop Avenue.  Abandon Plantation Park well and water system.  Pave SW Kimdale Loop and SW Stratford Glen 3

  4. CDB DBG P G Proje oject - Plant antat ation ion P Park Budget  Water Line Improvements $ 415,000  Street Improvements - New Paving $ 275,000  CDBG Administration $ 60,000 Total CDBG Funds Awarded $ 750,000  Local In-Kind Match (Engineering and Labor) $ 50,000 4

  5. CDB DBG P G Proje oject - Plant antat ation ion P Park Tentative Timeframe 1 st Quarter 2018  Environmental Review and Approval 1 st and 2 nd Quarter 2018  Engineering and Design  Construction to Begin 3rd Quarter 2018  Recommended Motions: Approve CDBG Subgrant Agreement. Approve Budget Amendment 17-57. 5

  6. Mi Milla llage R Rate  First Hearing: Thursday, September 7, 2017  Final Hearing: Thursday, September 21, 2017  Current Millage: 8.015 per $1,000  Proposed Rate: 8.87 mills  Proposed revenue: $21,334,201  Increased revenue:$2,605,102  Recommended Motion : Approve preliminary millage rate. Set millage and budget public hearing dates. 6

  7. Prelim iminar inary R Rat ate Res esolutio ion 2017R-24 24 Fire P Protect ctio ion S n Servic ices FY 16/17 Proposed FY17/18 Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Dwelling Unit Single Family $183.32 $220.72 Multi-Family $82.49 $123.08 Non Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Square Foot Commercial $0.0662 $0.0787 Industrial/Warehouse $0.1256 $0.0672 Institutional $0.0700 $0.0778 Land Property Use Categories Rate Agricultural/Vacant Land < 160 (per parcel) $53.74 $60.78 Land > 160 (per acre) $0.2711 0.5769 7

  8. Prelim iminar inary R Rat ate Res esolutio ion 2017R-24 24 Fire P Protect ctio ion S n Servic ices  Establish estimated rate for fire protection assessment for FY2018  Revenue Generated: $6,660,826  Recommended Motion : Approve Preliminary Rate Resolution 2017R-24 for Fire Protection Services 8

  9. Prelim iminar inary R Rat ate Res esolutio ion 2017R-25 Soli olid W Wast ste a and Di Dispo sposal S Servi vices FY 16/17 Proposed FY17/18 Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Dwelling Unit Single Family $193.00 $193.00  No Rate Change  Revenue Generated: $4,050,491  Recommended Motion : Approve Preliminary Rate Resolution 2017R-25 for Solid Waste and Disposal Services 9

  10. Prelim iminar inary R Rat ate Res esolutio ion 2017R-26 Emerald L Lak akes St Street FY 16/17 Proposed FY17/18 Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Dwelling Unit Single Family $46.04 $46.04  No Rate Change  Maximum Assessment Rate: $46.28 per lot  Revenue Generated: $8,839  Recommended Motion : Approve Preliminary Rate Resolution 2017R-26 for Emerald Lakes Street Lighting 10

  11. Prelim iminar inary R Rat ate Res esolutio ion 2017R-27 27 Sp Spring Ho Hollow St Street L Lig ighting FY 16/17 Proposed FY17/18 Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Dwelling Unit Single Family $55.50 $55.50  No Rate Change  Revenue Generated: $2,109  Recommended Motion : Approve Preliminary Rate Resolution 2017R-27 for Spring Hollow Lighting 11

  12. Prelim iminar inary R Rat ate Res esolutio ion 2017R-28 Carolyn yn H Hei eigh ghts ts – In Initial A Asse ssessm ssment FY 16/17 Proposed FY17/18 Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Dwelling Unit Single Family - $74.00  Revenue Generated: $2,516  Recommended Motion : Approve Preliminary Rate Resolution 2017R-28 for Carolyn Heights Street Lighting MSBU Initial Assessment 12

  13. Prelim iminar inary R Rat ate Res esolutio ion 2017R-29 Pin Pine Ridg Ridge Co Court FY 16/17 Proposed FY17/18 Residential Property Use Categories Rate Per Dwelling Unit Capital Improvement $90.10 $90.10 Annual Maintenance $130.17 $130.17  Revenue Generated: $2,998  Recommended Motion : Approve Preliminary Rate Resolution 2017R-29 for Pine Ridge Court MSBU Local Improvement and Maintenance Assessment 13

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