bl blue ueprint f for chan change

Bl Blue ueprint f for Chan Change: Aligning R Resources w with - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bl Blue ueprint f for Chan Change: Aligning R Resources w with Res esults (the Ohio Plan to End Homelessness) PLANNING SESSION #3 OCTOBER 27, 2017 Welcome BARBARA POPPE Purpose for Today and Tomorrow Finalize the Plan by reviewing

  1. Bl Blue ueprint f for Chan Change: Aligning R Resources w with Res esults (the Ohio Plan to End Homelessness) PLANNING SESSION #3 OCTOBER 27, 2017

  2. Welcome BARBARA POPPE

  3. Purpose for Today and Tomorrow Finalize the Plan by reviewing feedback from the OHHC Identify 8-12 “actions” that should be prioritized for implementation during the first six months of 2018

  4. Framing and Flow BARBARA POPPE

  5. Steps in Planning Process Planning session 1: One day, August 2 (summary notes in center of table) Planning session 2: Two days, September 11-12 OHHC presentation: October 12 Planning session 3: One day, October 27

  6. Our agenda  Welcome  Review and respond to feedback from OHHC  Develop early implementation priorities  Decisions: Steering Committee  Closing and next steps

  7. Our asks of you….SHARED WORK  Thanks for reading advance materials!  Please participate. Share your perspective and expertise.  Be positive and keep an open mind. Together, we can find solutions within our constraints.  Respect the expertise that others bring to the table.  Listen with intent to understand others’ perspectives.  Bring your “whole” self to the conversation and decisions

  8. Our commitments to you…  Fair, open, inclusive, and responsive process.  Capture the conversation and recommendations as accurately as possible.  Listening with intention to understand your perspectives.  Begin and end each session on time.

  9. Introductions Who am I and what are my key take-away’s from Planning Session 1 and 2?

  10. 10 FEEDBACK Received by DSA from OHHC Members

  11. 11 Reminder on how plan is organized… 5 Cross Cutting Priorities 5 Populations • Housing that’s affordable • Veterans • Employment/Earnings • Chronic • Streamlined and Accessible • Families Systems and Services • Youth • Supporting Effective Local Crisis • Singles Response Systems • Using data and analysis to inform planning, tracking, and resource allocation

  12. 12 Planning council input • Answer questions • Consider alternative language, leads, etc. • Recommend action to Steering Committee

  13. 13 Guiding Principles • P. 2. Last bullet needs to have ‘and American Indians’ removed from the disproportionality statement. • P. 3, persons with disabilities. What is definition of persons with disabilities? Federal definitions often exclude some people so if there is a definition included that definition should be made clear. We have consistently indicated that a person is considered to have a disability if he or she has a disability that: is expected to be long-continuing or of indefinite duration; substantially impedes the individual’s ability to live independently; could be improved by the provision of more suitable housing conditions; and is a physical, mental, or emotional impairment, including an impairment caused by alcohol or drug abuse, post- traumatic stress disorder, or brain injury, a developmental disability

  14. 14 Homelessness in Ohio (research) FYI questions – not action needed • Figure 1. Uses data from American Community Survey for 2014…is that the latest data available? Yes • Page 5. Middle paragraph cites Baggett, et al “The Unmet Healthcare Needs of Homeless Adults (2010)”. Was that information national data or state of Ohio? The data preceding the recitation was specific to Ohio. No. There is no data from Ohio specific about pre-ACA and the homeless population so that is a national data point. • Page 5. Last paragraph states “This group makes up the majority of the state’s homeless population and very little resources are currently deployed to address their needs.” This latter part of this statement is not true. Maybe should be “not enough resources to meet current need”? The non-chronic, non-veteran single adult population is the largest and there very little RRH, diversion and PSH available compared to other populations. Generally only ES is available.

  15. 15 Cross-cutting Priority 1: Housing that’s Affordable • Action #1 • Alternative language and lead suggestion: Identify and pursue resources that will enable the preservation and expansion of affordable rental housing options statewide. – OHFA as lead • Should be an OHFA item, ODSA is lead for increasing OHTF later in document (Action 26) • Action #2 • This is too vague and unsustainable as written. Not sure OHFA is the best to spearhead this as their work with subsidies is relatively limited. • Why would there be a need for a certificate program if there are jobs available as a peer specialist (as OMHAS currently supports)? OMHAS contracts with agencies who already do this so they would be interested to know which barriers currently exist? • Action #4. Would want to know more information about what “promoting partnerships” looks like to know if OHFA is right for this as well. When should OHAC perhaps be looped into this discussion? • Action #5. Not sure what this means? Would OHFA provide operational dollars to PHAs? There may be push-back if OHFA were to divert gap funding from the projects themselves, which is where the biggest need is. • Action #6. Create two pilots. What would the pilots be? Instead of committing to pilots, should we let the best practices dictate the next move?

  16. 16 Cross-cutting Priority 2: Employment and Earnings • Action #10. It would make sense for the Action Step to be to create one or two pilots • Action #11. What are the contract provisions that need removed to hire persons with lived experience of homelessness or criminal histories? • Action #12. Develop Encourage peer specialist certificate employment opportunities for people with lived experience for homelessness to fill vacant jobs within CoC’s.

  17. 17 Cross-cutting Priority 3: Streamlined and Accessible Systems and Services • Action #15. Need a better rationale other than another state having experience with the action • Action #16. Require Encourage Medicaid providers and Managed Care Plans (MCPs) to assess for housing status; make provision of housing stabilization services an eligible Medicaid service for homeless households. • Action #16. Comment #1: May want to explore the use of z codes (ICD10) z59.9 Comment #2: Problem related to housing and economic circumstances. Feasibility of action would be greatly increased if Medicaid providers not targeted. There is a payment relationship here. Perhaps during enrollment it would be more appropriate. • Action #20. Unclear as to what ODSA’s role in this action would be, as it currently has no relationship with the SOAR program. COHHIO would be the contact. • Action #22. Ohio Legal Assistance Fund may also be a point of contact on this

  18. 18 Cross-cutting Priority 4: Supporting effective local crisis response systems • Actions #26. alternative language and lead suggestion: Identify and pursue resources that will enable the preservation and expansion of Homeless Crisis Response services statewide. – ODSA as lead • Action #28. Needs to refer to Homeless Planning Regions since ODSA doesn’t work directly with the local CoC’s in the Balance of State. • Action #32. Need more details on these models and how it would work with the systems in place in Ohio. Given description, perhaps ODJFS and OMHAS are co-leads?

  19. 19 Cross-cutting Priority 5: Using data and analysis to inform planning, tracking, and resource allocation • Action #36. Replace ‘Dedicate’ with ‘Secure long term sustainable funding’. Better define: “Participating state agencies will also need additional resources to prepare and submit data to the warehouse.” Perhaps “Secure funding resources to expand…” The current wording makes it sound like OHFA is going to shoulder the entire cost of the warehouse, which was not the intent of the workgroups. • Action #37. As we move forward, we may want to narrow or clarify what type of data we’re looking for (individual-level data, not necessarily constrained to housing… we’d also want the accompanying health, institutionalization, income, benefits, etc. records). Why is ODSA the lead on this; wouldn’t the Executive need to mandate? • Action #39. TA is available from HUD for this activity. If the activity specified is related to state-specific programs and requirements, should specify in the Plan. • Action #40. Will process identify the items to be included in the Dashboard report?

  20. 20 Population Goals (overarching) • Action #42. Unsure if OMHAS should be lead. Perhaps ODH?

  21. 21 Resolve and prevent homelessness among Veterans by 2018 • Action #45. What is ODSA’s responsibility as co-lead on this action?

  22. 22 Resolve and prevent chronic homelessness by 2018 • Actions #50-52. This is a CoC responsibility…access to national TA opportunities

  23. 23 Prevent and end homelessness among families with children by 2020 • Action #56. Should be any parent or caregiver with an infant.

  24. 24 Prevent and end homelessness among youth and young adults by 2020 • Action #63. Also ODJFS as co-lead. • Action #64. Maybe not realistic, but would be great if we could place-base rental vouchers for transitioning youth.


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