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Use the address or the QR code to take this survey while you wait! Welcome to: A Start to Genrefication Peggy OConnor Rachael Jimenez-Langenbach About Me: Born in 1970 6th out of 10 kids

  1. Use the address or the QR code to take this survey while you wait!

  2. Welcome to: A Start to Genrefication Peggy O’Connor Rachael Jimenez-Langenbach

  3. About Me: ❖ Born in 1970 ❖ 6th out of 10 kids ❖ One Son, Simon ❖ One Dog, R2-D2…. as of 2 weeks ago, now 2-Welcome Duncan!

  4. Background: ❖ Taught 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades for 10 years ❖ Stayed home with my son. ❖ Started subbing (8 years) back to school spring of 2017 at SUNY Albany. Librarian-Officially Graduated last month!

  5. About you….. Survey Results:

  6. My path to genrefication….. ❖ Aggravation at local public library ❖ “HOT TOPIC” for college courses

  7. Knowledge Quest actually devoted an entire issue to this topic:

  8. Section 1: History of Dewey ➢ Started in 1876 ➢ Target audience: Adult, Christian, Male ➢ Updated often, overseen by Library of Congress ➢ Fiction: Alphabetical arrangement ➢ NonFiction: Dewey Decimal Categorization (DDC) ○ 10 Main Subject Groups. 0-900 ○ Divided into ten divisions ○ Represented by numbers ○ Uses decimals

  9. Problems with Dewey ➢ Younger students do not have knowledge of numbers/decimals needed for navigation. ➢ How many times have you taught it? And still have to answer the same ?????

  10. Topics can be scattered throughout the stacks. ➢ A student recently asked for books about horses, here is where Dewey led her….

  11. ➢ Or maybe it is a staff member preparing for a unit study on oceans….. 5 5 0 0 7 7 . . 577 8 8 7 7 4 4 1 1 7 7 551.46 92 8 8 1 1 591.77 . . 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 8 8 . . 8 8 0 0 2 2 9 9 1 1 . . 2 2 1 1 9 9 574.92

  12. Adult Collection/300-Social Sciences ➢ 303.6 Conflict ➢ 305.9 Gay and Lesbian Issues ➢ 306.3 Slavery ➢ 358 Chemical Warfare ➢ 362 Incest ➢ 383 Postal Communication ➢ 393 Death Customs

  13. My Problems ➢ Whole day with no clerk to help with check out ➢ Trouble remembering Dewey (Students and Myself! :-)

  14. Nonfiction & Fiction Questions ➢ Where’s a princess book? ➢ I need a historical fiction book for a project ➢ Do you have dinosaur stories? ……...

  15. Also….. End of Year District-Wide Inventory (first in 10 years, so WEED….I was told!)

  16. Follow the link to the Answer Garden. You can type one word each time, but you can type as many things that pop into your head to answer the question: When you hear Genrefication, you think……...

  17. GENREFICATION Put like books with like books, “by genre rather than the ★ Dewey number,” mirroring the way booksellers set up their shops. Sets up a “culture of reading,” increasing circulation. ★ What other libraries have done:

  18. What We Did: ➢ Started in Dewey ➢ Lists of Popular Topics ➢ Got started! ➢ Needs: Baskets, Labels, ➢ Change in System

  19. A before and after virtual tour on my library website: Virtual Tour

  20. Before: 0-500

  21. After: 0-500

  22. After: 0-500

  23. After: 400-700

  24. Before: 400-700

  25. After: 400-700

  26. After: 400-700

  27. After: 400-700

  28. After: 400-700

  29. After: 400-700

  30. Before: 700-800

  31. After: 700-800

  32. After: 700-800

  33. Before: 900

  34. After: 900

  35. After: 900

  36. Next: ➢ E Book Collection ➢ Lists of Popular Topics ➢ Favorite Author Section-Rotating ➢ Got started! (Baskets, Labels, Change in System)

  37. Samples of My Picture Book Baskets

  38. Libraries Books! PIRATES Librarians Vehicles

  39. Benefits Of Genrefication ★ Students ★ Staff ★ Visually oriented ★ Students who have not yet learned decimals ★ People in a rush ……………..

  40. Who Doesn’t Benefit From Genrefication? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

  41. A before and after virtual tour on my library website: Virtual Tour

  42. Questions??? Comments?? If you would like links to any info from the presentation, I’m happy to share. Email me!

  43. References: Aubuchon, Jeffery W. (2013). Why Have the Kids in the Shelves When They Could Be In the Books? Knowledge Quest., 42( 2), 44-45 Bhatt, R. K. (2011). Relevance of Ranganthan’s Laws of Library Science in Library Marketing. Library Philosophy & Practice. July, 23-29 Bojanowski, S., & Kwiecien, S. (2013). One library's experience. Knowledge Quest , 42 (2), 20-21. Boyce, J. I., & Boyce, B. R. (2002). A reexamination of shelf organization for children's books. Public Libraries , 41 (5), 280-283. Buchter, H. b. (2013). Dewy vs. genre throwdown. Knowledge Quest , 42 (2), 48-55. D. Martinez-Avila and M.E.I. Kipp. (2014) Implications of the Adoption of BISAC for Classifying Library Collections. Knowledge Organization , 41,( 5) 377. Genrefication in the library: Case study. (n.d.). Follet . Retrieved from Kaplan, T. B., Dolloff, A. K., Giffard, S., & Still-Schiff, J. J. (2012). Are dewey's days numbered? School Library Journal , 58 (10), 24-28. Kaplan, T. B., Giffard, S. S., Still-Schiff, J. J., & Dolloff, A. A. (2013). One size does not fit all. Knowledge Quest , 42 (2), 30-37. Potter, J. M. (2017). The Effects of Genrefication of Fiction on the Book Selection Process in Elementary Schools. Culminating Projects in Information Media , Paper 7. Rice, Melissa, Kolendo, Joanna. (2009) Transition & Reflection: Frankfort Public Library District’s Decision to Go Dewey Free. ILA Reporter. .27 (3), 12-15

  44. Photo Credits: 0_34 pg um=Affiliate&utm_campaign=TinEye&utm_source=77643&utm_term=


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