bioscience technology career technical education

Bioscience Technology Career Technical Education Preparing Students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bioscience Technology Career Technical Education Preparing Students For the Workforce Introduction Hello, my name is Jenny Kirchler and I am the program advisor and student resource specialist for Portland Community Colleges Bioscience

  1. Bioscience Technology Career Technical Education Preparing Students For the Workforce

  2. Introduction • Hello, my name is Jenny Kirchler and I am the program advisor and student resource specialist for Portland Community College’s Bioscience Technology Program. • Hello, my name is Carla Moentenich and I am the Lab Manager and adjunct Faculty for the Bioscience Technology Program. Prior to working in education, I worked in the biotechnology industry doing cancer research at a local company.

  3. Practical Applications Of The Life Sciences • Pharmaceuticals • Energy • Medical Devices • Food Quality • Research • And more as the bioscience • Agriculture industry continues to expand.

  4. Explore Biotechnology Careers • Manufacturing Technicians • Research Technicians • QC or QA (Quality Control or Quality Assurance Technicians) • Agricultural plant culturists • …... And many more • Biotechnology Careers

  5. Interactive Activity Bio-Rad ELISA simulation for Coronavirus Antibody Detection Coronavirus Antibody Detection ELISA Antigen (lab-purified coronavirus S Coronavirus Infection protein) Patient Sample Coronavirus (anti-coronavirus antibodies infects person will be present in sample if patient was infected) Person makes antibodies against Secondary Antibody, coronavirus goat anti-human (binds if anti-coronavirus human antibodies are present in the sample) Enzyme Substrate 6

  6. Antibody Detection ELISA Animation Antibody Detection ELISA Animation (click on link to view animation, or use presentation mode to play the embedded video) 7

  7. Questions —Antibody Detection ELISA In an antibody detection ELISA, lab-purified antigen (coronavirus S protein, 5. for example) is added to the wells first. Model this step using the solid black circles to represent the coronavirus S protein antigens. After antigen is added, the wells are washed. 6. Next, the patient sample is added. Patient samples contain a variety of 7. antibodies. If the patient has been infected with coronavirus, the sample will also contain antibodies to the coronavirus S protein. An enzyme-linked secondary antibody is added next. Finally, the substrate 8. is added. If the sample turns blue (a positive result) the patient sample contains antibodies to coronavirus. Does this necessarily indicate an ongoing infection? Explain your answer. Biorad Classroom Resources - click here for more lessons 9. 8

  8. PCC’s Bioscience Technology Program Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS degree) 90 Credits ● 7 Terms ● 1000hrs of technical experience

  9. Focused on career success • • Initial Job Offers up to $48,000 / yr 90% + job placement rate for graduates • • $74,000 average industry salary and Higher education 68% job growth in last decade

  10. Bioscience Lab Bldg 7 Room 134

  11. Student Life

  12. Melanie Holzer Education: A.A.S. in Bioscience Technology (2018) Experience: Compliance, Genentech; Quality Assurance Technician, Swire Coca- Cola; Document Management System Specialist, Genentech “I wouldn’t have been able to get the jobs I had or the job I have without BIT! With the help of my friends and instructors from the program, I was able to discern my strengths and find where they belong.” Read Melanie’s story

  13. Alex Sathler Education: A.A.S. in Bioscience Technology (2019); pursuing B.S. in Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University Experience: Bioinformatics intern, Earle A. Chiles Research Institute (2019); Molecular Biophysics intern, Princeton University (2020) “What surprised me the most about the program was its ability to develop your professional skills and help you establish connections with members of the local industry… through resume writing classes or tours, the faculty in the program do their best to enable you to land a job in the bioscience industry by the end of your time in the program.” Read Alex’s story

  14. Future You 2 Go Career Presenter Contact Information Josh Cary, Program Dept Chair, Jenny Kirchler, Program Advisor, Carla Moentenich, Lab Manager, Student Evaluation For information about upcoming Future You 2 Go events go to our College & Career Readiness Calendar:


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