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BIG PICTURE A Vibrant Upper Midwest Mississippi River Region Vision, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BIG PICTURE A Vibrant Upper Midwest Mississippi River Region Vision, Goals, Objectives & Performance Measure s . By Chandra Ravada Director of Transportation . Performance-Based Planning PLANNING Strategic Direction Where do we want to

  1. BIG PICTURE A Vibrant Upper Midwest Mississippi River Region Vision, Goals, Objectives & Performance Measure s . By Chandra Ravada Director of Transportation .

  2. Performance-Based Planning PLANNING Strategic Direction Where do we want to go? Goals and Objectives Quality Data and Public Involvement Performance Measures Analysis How are we going to get there? Identify Trends and Targets Identify Strategies and Analyze Alternatives Develop Investment Priorities Investment Plan Monitoring Resource Allocation Evaluation Program of Projects Reporting Implementation and Evaluation Programming How did we do? What will it take? PERFORMANCE-BASED PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING Source: FHWA

  3. VISION The Dubuque Metropolitan Area remains a vibrant Upper Midwest Mississippi River region, with a transportation system that provides efficient movement of people and goods. This system promotes the area's economy and environmental quality, and operates in an attractive and safe setting that serves everyone.

  4. Performance-Based Planning Vision Statement Top Priorities Establishes the overarching 1. Transportation projects that place emphasis on maintaining and vision of the plan improving the existing transportation system than on expanding. 2. Transportation projects and programs that reduce greenhouse Goals gas emissions, region’s dependency on oil, reduce vehicle miles Expands on the Vision Statement traveled and improve regional air quality. in seven areas of emphasis 3. Transportation projects should support high-density, mixed used development that helps decrease reliance on personal vehicles. Objectives 4. Coordinate amongst the three states to plan for integrating Defines focused elements of the technology into the transportation system. Goals Performance Measures High Priorities Tracks progress in achieving the 1. Transportation projects that promote healthy lifestyle, like Objectives biking and walking. 2. Transportation projects that support revitalization of existing Strategies and Policies neighborhoods. Details an approach to meet the Performance Measures

  5. Priorities Addressed TOP Priority 1: Transportation projects that place emphasis on maintaining and improving the existing transportation system than on expanding. Safety TOP Priority 4: Coordinate amongst the three states to plan for integrating technology into the transportation system.

  6. Goal 1 Manage and maintain the existing transportation system to maximize performance Objective: 1 Objective: 2 Utilize Intelligent Transportation System Recognizing that the highway network is • • (ITS) technology where possible to the backbone of the regional maximize efficiency of the existing transportation system, continue to support transportation facilities and services. efforts to maximize the efficiency and safety of the regional roadway network. Performance Measures Performance Measures • Overall travel time during peak and off peak for primary road system. Response • Overall safety improvements on primary time for emergency management systems. road system.

  7. Goal 2 Support an efficient freight system in the region Objective: 1 Objective: 2 Objective: 3 Maintain adequate Maintain a high degree of Reduce congestion on • • • infrastructure conditions reliability on primary primary freight corridors. on primary freight freight corridors. corridors. Performance Measures Performance Measures Performance Measures • Implementation of • Overall travel time during • Pavement condition and recommendations from peak and off peak on roughness index on freight study primary freight corridors. primary freight corridors. • Annual commodity flow by tonnage through the region.

  8. Goal 3 Strategically preserve our existing infrastructure and focus future investment in areas that are already served by significant public infrastructure investments Objective: 1 Objective: 3 • Preserve and maintain pavement. • Preserve and maintain pedestrian facilities. Performance Measures Performance Measures • • Trail: Percentage of population within Pavement condition: Percentage of road system in poor condition walking distance from a trail system. Objective: 2 Objective: 4 • Preserve and maintain bridges. • Assist communities in our planning area in creating, maintaining, and utilizing asset Performance Measures management systems. • Bridge condition: Percentage of structural deficit condition bridges.

  9. Goal 4 Increase the safety, security, and resiliency of the transportation system Objective: 1 Objective: 2 Reduce serious injuries and fatalities from Reduce pedestrian and bicycle crashes. • • vehicle crashes. Performance Measures Performance Measures • Number of annual crashes: Number of • Number of annual crashes: Number of annual injuries and fatalities from vehicle annual pedestrian and bicycle crashes. crashes.

  10. Priorities Addressed TOP Priority 2: Transportation projects and programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, region’s dependency on oil, reduce vehicle miles traveled and improve regional air quality.

  11. Goal 5 Protect and enhance the natural environment and support energy conservation and management Objectives Performance Measures Reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in 1. Vehicle miles traveled in the metro 1. the region. area/population. Reduce on-road mobile source emissions. 2. Emission using VMT 2. Increase the percentage of trips made by 3. Number of walking and biking trips 3. bicycling or walking. annually . Increase the percentage of commute trips 4. Annual transit ridership. 4. made by transit. 5. Compare alternative fueling and electric Increase availability of alternative fueling charging station and vehicles. 5. and electric charging stations.

  12. Goal 6 Improve the of the transportation system and promote efficient system management and operations. Objectives Performance Measures 1. Maintain a high degree of reliability on 1. Overall travel time during peak and off primary commuter routes. peak for primary road system. 2. Improve transit on-time performance. 2. Vehicle miles traveled in the metro area/population. 3. Improve utilization of transit vehicles. 3. Annual mileage reports on bus usage. 4. Implement transportation demand management (TDM) strategies, with a 4. Implementation of East-West corridor focus on strategies for downtown, North- study, North-West Arterial and downtown West Arterial and East-West Corridors that improvements. have been recommended through previous studies.

  13. Priorities Addressed TOP Priority 3: Transportation projects should support high- density, mixed used development that helps decrease reliance on personal vehicles . High Priority 1: Transportation projects that promote healthy lifestyle, like biking and walking. High Priority 2: Transportation projects that revitalization of existing neighborhoods.

  14. Goal 7 Provide a high degree of multi-modal accessibility and mobility for individuals. This should include better integration and connectivity between modes of travel Objectives Performance Measures Provide multimodal transportation on priority commuter 1. Implementation of East-West corridor study, 1. corridors as appropriate based on the character of the North-West Arterial and downtown improvements. adjacent development. 2. Implementation of Smarter Travel. 2. Provide essential transit service to urban and suburban 3. Annual Transit Ridership. areas. 3. Provide higher-quality transit service to transit oriented 4. Implementation of East-West corridor study and development (TOD) nodes throughout the community. downtown improvements. 4. Provide more on-road bicycle facilities throughout the 5. Increase in trail network within the region. community. 6. Increase in sidewalk network within the region. 5. Provide more trails to connect destinations throughout the community, including the completion of existing regional and local trail systems. 6. Provide more pedestrian facilities to connect destinations throughout the community.

  15. Goal 8 Ensure that transportation system performance improvements are distributed equitably Objective: 1 Objective: 2 Objective: 3 • • • Improve transit service Ensure that pavement Provide accessible sidewalks between employment centers conditions within priority and curb ramps, in and priority target areas (as target areas are at or above accordance with ADA identified in Dubuque regional averages. requirements. Smarter Travel and Passenger Transportation Performance Measures Performance Measures Plan). • • Pavement Condition: Increase in sidewalk network Performance Measures Percentage of road system in and curb ramps within the poor condition within priority region. • Implementation of Smarter target areas established by Travel and Passenger DMATS. Transportation Plan recommendations.

  16. Plan Content Chapter 2: DMATS Overview. Chapter 3: Transportation Network Overview. Chapter 4: Transportation Network Forecast. Chapter 5: Public Input. Chapter 6: Safety and Security. Chapter 7: Projects. Chapter 8: Environmental. Chapter 9: Project Ranking. Chapter 10: Finance .



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