better haul road tailings

Better Haul Road & Tailings Management November 20/21, 2018 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Driven By Innovation Partners in Performance Reduction of Operational Costs and Environmental Footprint Through Better Haul Road & Tailings Management November 20/21, 2018 Driven By Innovation Partners in Performance Cypher

  1. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Reduction of Operational Costs and Environmental Footprint Through Better Haul Road & Tailings Management November 20/21, 2018

  2. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Cypher Environmental is a 100% Canadian owned company based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. We provide environmentally friendly, cost effective solutions around the world for over 16 years through our extensive distributor network, as well as direct to many foreign customers. Distribution channels exist in countries such as Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Brasil, Nigeria, Guinea, Namibia, South Africa, China, Philippines, Japan, Romania, and more.

  3. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance At Cypher Environmental we live our tag line, continually innovating our solution offerings, developing new ones, and improving upon our existing technologies. By partnering with our distributors and customers worldwide, we are able to better understand their needs and develop new and innovative solutions to help solve them. We believe in providing the best customer experience possible, including hands on technical support and training, and being available 24/7 for technical support whenever required. It is through this method of customer experience that we are able to develop repeat customers and long lasting, mutually beneficial relationships.

  4. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Industry Partners Partnership also extends to our external support network, we proudly work with several organizations that allow us to leverage competitive advantage over other companies. We regularly work closely with organizations such as Export Development Canada, the World Trade Center Winnipeg, Red River College, University of Alberta, Brandon University, University of Manitoba, the Trade Commissioner Service, NRC / IRAP, CAMESE and many more.

  5. Problems Associated with Traditional Haul Road Construction • High costs for construction materials such as aggregate • Dust production, this lowers productivity as well as causing issues with safety and creating a health risk • Potholes and wash boarding that occur will increase the risk of RAC events and the need for maintenance

  6. Problems Associated with Traditional Haul Road Construction • Rolling Resistance • Truck haulage costs can account for up to 50% of the total operating costs incurred by a surface mine, and any savings generated from improved road design and management benefit the mining company directly as a reduced cost per ton material hauled (Thompson & Visser 2003).

  7. Problems Associated with Traditional Tailings Storage • Dam failure – resulting in sudden release of massive amounts of potentially toxic contaminates into the environment. • Leaching – problems such as Acid Mine Drainage, etc. • Dry Stack – wind and water erosion.

  8. The Solution Before After

  9. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance EarthZyme Soil Stabilization

  10. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance • Non-toxic clay soil stabilizer • 100% Biodegradable • 1 liter of EarthZyme treats 33 m 3 of compacted soil EarthZyme Soil Stabilization

  11. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance EarthZyme reacts permanently with the clay in the soil to produce long-term stabilization. Other products often glue the clay particles together Once the glue is gone….so are the results of the stabilization process Because EarthZyme uses the clay as the natural binder , which remains in the soil indefinitely, it produces the long term effects that are desired EarthZyme Soil Stabilization

  12. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Long Term Economic Benefits – Rolling Resistance Rolling Resistance (%) Production (%) Fuel Cost (%) Clay Shale; 7.0 - 42 100 Clay Shale + EarthZyme; 2.7 - 7 10 35 90 Savings (%) EarthZyme Soil Stabilization

  13. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance CBR With Increase in CBR Project Type Location CBR No EZ EZ (Avg. % Change) Primary Unpaved Puerto Plata Dominican Republic 43 196 353% Road Primary Unpaved Peru 12 37 208% Road Secondary Huiyang District China 37 135 265% Unpaved Road Haul Road Pallancata Silver Mine, Peru 55 102 85% Municipal Road Ghana 69 296 328% Highway Cajamarca Peru 14 41 192% Paved Parking Lot Guangdong Province China 64 286 347% Municipal Paved Metropolitan District of Quito 61 92 51% Road Ecuador Soil Strength (CBR) EarthZyme Soil Stabilization Increases - EarthZyme

  14. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Swell (% Project Type Location EarthZyme* Untreated* Reduction) Caupicho Quito Municipal Paved Road 0.3 0.81 63% Ecuador Secondary Unpaved Road Hainan Province China 0.08 0.26 69% Primary Unpaved Road Hainan Province China 0.06 0.28 79% Metropolitan District Municipal Paved Road 0.01 0.32 97% of Quito Ecuador Highway Cajamarca Peru 0.88 1.8 51% Durability (Swell) - EarthZyme Soil EarthZyme Stabilization

  15. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Shenhua Beidian Shengli Energy Co. Ltd Xilinhot, China A study conducted on an EarthZyme haul road application at an open-pit coal mine in Xilinhot, China, by Shenhua Beidan Shengli Energy Co. Ltd. showed a substantial decrease in operational and maintenance costs. After a successful demo road in 2013 Shenhua has used the technology on all new haul road builds ever since.

  16. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance 17.4% Reduction in Diesel Fuel Consumption • Over 1 million gallons of fuel saved over the duration of 1 year. Results indicated that the fuel consumption dropped from 5.9 million to 4.9 million gallons in that timeframe, on a 10 km stretch of stabilized road.

  17. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance 3.6 Million USD Cost Reduction in Fuel Expenses • In 2014, the cost of diesel fuel in China was $3.60 USD per gallon, meaning that approximately $3.6 million in USD was saved in fuel costs in that timeframe.

  18. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance CO2 Emissions Reduced by Over 10,000 Tons/Year • According to the EPA, diesel fuel emits 10.1kg of CO2 per gallon. By saving 1 million gallons of diesel fuel, emissions were reduced by 10,100 metric tons.

  19. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance 60% Reduction in Onsite Dust Concentration • Drastic improvements in dust control, significantly improved visibility, while increasing onsite safety and productivity. • Photo taken before EarthZyme application.

  20. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Dust Stop Municipal Blend

  21. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Dust Stop Liquid Concentrate (DSLC) DSMB - Dust Stop Municipal Blend Reduces maintenance costs Increased water resistance resulting in ✓ Reduced need to grade treated better performance in all weather roads conditions ✓ Reduction in watering ✓ Reduction in maintenance requirements requirements as a result of wet weather ✓ Does not get slippery when wet – can be Non-corrosive and environmentally friendly applied to ramps! ✓ Will not cause rust on vehicles or Long lasting results application equipment Cost Competitive with chlorides ✓ No adverse impact on roadside BOEING D6-17487 Revision T Certified ✓ Safe for use on airfields vegetation ✓ Won’t affect sensitive aircraft materials

  22. Cost Benefit Analysis Water versus Dust Stop Municipal Blend

  23. How it works DSMB is not Hygroscopic! Unlike Chlorides, DSMB does not rely on ambient moisture in the environment o Unique blend of materials utilizes the functional properties of sugars, starches and minerals. o Bind and harden any loose particulate matter decreasing dust in road surfaces. o Reduce road surface issues both during and after rain. o Incorporated sugars compete for water making it less available to bind with other soil molecules.

  24. How it works o Provide structural support and added road stability. o Will re-set once road surfaces dry, re- binding any loose materials. o Not adversely affected by heavy rain, yet very effective and long lasting in dry weather. o No adverse effects on the environment or vehicles using the road due to its non-corrosive properties.

  25. Easy Adoption by Any New Customer! Dust Stop Municipal Blend (DSMB) is applied with standard equipment used to build and maintain roads. • Water Truck with rear mounted spray bar or sprinkler head • Grader (optional) • Compactor (optional) No special equipment required!

  26. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Ongoing Mining Applications

  27. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Dust Stop Liquid Concentrate

  28. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance DSLC is the ideal solution for applications on tailings piles susceptible to wind and water erosion due to its ability to resist breakdown by UV rays and its non- soluble nature once cured. Dust Stop Liquid Concentrate

  29. Driven By Innovation – Partners in Performance Video: Treating Coal Piles with Dust Stop Coal Stockpile – Untreated Coal to Dust Stop Liquid Concentrate Treated Coal – Click Cypher Logo to Play

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