best practices guide 2018 2019

BEST PRACTICES GUIDE 2018-2019 continued from page 40 able for - PDF document

BEST PRACTICES GUIDE 2018-2019 continued from page 40 able for guidance. Once completed, time. We offer regular training to our media including The Record, The Star- I make sure I acknowledge the good attorneys in substantive areas of law as

  1. BEST PRACTICES GUIDE 2018-2019 continued from page 40 able for guidance. Once completed, time. We offer regular training to our media including The Record, The Star- I make sure I acknowledge the good attorneys in substantive areas of law as Ledger and Asbury Park Press . We have work by saying “thank you” and well as marketing and business develop- helped coordinate and encourage “great job.” ment skills. We provide them with the appointments to commissions and pro- resources to build their relationships fessional organizations such as the New LAW through a variety of endeavors, includ- Jersey Commission on Puerto Rico Relief ing industry and community events that and the New Jersey Superior Court. Chiesa Shahinian are important to both their practices Partners and members serve in leader- & Giantomasi PC as well as personal interests. We believe ship roles in professional organizations By Daniel A. Schwartz, Esq., giving our attorneys the support and throughout the region and have Managing Member skills to thrive both personally and pro- received honors such as New Jersey’s fessionally makes for a more energized, “Top Business and Political Influencers,” We operate under sever- successful and productive individual. HNBA’s “Top Lawyers Under 40” and al core principles that have strength- Super Lawyers’ “Rising Stars.” ened CSG’s standing among the most DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick, forward-thinking law firms in New Cole & Giblin, LLP Gibbons P.C. Jersey. These include nurturing innova- By Joseph DeCotiis, Esq., By Patrick C. Dunican Jr., tion and entrepreneurial spirit—espe- Managing Partner Esq., Chairman, Managing cially with our next generation of lead- Director ers—and encouraging collaboration We have always priori- across the firm’s range of practices. tized supporting members with the We recognize the impor- Providing our young attorneys with direction needed to expand their repu- tance of leadership training to ensure autonomy has enhanced the breadth tations in the New Jersey and New York the firm’s continuity by teaching, and of practices CSG offers. In fact, several City legal discourse. This includes per- then passing on to the next generation, of the new practice and industry sonal development, such as a firm-host- leadership roles, including those on the groups we have launched over the past ed female leadership retreat on success- firm’s executive committee, practice year have been ideated, developed and ful goals and strategies for advancing group leaders and chief administrative actively managed by the firm’s future female participation in executive roles. officers. In 2011, we launched the leaders—including our Professional We encourage members to be recog- Gibbons Leadership Academy (GLA), a Liability and Cannabis Groups. nized as thought leaders in their prac- high-level program to identify our next Collaborative business development has tices via features in industry media such generation of leaders and equip them also long been an area of emphasis for as Westlaw, New Jersey Lawyer , and with leading-edge techniques and prac- firm leadership. This approach showcas- Becker’s Hospital Review , and regional tical instruction that will help them es our talent and depth when bringing advance their careers to partnership and in new business. Additionally, it provides beyond and to guide the firm into the prospects with confidence that, when future. The GLA platform imparts the working with CSG, they will be served most valuable tactical and strategic by a team of multidisciplinary legal instruction for raising their professional counsel prepared to address their profiles, developing new business, pro- unique challenges and needs. viding stellar client service, effectively overseeing complex matters, and, even- Connell Foley LLP tually, honing the management and By Philip F. McGovern Jr., executive skills they need to successfully Esq., Managing Partner run the firm. Paying attention to the Harwood Lloyd, LLC individual and being atten- By David M. Repetto, Esq., tive to their needs have long been hall- Co-Managing Partner marks of Connell Foley’s work environ- ment. As a law firm, we are in the busi- Lawyers, in addition to ness of building relationships. By virtue being good practitioners, of decades of example set by the former have historically been leaders in their and present leaders of the firm, our communities in the organizations they attorneys understand the firm, its core support, and generous in giving back. values and the types of business and Young lawyers also need to recognize working relationships that endure over the importance of leadership, manage- continued on page 44 COMMERCE • 42

  2. BEST PRACTICES GUIDE 2018-2019 continued from page 42 ment and developing business. Some clients. In other words, 10 ideas to get cial property tax appeals on contingency do it better than others, but we believe things done more effectively is better when that wasn’t fashionable—now we that every attorney in our firm is capa- than one or two ideas. It has been our have a nationally prominent practice. ble of mastering these skills, all of experience that each of our valued per- which make them more valuable than sonnel has helped to incrementally Norris McLaughlin just being very good practitioners. We improve how we professionally serve & Marcus, P.A. expose all of our attorneys to these our clients and to respectfully work with By John Vanarthos, Esq., needs, so they can increase their skills our adversaries to find reasonable solu- Chairman through actual experience. When I first tions to the legal disputes that arise joined the firm, I tried cases and closed between us. Accordingly, all of our Every attorney at Norris deals, and while we still give all of employees are empowered to become McLaughlin completes a personal devel- our attorneys that experience, we also sales leaders, innovators and rainmakers, opment plan wherein they define their encourage them to participate in man- along with becoming business and goals and objectives for the coming aging, growing their practices and lead- process improvement contributors. year. These plans don’t simply sit on ing others through a formal mentorship the corner of a desk. Each attorney program. We recognize the need to McCarter & English, LLP meets with his or her practice group ensure that the next generation of By Joseph T. Boccassini, leader to identify how to reach the firm leaders is gaining that exper- Esq., Firmwide Managing goals and objectives outlined in the ience today. Partner plan. From there, the practice group leader, with assistance from the firm’s Herbert Law Group LLC Our firm’s management marketing department, figures out By John T. Herbert, Esq., works hard to strike a balance that what financial, technology, etc. support Managing Attorney ensures well-represented clients, a prof- is needed to achieve success. Addition- itable partnership and empowered, chal- ally, our young attorneys are given Mutual respect, civility, lenged and professionally satisfied attor- business development training sessions appreciation and open neys and staff. Our attorneys reflect the on a bi-monthly basis by our marketing communications are critical to starting, entrepreneurial, collaborative and inno- department. The sessions range from growing and maintaining a successful vative character of our clients; not con- pop quizzes on the capabilities of organization, along with providing a tent simply to be experts in their areas the firm’s attorneys to educate our needed product or service for clients. of practice, but driving themselves to “salesforce” to creating time to “mar- Everyone associated with our law firm excel in cutting-edge growth areas such ket” themselves, to Shark Tank -style plays a critical role in client develop- as blockchain, solar energy storage, sessions where they come prepared to ment, retention and serving the needs smart contracts, artificial intelligence “sell” ideas to the marketing deparment of our clients in a timely and highly pro- and crypto-currency. So as a firm, we with the goal of implementing the idea. fessional manner. This is our expectation stay dynamic. Our leadership recognizes of all, without exception. Creating a that the world is evolving, and we rou- NPZ Law Group, P.C. work environment that expects creativi- tinely encourage our attorneys to be By David H. Nachman, Esq., ty from each person involved in our creative and responsive to the changing Managing U.S. Attorney business promotes continued improve- market for legal services. It’s relatively ment in how we operate and serve recent that our firm embraced commer- Our immigration and nationality law firm uses a multi-faceted approach to empower individuals to become team players, ambassadors and innovators. Our cus- tomer service representative, who ordi- narily answers our phone and greets clients, also learns entry-level paralegal skills as part of the legal team. On the other end of the spectrum, two of our managing attorneys regularly travel to their respective native countries to meet with representatives of local businesses and to host information seminars. As ambassadors of the law firm, the attor- neys develop valuable professional rela- tionships, gain a deeper understanding continued on page 46 COMMERCE • 44


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