beefmaster ii

BEEFMASTER II Joe Biggerstaff William Ryan Haar Matt Kilker - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions BEEFMASTER II Joe Biggerstaff William Ryan Haar Matt Kilker Taylor Miller Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut

  1. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions “BEEFMASTER II” Joe Biggerstaff William Ryan Haar Matt Kilker Taylor Miller Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  2. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions CAS Design Group Assignment Custom Agricultural Solutions (CAS) has been assigned with the task of improving the design of a manually operated cattle chute. Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  3. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Overview  Current Issues  Testing and Operation  Patent and Literature Research  Design Criteria  Concept Design  Cost Analysis  Future Plans Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  4. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Squeeze Mechanism Issues  One Sided Squeeze  Misalignment of Cattle  One Sided Control Squeeze  Emergency Exit Headgate Panels Centerline Centerline Reliability  Noise Reduction Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  5. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Head Gate Issues  Unreliable Latch  Unable to Open Front Latch by Itself  One Sided Control Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  6. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Tailgate Issues  Operator Lifting Force  Hanging Rope  Noise Reduction Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  7. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Miscellaneous Issues  Rumbar Floor  Metal on Metal Contact  Yoke Trailer  Dimensions of Chute Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  8. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Testing and Observations  Interviewed Ranchers Across Oklahoma  Learned Customers Needs  Operated Six Year Old Chute  Analyzed Chute Size Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  9. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Patents  Squeeze  Head Catch  Tailgate  Breast Plate Breast Plate Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  10. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Literature Review  Head Gate Forces  Bovine Size  Noise  Solid Barriers (Restrict Vision)  Optimal Pressure  Non-slip Floor Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  11. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Design Criteria  Fit In Powder Coater  Maintain Saddled Pipe Practice  Squeeze From Both Sides  Maintain Emergency Exit  Reduce Noise Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  12. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Head Gate Design Three Lever Double Latch  Front, Back, and Combo Release  Rubber Faced Stop Surface Swing Either Way Swing Rubber Backward Piece Swing Forward Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  13. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Head Gate Design Neck Access Panel  Increased neck access Spring  Solid Wall Loaded Latch (Vision Impairment) 9” Clearance  Both Sides Removable Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  14. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Squeeze Mechanism Design Movement  Safer Lever Position  Inward and Forward Movement Rotating  Proper Squeeze Placement Linkages 33’’ 7’’ Clearance Clearance Top Squeeze Lever Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  15. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Squeeze Mechanism Design Top Squeeze  Self-Locking  Easy Release  Scissor Linkage Top Squeeze Locking Lever Notches Top Locking Squeeze Pin Release Per Perfor ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  16. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Squeeze Mechanism Design Bottom Squeeze  Proven Parts  Fold Down Lever  Self Latching Cross-Over Bottom Cables Squeeze Release Bottom Squeeze Lever Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  17. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Squeeze Mechanism Design FEA Analysis of Critical Parts  Stress  Deflection Max Stress Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  18. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Tailgate Design  Ease of Operation  Multiple Tailgate Designs  Simple Attachment Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  19. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Tailgate Design Scissor Gate  Gravity Powered  Self-Locking  Proven Parts Cross-Over Cables Open/Close Handle Parallel Linkage Break Over Linkage Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  20. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Tailgate Design Guillotine/Slider  Quickly Change Modes  Multiple Applications  User Friendly Slider Wheel & Track Guillotine Track Slider Handle Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  21. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Floor Design  Noise Reduction  No Slip Floor  Easy Manufacturing Rumbar Cross Member Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  22. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Proposed Design Per Perfor ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  23. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Cost Analysis ITEM COST COMBINATION RETAIL VALUE (120% mark up) Basic Chute $1,600 Guillotine tailgate $74 $1,674 $3,683 Combo tailgate $222 $1,822 $4,007 Scissor tailgate $190 $1,789 $3,936 Existing Chute $1,386 $3,050 ITEM TOTAL # TOTAL COST Cuts 379 $95 Saddles 32 $8 Punches 138 $35 Welds 1531 $506 Total Labor Cost $643 Total Material Cost $536 Total Cost of WW Material $906 Total Cost of Prodotype $2,086 Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  24. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Future Plans  Complete Manufacturing Documentation  Produce Concept  Test Concept  Modifications  Present Final Design Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  25. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Thank You  Greg Overton, General Manager  Pat Carhart, Sales Manager  Don Lake, Applications Engineer  Dr. Paul Weckler, Assistant Professor  Dr. Glenn Brown, Professor  Rolling R3 Ranch Perfor Per ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

  26. Custo tom m Agricul icultur tural al Solut lutions ions Questions? Per Perfor ormanc mance e Engineer eered ed

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