beaufort county forecast assumptions

Beaufort County Forecast Assumptions 1. The national, state or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

B EAUFORT C OUNTY S CHOOLS E NROLLMENT F ORECASTS McKibben Demographic Research, LLC March 6, 2019 Jerome McKibben, Ph.D. Rock Hill, SC 978-501-7069 McKibben Demographics Beaufort County Forecast

  1. B EAUFORT C OUNTY S CHOOLS E NROLLMENT F ORECASTS McKibben Demographic Research, LLC March 6, 2019 Jerome McKibben, Ph.D. Rock Hill, SC 978-501-7069 McKibben Demographics

  2. Beaufort County Forecast Assumptions 1. The national, state or regional economy does not go into deep recession at any time during the 10 years of the forecasts; (Deep recession is defined as four consecutive quarters where the GDP contracts greater than 1% per quarter) 2. Interest rates have come off their historic low and will not fluctuate more than one percentage point in the short term; the interest rate for a 30 year fixed home mortgage stays between 5.0 and 6.0%; 3. The rate of mortgage approval stays at 1999-2003 levels and lenders do not return to “sub-prime” mortgage practices; 4. There are no additional restrictions placed on home mortgage lenders or additional bankruptcies of major credit providers; 5. The rate of housing foreclosures does not exceed 125% of the 2005-2007 average of Beaufort County for any year in the forecasts; 6. All currently planned, platted, and permitted housing developments are built out and completed by 2027. All housing units constructed are occupied by 2028; 7. The unemployment rates for the Savannah Metropolitan Area will remain below 6.0% for the 10 years of the forecasts; 8. The state of South Carolina does not change any of its current laws regarding Charter Schools, school vouchers or inter district transfer; McKibben Demographics

  3. Beaufort County Forecast Assumptions, cont’d 9. The rate of students transferring into and out of the Beaufort County School District will remain at the 2018-19 level for the next 10 years; 10. The inflation rate for gasoline will stay below 5% per year for the 10 years of the forecasts; 11. The rate of intra district student transfers (students moving between attendance areas within the district) in the Beaufort County School District will remain at the 2018-19 level for the next 10 years; 12. There will be no building moratorium within the district; 13. Businesses within the district and the Beaufort County School District area will remain viable; 14. The area is not affected by any kind of natural disaster anytime in the next 10 years; 15. The number of existing home sales in the district that are a result of “distress sales” (homes worth less than the current mortgage value) will not exceed 20% of total homes sales in the district for any given year; 16. Housing turnover rates (sale of existing non-retirement homes in the district) will remain at their current levels. The majority of existing home sales are made by home owners over the age of 60; 17. Private school and home school attendance rates will remain constant; 18. The rate of foreclosures for commercial property remains at the 2004-2008 average for Beaufort County. McKibben Demographics

  4. Beaufort County Total Population 2010 Census 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 7,000 3,500 0 3,500 7,000 Males Females McKibben Demographics

  5. Broad River Elementary 2010 Census 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 600 300 0 300 600 Males Females McKibben Demographics

  6. Coosa Elementary 2010 Census 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 600 300 0 300 600 Males Females McKibben Demographics

  7. Okatie Elementary 2010 Census 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 2,400 1,200 0 1,200 2,400 Males Females McKibben Demographics

  8. Table 2: Household Characteristics by Elementary Area, 2010 Census Persons Per HH w/ Pop Under 18 % HH w/ Pop Under 18 Total Households Household Population Household Beaufort ES 733 28.5% 2,576 5,704 2.21 Bluffton ES 1,679 47.9% 3,505 10,467 2.99 Broad River ES 978 35.6% 2,751 7,062 2.57 Coosa ES 1,198 40.1% 2,984 7,905 2.65 Hilton Head Schools 3,531 19.6% 18,046 40,022 2.22 Lady's Island ES 618 34.2% 1,807 4,657 2.58 MC Riley ES 1,122 40.0% 2,805 7,870 2.81 Mossy Oaks ES 742 30.6% 2,427 5,455 2.25 Okatie ES 883 9.3% 9,449 19,000 2.01 On Bases 1,139 72.4% 1,574 5,127 3.26 Port Royal ES 430 29.9% 1,440 3,100 2.15 Pritchardville ES 495 39.4% 1,256 3,495 2.78 Red Cedar ES 819 37.8% 2,169 5,903 2.72 River Ridge Ac 540 45.7% 1,183 3,309 2.80 Robert Smalls Intl Ac 557 37.1% 1,499 3,810 2.54 Shanklin ES 705 40.0% 1,765 4,900 2.78 St Helena ES 1,013 25.3% 4,011 9,459 2.36 Whale Branch ES 1,299 35.3% 3,677 9,685 2.63 District Total 18,481 28.5% 64,923 156,928 2.42 McKibben Demographics

  9. Table 3: Householder Characteristics by Elementary Area, 2010 Census Percentage of Percentage of Householders Percentage of Householders who own aged 35-54 Householders aged 65+ homes Beaufort ES 31.3% 27.2% 52.6% Bluffton ES 45.1% 10.8% 65.0% Broad River ES 33.4% 16.1% 60.0% Coosa ES 38.8% 22.2% 77.2% Hilton Head Schools 26.9% 41.6% 74.2% Lady's Island ES 38.4% 25.1% 77.1% MC Riley ES 43.3% 11.2% 51.4% Mossy Oaks ES 30.4% 26.7% 56.2% Okatie ES 12.1% 62.5% 91.7% On Bases 17.2% 0.4% 1.1% Port Royal ES 30.0% 16.7% 35.0% Pritchardville ES 43.8% 13.3% 83.0% Red Cedar ES 39.4% 18.7% 68.6% River Ridge Ac 48.7% 9.8% 71.9% Robert Smalls Intl Ac 35.6% 15.0% 54.6% Shanklin ES 38.2% 15.8% 59.0% St Helena ES 30.7% 36.9% 83.5% Whale Branch ES 37.9% 22.4% 78.9% District Total 30.2% 32.0% 70.6% McKibben Demographics

  10. Table 4: Percentage of Households that are Single Person Households and Single Person Households that are over age 65 by Elementary Area , 2010 Census Percentage of Single Person Percentage of Single Person Households Households and are 65+ Beaufort ES 36.7% 14.7% Bluffton ES 16.1% 2.8% Broad River ES 24.2% 6.1% Coosa ES 18.3% 6.9% Hilton Head Schools 27.7% 13.8% Lady's Island ES 21.3% 7.8% MC Riley ES 22.0% 4.0% Mossy Oaks ES 34.2% 13.7% Okatie ES 22.1% 15.9% On Bases 5.5% 0.3% Port Royal ES 35.3% 8.9% Pritchardville ES 15.1% 2.8% Red Cedar ES 19.7% 5.9% River Ridge Ac 16.7% 2.8% Robert Smalls Intl Ac 24.6% 6.5% Shanklin ES 20.9% 5.2% St Helena ES 27.0% 11.2% Whale Branch ES 25.3% 8.3% District Total 24.3% 10.3% McKibben Demographics

  11. Where PK-5th Students Live ) 5 - K P ( c s A n l o I o l d t S S S h n E n E S E S c c I e S E A h t E S e S s c d t S l S c t d E l E i r n s l e l S r A S E a E n d S e a k i t E a v r g E E l m a s e v e a S a a S l y d d a r i h , i H s O s y n t t E d n D n R E e e r i S B c u r I o l e R i e o o s a l t O n s i y e t e f d a a R h C r k l a f t ' R i o u s o y s B r n e l m f a t c e e a e f s a t H o t d d b t a u o C o r t v a h v o l k n i u n e i a o e o h l r M M r i W i C H O O t O U B B B L P P R R R S S L 354 694 564 455 1894 295 752 374 579 14 184 1018 573 735 273 411 480 623 2 16 1309 Beaufort Elementary School 477 325 21 20 18 15 2 8 1 11 12 10 33 1 151 Bluffton Elementary School 686 577 1 5 22 28 1 21 14 14 2 1 109 Broad River Elementary School 522 10 2 453 3 3 1 3 1 20 9 6 10 1 68 Coosa Elementary School 494 5 5 413 3 47 5 1 2 1 8 4 81 Hilton Head Island Early Childhood Center 402 1 1 395 1 1 2 1 7 Hilton Head Island IB Elementary School 879 5 848 8 5 1 5 1 3 3 28 Where PK-5th Students Attend Hilton Head Island School for the Creative Arts 632 1 609 6 4 2 4 3 1 2 23 Lady's Island Elementary School 302 1 9 2 219 1 1 1 1 63 4 83 MC Riley Elementary School 749 15 2 6 649 9 19 25 19 1 2 2 98 Mossy Oaks Elementary School 420 6 3 26 7 4 2 341 1 8 9 6 4 3 79 Okatie Elementary School 597 1 14 3 3 6 5 1 482 48 11 19 4 115 Port Royal Elementary School 226 1 29 1 2 5 1 3 161 6 5 2 10 65 Pritchardville Elementary School 882 16 2 1 2 8 847 3 2 1 35 Red Cedar Elementary School 640 2 38 4 1 47 18 14 503 9 1 3 134 River Ridge Academy 794 22 1 12 21 60 11 664 1 2 128 Robert Smalls International Academy 252 10 3 2 1 210 20 1 3 2 42 Shanklin Elementary School 369 2 2 1 1 6 1 3 344 1 8 25 St Helena Elementary School 394 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 383 1 11 Whale Branch Elementary School 478 7 5 1 4 10 449 2 27 Whale Branch Middle School 95 1 2 2 88 2 Live in, Attend Out (PK-5) 1400 29 117 111 42 42 76 103 33 97 14 23 171 70 71 63 67 97 174 McKibben Demographics

  12. McKibben Demographics

  13. McKibben Demographics

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