
bc everywhere you look WebDAV Interoperability Event Hosted by - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WebDAV Interoperability Event July 19-20, 2001 Report Larry Masinter Adobe Systems Incorporated http://larry.masinter.net bc everywhere you look WebDAV Interoperability Event Hosted by Jim Whitehead, UC Santa Cruz No registration

  1. WebDAV Interoperability Event July 19-20, 2001 Report Larry Masinter Adobe Systems Incorporated http://larry.masinter.net bc everywhere you look ™

  2. WebDAV Interoperability Event � Hosted by Jim Whitehead, UC Santa Cruz � No registration fees � Hubs, cables loaned by Paul Hoffman, IMC � Lunch, snacks donated by Xythos, Oracle, Adobe bc 2

  3. WebDAV Interop July 19-20 � 58 people from 20 organizations � 35 implementations � 17 clients, 18 servers (5 open source) � Commercial and open source bc 3

  4. Results: We have work to do � Lots of pairs tested; few worked well � Common implementation issues � A few new RFC 2518 issues bc 4

  5. Other Highlights � Most brought laptops � Quick setup and tear-down � Some brought source or did fixes overnight � Improvements between Thursday & Friday � “Code Red” worm hit Internet during event � Two laptops were compromised � Free security scanning as well as interop(!) bc 5

  6. Follow up: try again soon � Proposal: ‘virtual’ interop late September � 4 hour test window � Servers on net, voice conference call for participants � Mailing list: interop@webdav.org � Who here wants to participate? help? bc 6

  7. Follow up: implementor’s guide? � Found implementation problems… � ignored 2 nd credentials on same connection � Assuming root of URI is DAV-controlled � Not many implementations of some options, e.g., PROPPATCH for complex properties, shared locks � Write up common implementation mistakes? � Separate RFC? � Volunteer editor(s)? � Discussion of issues bc 7


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