

BASS BRO FR ARBEITS- UND SOZIALPOLITISCHE STUDIEN KONSUMSTRASSE 20 . CH-3007 BERN . TEL +41 (0)31 380 60 80 . FAX +41 (0)31 398 33 63 INFO@BUEROBASS.CH . WWW.BUEROBASS.CH Career development of former mentees at Sw iss universities

  1. BASS BÜRO FÜR ARBEITS- UND SOZIALPOLITISCHE STUDIEN KONSUMSTRASSE 20 . CH-3007 BERN . TEL +41 (0)31 380 60 80 . FAX +41 (0)31 398 33 63 INFO@BUEROBASS.CH . WWW.BUEROBASS.CH Career development of former mentees at Sw iss universities Implications for mentoring programs and gender equality policies at universities Philipp Dubach

  2. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Online-survey of former mentees at Swiss universities  Target group: female researchers who participated in one of 10 mentoring programs at Swiss universities from 2004 to 2007 (mentoring programs co-financed by Swiss Federal Equal Opportunity at Universities Program) Survey conducted in March/April 2013 – five to nine years after  the completion of the program Total number of mentees: 530 women  Valid addresses: 389 women Participants in the survey: 198 women (participation rate: 51%)  Possible bias: greater inclination to respond with successful career, e-mail-adresses of academic staff easier to find BASS Seite 2

  3. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Former mentees by academic position at the start of the program 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% step! (BS; N=13) 8% WoMentoring (BE; N=19) 84% 11% 5% Diss+ (BS; N=12) 100% Peer-Mentoring (ZH; N=45) 69% 31% CarriÈre académique (GE; N=31) 58% 42% Réseau romand (N=23) 43% 57% Mentoring Deutschschweiz (N=32) 31% 69% Assistenz- u. Oberärztinnen (BS; N=18) 11% 83% Total (N=198) 15% 45% 40% No degree or bachelor's degree Master's degree PhD BASS Seite 3

  4. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Form of mentoring and relationship between mentee and mentor  1 program with peer to peer group-mentoring  9 programs mainly based on one to one mentoring  Mentee and mentor in one to one-mentoring: – 69% both female – 59% same area of research – 70% mentee and mentor work at the same university BASS Seite 4

  5. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Career development five to nine years after the mentoring program 2013: 2013: 2013: 2013: no academic academic professor- academic activity, activity, ship or Academic position at activity unsure pursuing unlimited the beginning of Total about academic research the programm academic career position career No degree or N 13 12 4 0 29 Bachelor's degree % 45% 41% 14% 0% 100% N 23 22 37 7 89 Master's degree % 26% 25% 42% 8% 100% N 15 16 31 18 80 PhD % 19% 20% 39% 23% 100% N 51 50 72 25 198 Total % 26% 25% 36% 13% 100% BASS Seite 5

  6. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Fulfillment of career expectations at the end of the program 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Professorship (N=33) 18% 24% 33% 12% 6% 6% Surpassed Academic activity, unlimited Completely fulfilled 4% 11% 56% 11% 4% 15% position (N=27) Mostly fulfilled Academic activity, temporary 3% 15% 41% 26% 7% 8% position (N=61) Partly fulfilled Non-academic employment Not fulfilled at all 7% 15% 25% 35% 9% 9% (mainly) (N=68) Don't know / does not apply to my situation Total (N=189) 7% 16% 36% 25% 7% 9% BASS Seite 6

  7. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Career development: fully or rather satisfied with… 80% 70% Professorship 60% 50% Academic activity, unlimited position 40% Academic activity, 30% temporary position 20% Non-academic 10% employment (mainly) 0% achievement of professional wage general career advancement development goals BASS Seite 7

  8. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Current professional situation: fully or rather satisfied with… 100% 90% 80% Professorship 70% 60% Academic activity, 50% unlimited position 40% 30% Academic activity, 20% temporary position 10% 0% Non-academic employment (mainly) BASS Seite 8

  9. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Importance of the mentoring program for future career development 30% 25% 22% 20% 14% 15% 12% 10% 8% 8% 8% 7% 6% 6% 5% 4% 5% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 no very use useful (N=194) BASS Seite 9

  10. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Self-assessed impacts of programs: The program… helped to come clear about professional goals: 52%   motivated to follow an academic career in the long term: 43% helped to evaluate odds for a successful academic career: 41%   encouraged to stay in academic research in the next years: 40%  reinforced self-confidence and self-competence: 37% - 43% helped complete an important career step: 34%   expanded the mentees’ expertise: 32% contributed to a better professional network: 31%  gave important support in a situation of crisis: 23%   helped working in a more focused and methodological way: 20% helped find a better work-life-balance: 15%   helped to get a job: 9% BASS Seite 10

  11. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Comparison of programs Peer to peer group-mentoring:  – high «continuation rate» – above-average results in enhancement of expertise and skills, systematic and focused working methods, self-confident behavior, knowledge of own strengths and weaknesses BASS Seite 11

  12. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Would the former mentees recommend their programs to others? Yes: 75%   No: 5% Under certain conditions: 20%  Mentees’ main points of concern  Match between mentee and mentor as decisive factor for the program’s success or deficits Positive and supportive environment as prerequisite   Limits of mentoring: need for structural reforms (compatibility of professional and private life, unlimited research positions, transparent appointment procedures, elimination of obstacles in research funding or patriarchic structures in certain research institutions) BASS Seite 12

  13. Career development of former mentees at Swiss universities Thank you for your attention! BASS Seite 13


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