Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes Bethany Kubik United States Military Academy 16 October 2011 Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Introduction Let ( R , m , k ) be a local noetherian ring with completion � R and let E = E R ( k ) be the injective hull of the residue field. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Introduction Let ( R , m , k ) be a local noetherian ring with completion � R and let E = E R ( k ) be the injective hull of the residue field. Definition Given an R -module M , the Matlis dual is M ∨ = Hom R ( M , E ). Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Introduction Let ( R , m , k ) be a local noetherian ring with completion � R and let E = E R ( k ) be the injective hull of the residue field. Definition Given an R -module M , the Matlis dual is M ∨ = Hom R ( M , E ). We say that M is Matlis reflexive if the natural biduality map δ : M → M ∨∨ is an isomorphism. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Introduction Let ( R , m , k ) be a local noetherian ring with completion � R and let E = E R ( k ) be the injective hull of the residue field. Definition Given an R -module M , the Matlis dual is M ∨ = Hom R ( M , E ). We say that M is Matlis reflexive if the natural biduality map δ : M → M ∨∨ is an isomorphism. Fact Assume that R is complete. If A is an artinian R-module, then A ∨ is noetherian. If N is a noetherian R-module, then N ∨ is artinian. The modules A and N are Matlis reflexive. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Semidualizing Modules Definition An R -module C is semidualizing if it satisfies the following: Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Semidualizing Modules Definition An R -module C is semidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. C is noetherian, i.e. finitely generated; Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Semidualizing Modules Definition An R -module C is semidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. C is noetherian, i.e. finitely generated; χ R C 2. R → Hom R ( C , C ) is an isomorphism; and − − Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Semidualizing Modules Definition An R -module C is semidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. C is noetherian, i.e. finitely generated; χ R C 2. R → Hom R ( C , C ) is an isomorphism; and − − 3. Ext i R ( C , C ) = 0 for all i > 0. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Semidualizing Modules Definition An R -module C is semidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. C is noetherian, i.e. finitely generated; χ R C 2. R → Hom R ( C , C ) is an isomorphism; and − − 3. Ext i R ( C , C ) = 0 for all i > 0. Example The R -module R is always semidualizing. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Quasidualizing Modules Definition An R -module T is quasidualizing if it satisfies the following: Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Quasidualizing Modules Definition An R -module T is quasidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. T is artinian; Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Quasidualizing Modules Definition An R -module T is quasidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. T is artinian; χ � R 2. � T → Hom R ( T , T ) is an isomorphism; and R − − Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Quasidualizing Modules Definition An R -module T is quasidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. T is artinian; χ � R 2. � T → Hom R ( T , T ) is an isomorphism; and R − − 3. Ext i R ( T , T ) = 0 for all i > 0. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Quasidualizing Modules Definition An R -module T is quasidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. T is artinian; χ � R 2. � T → Hom R ( T , T ) is an isomorphism; and R − − 3. Ext i R ( T , T ) = 0 for all i > 0. Example E is a quasidualizing R -module. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Quasidualizing Modules Definition An R -module T is quasidualizing if it satisfies the following: 1. T is artinian; χ � R 2. � T → Hom R ( T , T ) is an isomorphism; and R − − 3. Ext i R ( T , T ) = 0 for all i > 0. Example E is a quasidualizing R -module. Example If R is complete, then T is a quasidualizing R -module if and only if T ∨ is a semidualizing R -module. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Hom-tensor adjointness Fact Let A, B, and C be R-modules. Then the natural map ψ : Hom R ( A ⊗ R B , C ) → Hom R ( A , Hom R ( B , C )) is an isomorphism. This map is called Hom-tensor adjointness. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Hom-tensor adjointness Fact Let A, B, and C be R-modules. Then the natural map ψ : Hom R ( A ⊗ R B , C ) → Hom R ( A , Hom R ( B , C )) is an isomorphism. This map is called Hom-tensor adjointness. Hom-tensor adjointness explains the first and second steps in the following sequence: = Hom R ( T ∨ ⊗ R T , E ) Hom R ( T ∨ , T ∨ ) ∼ ∼ = Hom R ( T , Hom R ( T ∨ , E )) ∼ = Hom R ( T , T ) . Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
M -reflexive modules Definition Let M be an R -module. Then an R -module L is derived M -reflexive if it satisfies the following: Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
M -reflexive modules Definition Let M be an R -module. Then an R -module L is derived M -reflexive if it satisfies the following: 1. the natural biduality map δ M L : L → Hom R (Hom R ( L , M ) , M ) defined by l �→ [ φ �→ φ ( l )] is an isomorphism; and Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
M -reflexive modules Definition Let M be an R -module. Then an R -module L is derived M -reflexive if it satisfies the following: 1. the natural biduality map δ M L : L → Hom R (Hom R ( L , M ) , M ) defined by l �→ [ φ �→ φ ( l )] is an isomorphism; and 2. one has Ext i R ( L , M ) = 0 = Ext i R (Hom R ( L , M ) , M ) for all i > 0. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
M -reflexive modules Definition Let M be an R -module. Then an R -module L is derived M -reflexive if it satisfies the following: 1. the natural biduality map δ M L : L → Hom R (Hom R ( L , M ) , M ) defined by l �→ [ φ �→ φ ( l )] is an isomorphism; and 2. one has Ext i R ( L , M ) = 0 = Ext i R (Hom R ( L , M ) , M ) for all i > 0. Remark We write G artin ( R ) to denote the class of all artinian derived M M -reflexive R -modules, G noeth ( R ) to denote the class of all M noetherian derived M -reflexive R -modules, and G mr M ( R ) to denote the class of all Matlis reflexive M -reflexive R -modules. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Auslander Class Remark When M = C is a semidualizing R -module, the class G noeth ( R ) is M the class of totally C-reflexive R-modules , sometimes denoted G C ( R ). Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Auslander Class Remark When M = C is a semidualizing R -module, the class G noeth ( R ) is M the class of totally C-reflexive R-modules , sometimes denoted G C ( R ). Definition Let L and M be R -modules. We say that L is in the Auslander class A M ( R ) with respect to M if it satisfies the following: Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Auslander Class Remark When M = C is a semidualizing R -module, the class G noeth ( R ) is M the class of totally C-reflexive R-modules , sometimes denoted G C ( R ). Definition Let L and M be R -modules. We say that L is in the Auslander class A M ( R ) with respect to M if it satisfies the following: 1. the natural homomorphism γ M L : L → Hom R ( M , M ⊗ R L ), defined by l �→ ψ l where ψ l ( m ) = m ⊗ l , is an isomorphism; and Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Auslander Class Remark When M = C is a semidualizing R -module, the class G noeth ( R ) is M the class of totally C-reflexive R-modules , sometimes denoted G C ( R ). Definition Let L and M be R -modules. We say that L is in the Auslander class A M ( R ) with respect to M if it satisfies the following: 1. the natural homomorphism γ M L : L → Hom R ( M , M ⊗ R L ), defined by l �→ ψ l where ψ l ( m ) = m ⊗ l , is an isomorphism; and 2. one has Tor R i ( M , L ) = 0 = Ext i R ( M , M ⊗ R L ) for all i > 0. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
Theorem Lemma (–,Leamer, Sather-Wagstaff) Let A and M be R-modules such that A is artinian and M is Matlis reflexive. Then A ⊗ R M is Matlis reflexive. Bethany Kubik Quasidualizing Modules and the Auslander and Bass Classes
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