QCD Symmetries in eta and etaprime mesic nuclei Steven Bass Chiral symmetry, eta and eta´ physics: the masses of these mesons are 300-400 MeV too big for them to be pure Goldstone bosons Famous axial U(1) problem of QCD Additional mass is associated with non-perturbative gluon dynamics Recent developments in eta´ physics: the eta´ in nuclear matter and odd l-wave exotics from CERN How should the eta and eta-prime masses be modified in nuclei ? Possible bound states and eta(-prime) nucleon scattering lengths Vienna, September 19 2014 1
From Quarks to Hadrons • Confinement • Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking: » Chiral condensate, pions, kaons, ... Goldstone bosons • Axial U(1) Symmetry breaking ... Big masses for eta and etaprime • Using nuclei to probe symmetries and possible restoration (both quark and gluonic effects) 2
Chiral symmetry • QCD Lagrangian with massless quarks exhibits chiral symmetry • Noether currents • No parity doublets in hadron spectrum Spontaneous Chiral symmetry breaking: non zero condensate spontaneously breaks the symmetry Nonet of near massless Goldstone bosons with J P = 0 - • Identify with pion, kaon, eta with meson mass squared proportional to m q … where is the singlet boson ? 3
Eta and Etaprime masses • Mass matrix • Diagonalize • Eigenvalues • With no glue: chiral symmetry „predicts“ eigenstates with masses 300 MeV „too small“ » „eta“ degenerate with the pion » „etaprime“ with mass 4
Chirality and anomalous glue • Perturbative QCD conserves chirality for massless quarks • Confinement and vacuum tunneling processes (instantons, …) connect left and right handed quarks 5
Confinement and chiral symmetry • Scalar confinement dynamically breaks chiral symmetry – E.g. In Bag model confinement the Bag wall connects left and right handed quarks – Quark – pion coupling and the pion cloud of the nucleon • Pions, kaons, eta ... as Goldstone bosons • OGE as residual vector (colour hyperfine) interaction 6
Axial U(1) symmetry • Extra gluonic mass term is associated with the QCD axial anomaly • plus gluon topology (note the difference with „perturbative glue“) • ´ t Hooft, Veneziano, Witten, Crewther, … – possible connection to confinement (Kogut and Susskind) Can we observe physical manifestation of this anomalous glue in low-energy physical processes involving eta and eta´mesons ? 7
Glue in etaprime physics • Glue enters through the anomaly equation … • Three important places it can contribute » Gluonic potential associated with QCD vacuum gives the etaprime a big mass » The etaprime has a large singlet component coupling to gluonic intermediate states (OZI violation) » Gluonic Fock components in the etaprime wavefunction 8
U(1) extended chiral Lagrangian • Low energy effective Lagrangian – constructed to reproduce the axial anomaly in the anomalous divergence equation and the gluonic mass term for the singlet boson • Q is the topological charge density and the gluonic potential yields the gluonic contribution to the etaprime mass term • Couple to sigma mean field and repeat … 9
New Compass results • Iterate in Bethe Salpeter equation dynamicaly generates 1 -+ exotic resonance with mass ~ 1400 MeV [SDB and E Marco, PRD 65 (2002) 057503] Compass, hep-ex 1408.4286 10
Eta(prime) bound states in nuclei [SDB + AW Thomas, Phys Lett B634 (2006) 368, Acta Phys Pol B 45 (2014) 627] • New experiments + big effort ... • Binding energies and effective masses in nuclei are sensitive to – Coupling to scalar sigma field in the nuclei in mean field approx. – Nucleon-nucleon and nucleon-hole excitations in the medium • TH: Solve for the meson self-energy in the medium – Where a is the „eta(prime) - nucleon scattering length“ 11
Eta bound-states in nuclei • Sigma mean field couples to light quarks and not to strange quarks Flavour-singlet component is important ! The bigger the eta-eta´mixing angle, the bigger the singlet component in the eta greater the attraction more binding bigger eta-N scattering length Likewise, more mixing gives smaller singlet component in the eta‘ reduced binding and smaller eta‘N scattering length Without QCD axial anomaly, eta‘ a strange state and no mass shift QCD arguments gluonic mass term is suppressed in the medium but theory technology to calculate the size of the effect direct from QCD still some time away look at QCD inspired models 12
QCD and models • Include key aspects of QCD as input motivation » Confinement » Chiral symmetry » Eta-etaprime mixing • Quark-meson coupling, chiral coupled channels, NJL, linear sigma model... include different aspects of QCD input with very different predictions • Suppose we see a bound state or mass shift » What do we learn about QCD ? 13
QCD Inspired Models • Quark Meson Coupling Model: – Can vary the mixing angle ! – Use large eta and eta´masses to treat the eta and eta´as MIT Bags embedded in the medium with coupling between the light-quarks and the sigma mean field Solve for in-medium mass and binding energy Extract an „effective“ scattering length for the model Increases with increasing singlet component in the eta ! • Hints from CBELSA/TAPS for etaprime [Nanova et al, 2013] 14
COSY 11 • E. Czerwinski et al (2014), COSY 11 Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (2014) 062004 15
Eta-etaprime mixing and mass shift • Phenomenology and EP data » On-shell Re[a_eta] ~ 0.9 fm [Green + Wycech, Arndt et al] » COSY-11 ~ 0.7 fm from FSI in pp pp eta » COSY-11 a_eta‘ new [previous slide] • Chiral coupled channels treating the eta as a pure octet state » Small mass shift and small Re[a_eta] ~ 0.2 fm » For etaprime: including axial U(1) degrees of freedom gives considerable expansion in number of potentials • N*(1535) – 3 quark state (1s)2(1p) in Quark model and lattice calculations or K-Sigma quasi-bound state from Chiral coupled channels in octet approx. – In data and in both QMC and chiral coupled channels models, negligible shift in excitation energy in nuclei 16
Comparison with NJL • NJL model using density dependent instanton interaction – QCD input: chiral symmetry, no confinement, medium a Fermi gas of quarks instead of nucleons, mass shift for the eta´up to ~ 150 MeV » Phys Rev C74 (2006) 045203 • Suppose eta-eta´ mass splitting comes just from anomaly, proportional to quark condensate 80-100 MeV mass shift » Phys Rev C85 (2012) 032201, Phys. Rev. C88 (2013) 064906 17
Outlook and Conclusions • Eta and etaprime physics probes the role of long range gluonic dynamics • Etas and etaprimes in nuclei: – Aspects of Confinement, chiral symmetry and their interplay, range of masses for pseudoscalars to be treated as Goldstone states in the models – Binding energies and scattering lengths sensitive to the flavour- singlet component in the eta and eta´ – Without QCD anomaly, no effect in the eta´ – QMC model: » Factor of 2 increase in the eta-nucleon scattering length and binding energy in nuclei with eta-etaprime mixing cf. Theory prediction with a pure octet eta » Good agreement with CBELSA/TAPS for the eta´ ... Awaits experimental input! ... ELSA (BOG-OD), GSI (etaprime), COSY (eta). 18
CBELSA/TAPS: Transparency Ratios • Medium is reasonably transparent to eta´propagation 19
Theoretical development 20
For extra reading 21
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