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BACK UP SLIDES Vikas S Singhal, V VECC, I INDIA KOLKATA Grid - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre BACK UP SLIDES Vikas S Singhal, V VECC, I INDIA KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre AliEn + LCG services WMS JA File catalogue JA JA SE LFN GUID Meta CM data LCG CE CE Job CREAM FTD TaskQueue CE Manager

  1. KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre BACK UP SLIDES Vikas S Singhal, V VECC, I INDIA

  2. KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre AliEn + LCG services WMS JA File catalogue JA JA SE LFN GUID Meta CM data LCG CE CE Job CREAM FTD TaskQueue CE Manager Proxy Job renewal Broker Site A Jobs Packman BDII MonALISA Splitting Expired Zombies Priorities Merging Site B CE Central services Job optimizers MonALISA Site services Packman SE LCG services FTD

  3. KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre Xrootd Architecture Global redirector (not in picture) – intra-site storage collaboration Redirector A (Head Node) open file X Redirectors go to C Cache file Who has file X? 2 nd open X B location go to C o p e n f i l e X C CERN Global Data Servers Redirector Kolkata Storage Redirctor sees all servers as xrootd data servers All storages are on WAN 3

  4. KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre Bandwidth Tests 950Mbps Bandwidth Between Kolkata and Kolkata-cream

  5. KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre Software Development work � Developing Monitoring software with ALICE-Grid team. � Developed LCG VOBOX test suite for SAM environment with proper documentation. � SAM Monitoring Test Suite Successfully implemented and running since 2007. � Developed VOBOX test for Nagios Monitoring environment. � Implemented on the actual system and running in Testing Mode. � Cream Test Suite is under development. Vikas S Singhal, V VECC, I INDIA

  6. KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre Cabling Arrangement  Do Cabling in proper manner.  Label the cables.  Make a logical diagram.  Temporarily things will harmful for maintenance.  Proper cabling help many folds to debug the problem.  Use different Netmask (Different network zone) will reduce packet broadcasting.  ping, traceroute, etc command will help to find out the network or cabling related problem .  Remove KVM from each individual server and try to manage remotely.

  7. KOLKATA Grid Tier-2 Centre Expectations from System Administrator GRID site should run Successfully. GRID site should be UP and Running. GRID site availability and reliability should be more than 99%. GRID site should perform as per SLAs. GRID site should provide local computing power to Tier3 users. Vikas S Singhal, V VECC, I INDIA


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