back to school 2018 september 5 back to school tps to ce2

Back to School 2018 September 5 Back to School TPS to CE2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Back to School 2018 September 5 Back to School TPS to CE2 (Kindergarden to grade 3) Grades Gr es and cla classes ses fr from Pr Pre-K K to Grad ade e 12 Maternelle Mat El Elmentaire Co Collge Lyce Ly TPS/PS 1 16 CP 2

  1. Back to School 2018 September 5

  2. Back to School TPS to CE2 (Kindergarden to grade 3)

  3. Grades Gr es and cla classes ses fr from Pr Pre-K K to Grad ade e 12 Maternelle Mat El Elémentaire Co Collège Lycée Ly TPS/PS 1 16 CP 2 29 6ème 2 40 2de 1 19 MS 1 17 CE1 2 38 5ème 2 43 1ère 1 28 MS/GS 1 16 CE2 2 33 4ème 2 39 Term 2 42 GS 1 15 CM1 2 31 3ème 2 37 CM2 3 60

  4. The French curriculum Th Brevet BAC Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Apprentissages Apprentissages Cycle terminal Seconde premiers fondamentaux Consolidation Approfondissements 1ère - terminale École CP - CE1 - 5 e - 4 e - 3 e CM1 - CM2 - 6 e maternelle CE2 Collège École primaire Lycée

  5. Cu Curricu iculu lum ov overview ki kinde nderga garde den Eduscol: http:/ / Construire les Co pr premiers out outils pour pour struc uctur urer sa sa pensé sée Agir, s’exprimer, Ag comprendre à co Expl Ex plor orer le Langage tr travers rs les mo monde act activi vités és physique ph ques Ag Agir, s’exprimer, co comprendre à travers tr rs les acti tivités artistiques ar ues

  6. Cu Curricu iculu lum ov overview cy cycle 2 http:/ / Eduscol: Frenc Fr nch En Engl glish Ma Mathematics Di Discovering th the Vi Visual Arts wo word Moral and Civic Mo Spor Sp orts Education Ed

  7. A A ye year at at gl glanc nce 22/11 - Parents- teachers meetings Trimestre 1 (12 weeks) Trimestre 2 (12 weeks) Trimestre 3 (12 weeks) Livret Livret Livret 17/9 – scolaire 1 Curriculum scolaire 3 scolaire 2 night

  8. Te Teachers Kind Kinder ergar arden en Maternelle Cycl Mat cle 1 64 élèves Ap Appren entis tissa sages p es prem emier iers TPS/PS Virginie YVARS 16 Hélène BARRAIN/ Marie-Marthe JEANTY 2/14 MS Lucie DENIAU 17 Jessica BOUAZIZ/ PEREIRA Nathalie MS/GS ROUSSET Justine 16 Marine LOMBARD/ Claire DOSSMANN 10/6 GS Mehdi CHAAL 15 Elise GUEGUEN/ Mélanie PAYROU

  9. Teachers elem Te elemen entar ary Elémentaire 91 El 91 élèves Cycle 3 CM1A Marion PALLISE 16 Consolidation CM1B Orianne BARBARY 15 CM2A Caroline CHAAL 20 CM2B Stéphanie FRANEY 20 CM2C Ascension MORENO 20

  10. Te Teachers elem elemen entar ary sch school Elémentaire 100 élèves El Cycle 2 CP A Kehra TALEB 14 Apprentissages fondamentaux CP B Blandine DOUILLY 15 CE1A Cécile DADI 19 CE1B Sylvie GILLET 19 100 élèves CE2A Audrey YVERNES 16 CE2B Sonia LEVIN 17

  11. Au Autres Enseignants : 25 253 3 élèves- 30 0 ense seignants ANGLAI ANG AIS Findlay JESSO Fi SON* MS MS/CPA/ A/CE2B/CM1 M1A Jill RO Jill ROONEY GS GS/CPB/CE2 E ELL/CM1ELL/C /CM2A Sa Sara KELLY* TP TPS-PS PS/ CE1A/CM2B Karen TRAN Ka MS MS-GS GS/CE1B/CE2A/CM1B/CM2C Ra Rachna DARG RGAN CP-CE CP CE1 ELL/ CM CM2 2 ELL LV2 Martina KUMANATASAN- Allemand CM1 et CM2 Luca MARCHETTI- Italien CM1 Belen HUARTE- Espagnol CM2 Françoise BOUGAEFF- Espagnol CM2 Jan WU- Mandarin CM2 EPS Maximilien STAINMEZ Du CP au CM2 MUSIQUE-CHANTS Colin CAMPBELL De la maternelle au CM2 FLSco Marion VILLEMAGNE De la GS à la 4 ème PSYCHOLOGUE SCOLAIRE Florence KA Toutes les classes Professeure Documentaliste Frédérique CHIFFAUT Toutes les classes

  12. Our Our admi admini nistrative team am • Pr Principal Je Jean-Pi Pierre Faou • Pr Primary Sc School Di Director Sy Sylvie Delpech • Administrative and Financial Director Rachel Mathews • Senior Educative Advisor Nathalie Couvat-Duterrail • Communication Director Aurélie de Turckheim • Admissions/tuitions Samia Farahat

  13. Ne New w positions Sc School Ps Psychologist : : Florence Ka (to be registered) Well-being, Mental Health Screening/assessing for learning difficulties Training Advising « Fr French as as a a le learnin ing la language » » te teacher : Marion Villemagne Assessing, implementing individual plans Teaching Coordinate with teachers

  14. Ho Horaires

  15. Ma Maternelle 8h- 8h30 : garderie 8h30 - 8h45 : accueil dans les classes 8h45-10h15 : classe 10h15-10h45 : récréation 10h45-11h45 : classe 11h45-13h : déjeuner/récréation 12h30-14h : sieste pour les PS 13h-14h15 : classe 14h15-14h30 : récréation 14h30-15h15 : classe 15h15 : sortie 15h15-15h30 : garderie gratuite pour les fratries élémentaire 15h30 : début des activités périscolaires 15h30-18h00 : garderie

  16. El Eléme ment ntaire 8h- 8h45 : accueil dans la cour 8h45-10h15 : classe 10h15-10h30 : récréation 10h30-11h45 : classe 11h45-13h : déjeuner/récréation 13h-14h00 : classe 14h00-14h15 : récréation 14h15-15h15 : classe 15h30 : sortie 15h30 : début des activités périscolaires 15h30-18h00 : garderie

  17. Mark your calendar

  18. Back to School : September 5 Curriculum Night (Primary) : cycle 1 : September 19 cycle 2 : September 18 cycle 3 : September 20 Curriculum Night (Secondary) : collège : September 17 lycée : September 19 Picture Day : Kindergarten : September 18 All classes : September 19 Terry Fox : September 28 PDDay : October 5 (no school) Elections for conseil d’école and conseil d’établissement : October 16

  19. School Life • Clubs, Study hall, day care • Field trips • Camps • Meals • Uniforms • Transportation • Traffic/parking 6 Titre de votre présentation - 2018

  20. Sch School ool prof ofile 8

  21. 2018 exams results • Diplôme National du Brevet (end of Grade 9) • 100% success rate • 100% on the honor roll • French Baccalauréat (end of Grade 12) • 100% success rate • 83% on the honor roll 5

  22. 20 2018 8 destinations Nor North Am America an and Europe • USA (1/2) : Harvard U • Canada (14/22) : University of Ottawa, University of Toronto, HEC Montreal, Trent University, University of Waterloo • France (5/10): Ste-Genevieve, Université Paris-Descartes, HEIP Paris, Atelier Chardon- Savard, Université de Toulouse • Switzerland (1/1) : Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne

  23. Pa Parents ge get in involv lved

  24. Corporation’s Bo Co Board of of Di Director ors Role, Ro , re responsabilities an and organ anisati tion • Governance and strategy of the Corporation • Development of the LFT • Supervision of the management • Adopts budget and approves financial statements • Establishes procedures • Meets every month > > 6 of of the 11 Bo Board Me Members are parents s el elec ected ed fo for 2 ye years > > 2 se seats to to fi fill in in 2018

  25. Co Conseil d’Établiss ssement Ro Role, , re responsabilities an and organ anisati tion • Curriculum, extra-scolar activities • Security, health issues • School life, projects • School’s calendar • Pedagogical Objective Statement ( Projet d’Etablissement) > 3 parents s el elec ected ed fo for 1 ye year fo for the wh whole sc school > > Election on on on Oc Octobe ber 17 17th

  26. Co Conseil d’École Sa Same re responsabilitites as as Conseil d’ d’Ét Établ blissement at pr primary sc scho hool • Curriculum, extra-scolar activities • Security, health issues • School life, projects • School’s calendar • Pedagogical Objective Statement ( Projet d’Etablissement) > > 1 par arent el elec ected ed per class s for 1 ye year > > Election on on on Oc Octobe ber 17 17th

  27. Vo Voluntary Pa Parents Ro Role an and re responsabilities • School daytrips • Class projects • Events > > Please se contact the class s te teacher, r , room te teacher or or the se senior ed educ ucation adviso sor > > Pol Police check re require red (a (at the he re reception)

  28. Pa Parents Association - AP APA (Pri Primary ry and and sec secondary) Ro Role an and re responsabilities • Association’s life • Fundraising • Organizing events • Contact with admin and direction about school’s issues > > Please se co contact APA

  29. 07 07 Pr Practical in informatio ion An Answer ers

  30. 08 08 Sch School ool co contacts

  31. Main contacts • Your child’s work, grades, leave • Direction • or school life • • Primary school : teacher + primary • Communication school director • • Transport • APA (Parents association) • • • After-school activities, study hall • michael.faro@lft.c • Tuitions and fees, admission • Samia Farahat 12

  32. 09 09 Co Communication


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