back end strategy in romania i interfaces

Back End strategy in Romania(I): interfaces related issues and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ministry of Economy Nuclear Agency and for Radioactive Waste (ANDR) Back End strategy in Romania(I): interfaces related issues and potential solutions Ms. Alice Mariana DIMA Director, Nuclear Projects and Strategies Department Nuclear Agency

  1. Ministry of Economy Nuclear Agency and for Radioactive Waste (ANDR) Back End strategy in Romania(I): interfaces related issues and potential solutions Ms. Alice Mariana DIMA Director, Nuclear Projects and Strategies Department Nuclear Agency and for Radioactive Waste Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  2. Nuclear Sector in Romania Romania has a very active nuclear sector, and has most stages of the nuclear fuel cycle ➢ uraniumminingand milling ➢ nuclearfuel fabrication ➢ nuclear power generation (CANDU reactors) ➢ radioactive waste and spent fuel storage ➢ repository for disposal of institutional LLW ➢ nuclearresearch facilities Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  3. NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR SAFE MANAGEMENT OF RW & SNF National Strategy A. Policy B. National Programme Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  4. National Policy Institutional responsibilities in RWM NuclearAgency and forRadioactiveWaste (ANDR) from 2004 ➢ Support for the nuclear energy development in Romania (power and non – power applications), exclusively for peaceful purposes ➢ Responsible for disposal of radioactive waste (RW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF), and ensure at national level the coordinationof the nuclear installations decommissioningprocesses NationalCommission ForNuclearActivities Control(CNCAN)from1996 ➢ is the regulatory authority inthe nuclear field ➢ elaborates the strategy andthe policy for regulation,licensingandcontrol Waste producers ➢ Responsible for predisposal activities ofSNF andRW andfordecommissioningof their facilities; ➢ Bear the expenses related to the collection, handling, transport, treatment, conditioning, storage and disposal of its wastes ➢ Pay the annual contributions to the funds for disposal of SNF andRW andfordecommissioningof nuclear facilities OtherNationalauthorities (Ministries of Environment,of Health,of Economy) – involvedinthe licensing process Research and education institutions – national technical, scientific and sociologic support in the disposal program implementation Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  5. Nuclear Agency and for Radioactive Waste (ANDR) Responsibilities ➢ Support for the nuclear energy development in Romania (power and non – power applications), exclusively for peaceful purposes ➢ Responsible for disposal of radioactive waste (RW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF), and ensure at national level the coordinationof the nuclear installations decommissioningprocesses Main project in progress ➢ Final repository for low andinterimlevel waste : DFDSMA ➢ National Strategy for safe management of RW andSNF inRomania ➢ Select the host rock for the geological repository Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  6. Elements of RWM Policy 1/3 ➢ Romania has adopted the open fuel cycle ➢ Spent fuel produced by research reactors shall be returned back to origin countries ➢ Decommissioning of nuclear installations and final disposal of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste should be implemented as soon as reasonably possible ➢ The final point of management for all radioactive waste is final disposal ➢ The final disposal of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste will only be carried out by state organizations ➢ All waste generators must have the financial resources to implement the National Program through contributions to the Radioactive Waste Management Fund and to the Decommissioning Fund. Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  7. Elements of RWM Policy 2/3 ➢ The policy on the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste is set by the Government and implemented by the responsible organizations involved. This Policy includes: ➢ A set of fundamental principles on ethical, security and environmental issues. ➢ A set of government policy decisions requiring management options to be implemented. ➢ Legal and regulatory framework defining control measures for final management and storage. ➢ Defining the responsibilities of organizations involved in final management and storage activities Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  8. Elements of RWM Policy 3/3 Financing scheme Two funds are constituted since 2007: ✓ radioactive waste managementfund ✓ 1,4 euro/MWh ✓ decommissioningfund ✓ 0,6 euro/MWh. The contributionscome only from NPP. ✓ For the institutional waste, finances came from the state budget. ✓ The level of contributions is assessed and up-dated each 5 years. Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  9. CERNAVODA NPP ➢ 2 x CANDU 6 reactors (each 700 MW) ➢ Unit 1 commissioned in 1996, due for refurbishment in c. 2026 ➢ Unit 2 commissioned in 2007 ➢ Units 3 and 4 proposals in place for new build Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  10. Radioactive Waste Generators and waste type SNN – Cernavoda NPP: ➢ Spent nuclear fuel bundles generated from operation of 2 CANDU Units; ➢ Radioactive waste (solid, liquid, mixed) generated from operation and maintenance; ➢ Radioactive waste generated from decommissioning. Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  11. Main R&D INSTALATION FROM Nuclear Field “ HORIA HULUBEI ” Nation Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering(IFIN-HH): ➢ Radioactive waste (solid, liquid, spent sealed sources) generated from nuclear and radiological IFIN-HH facilities; Research reactor ➢ VVER – shutdown in 1997, under decommissioning(IFIN-HHBucharest) ➢ all SF (enriched U) was sent back to the Russian Federation ➢ Radioactive waste generated from the decommissioningof VVR-S researchreactor. Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.

  12. Main R&D INSTALATION FROM Nuclear Field Research reactor ➢ TRIGA 14 MW – in operation from1979 (ICNMioveni) ➢ all HEU SF was sent back to USA ➢ core conversionsince 2004 - LEU SF managementbyRomanian authorities Waste type ➢ Spent nuclear fuel assemblies resulted from the operation of TRIGA research reactor; ➢ Radioactive waste (solid, liquid, spent sealed sources) generated by nuclear and radiological ICN facilities. Technical Meeting on Integrated Approaches to the Back End of the Fuel Cycle, Vienna, 17-19 July 2018 D.I. Mendeleev Street no. 21-25, District 1, Bucharest, Romania Tel. : +4 021 316 80 01 Fax: +4 021 312 14 10 E-mail: www.


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