august snid campaign 2014 security background in iraq

AUGUST SNID CAMPAIGN 2014 Security Background in Iraq January 2014, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

AUGUST SNID CAMPAIGN 2014 Security Background in Iraq January 2014, Anbar governorate is taken over by anti-government groups June 2014, Mosul taken over by anti-government groups and rapidly swept through large area of Central and


  2. Security Background in Iraq • January 2014, Anbar governorate is taken over by anti-government groups • June 2014, Mosul taken over by anti-government groups and rapidly swept through large area of Central and Northern Iraq • August 2014, opposition forces moved into the Ninewa plains, Sinjar and simultaneously into Kurdistan

  3. Results of Iraq’s Security Situation • 17 million of 31.7 million affected: 53.7% of total population • Insecurity exacerbated already existing vulnerability in many of the districts and governorates: Anbar has lowest immunity — 65% OPV3 coverage in 2013

  4. Displacement in Iraq 2.2 million people displaced; 1.2 in the last 2 months: 6.9% of total population (3.8% in 2 months)

  5. Gaining Access Four pronged approach to reach vulnerable populn. • Social community network advocacy – Religious leaders/Community elders – Journalists – Schools • Mass media advocacy • Local vaccinators and mobilizers for program implementation • Opportunistic vaccination (humanitarian corridors)

  6. Mosques and religious leaders across Iraq advocated and joined efforts in Polio Vaccination during Eid Al Fitir

  7. Key Religious Leaders Advocacy

  8. Imam’s Polio Advocacy Meeting in KRG -I 124 Imams across KRG-1 were oriented polio advocacy

  9. Journalist Against Polio Syndicate

  10. Social Mobilization IM Around 45 MoH monitors trained to conduct IM

  11. Branding – Polio Logo

  12. August Campaign Launch

  13. Joint Press Conference

  14. School Children Advocacy

  15. IDPs Mobilization in Public Places

  16. Billboards for August Campaign

  17. LED Screens

  18. IEC materials in streets

  19. TV & Newspapers Waar Newspaper

  20. Vaccinator Aprons & Caps

  21. Campaign Monitoring

  22. Campaign Results Polio campaign in 13 high risk governorates from August 10 – 14 th , 2014 targeting 3.97 million children MoH & UNICEF worked closely with local social community networks in conflict areas to gain access for vaccination activities. However many districts in Salah Al-Din and Ninewa remained inaccessible due to ongoing conflict Note: IM results awaited for Aug SNID

  23. Campaign Results During the August campaign, 3.72 million out of an intended 3.97 million children were vaccinated during the campaign. All governorates were able to reach a high level of coverage (as according to intended targets), except for Salah Al-Din and Ninewa. Data in Salah Al-Din and Ninewa reflects both inaccessibility and displacement Governorate # of Children under 5 % of intended target vaccinated reached Baghdad 1,290,712 104% Babil 50,881 107% Kerbala 212,232 104% Anbar 222,530 96% Salah Al-Din* 83,359 33% Ninewa* 383,433 65% Erbil 261,505 95% Sulimaniyah 249,442 108% Duhok 236,082 128% Kirkuk 204,364 97% Wassit 31,149 112% Najaf 26,2665 114% Diyala 239,557 93% TOTAL 3,727,911 94% *Not all intended districts were covered

  24. Campaign Results Successes: • First major humanitarian intervention in conflict-affected areas • 3.7 million children were vaccinated; 94% of the estimated population • Due to intensive social mobilization and advocacy, most previously in accessible areas were reached by to house-to-house vaccination teams • No major threats to health workers or security incidents reported • IDPs in Kurdistan were vaccinated (102,807 IDP children under 5) Challenges • Rapid population displacement led to difficulties in calculating targets, thus coverage estimates are variable and inaccurate • Accessibility in Ninewa (3/11 districts) and Salah Al-Din (6/8)- due to ongoing conflict MoH estimates that up to 369,405 children were not vaccinated • According to UNICEF’s initial accessibility assessment, 322,362 children are presently inaccessible for campaign and routine services — 150,635 children in Salah Al-Din and 171,727 in Ninewa



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