august 12 2020 community forum focus

August 12, 2020 Community Forum Focus School Calendar Change - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

August 12, 2020 Community Forum Focus School Calendar Change School Learning Plans Student Schedules Special Education English Language Learners Arrival/Dismissal Technology sCho ol Calendar Change The Board of

  1. August 12, 2020

  2. Community Forum Focus ● School Calendar Change ● School Learning Plans ● Student Schedules ● Special Education ● English Language Learners ● Arrival/Dismissal ● Technology

  3. sCho ol Calendar Change ● The Board of Education has adopted an amended calendar for the 2020-2021 school year ● School will begin on TUESDAY, September 8 ● Students will attend half-days Sept. 8, 9, 10 and 11.

  4. Plan & Three scenarios ● Scenario 1 - Students at home due to substantial spread or other reason (Remote Instruction) ● Scenario 2 - Schools Open with Enhanced Distancing due to Minimal/Moderate Spread (Hybrid Scheduling) ● Scenario 3 - Schools Fully Open due to Low/No Spread

  5. Plans submitted NYSED and DOH on 7/31/20 Submitted plans will be considered “Living Documents” which can change over time as more details become available Schools Fully Open Schools Open with Students at Home due to Low/No Spread Enhanced Distancing due to Substantial Spread (Normal Operations w/ due to Minimal/Moderate Spread or Other Reason Minimal Distancing) (Hybrid or Split Scheduling) (Remote Instruction)

  6. CET 100% Remote KINDERGARTEN 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE Morning Meeting 8:00-8:15 Morning Meeting 8:00-8:15 Morning Meeting 8:00-8:15 Morning Meeting 8:00-8:15 Morning Meeting 8:00-8:15 ELA/SS 8:20-8:40 Math/Sci 8:20-9:25 ELA/SS 8:20-10:00 ELA/SS 8:20-9:45 ELA/SS 8:20-10:15 Specials 8:45-9:25 Specials 9:35-10:20 WIN 10:05-10:35 Math/Sci 9:55-10:15 Math/Sci 10:15-11:25 ELA/SS 9:30-10:50 Math/Sci 10:30-10:55 LUNCH 10:40-11:30 Specials 10:25-11:10 LUNCH 11:30-12:20 Math/Sci :10:50-12:20 Math/Sci 11:30-12:35 ELA/SS 11:00-12:30 Math/Sci 11:15-12:25 WIN 12:30-1:00 LUNCH 12:20-1:10 Specials 12:45-1:30 Math/Sci 1:00-1:30 WIN 1:15-1:45 LUNCH 12:25-1:15 WIN 12:30-1:00 Specials 12:45-1:30 Math/Sci 1:35-2:00 Math/Sci WIN 1:15-1:45 LUNCH 1:00-1:50 Math/Sci 1:35-2:00 Afternoon Wrap-up Afternoon Wrap-up Afternoon Wrap-up Afternoon Wrap-up Afternoon Wrap-up 2:00-2:20 2:00-2:20 2:00-2:20 2:00-2:20 2:00-2:20

  7. CET Schedule K - 2nd 3rd & 4th Hybrid Model: 50% In School; Students All in 100% 50% Remote In School All Remote on Wednesday M/T (Croton) Weekly Schedule M, T, W, Th, F Th/F (Harmon) 8:00 am-2:25 pm 8:00 am-2:25 pm School Day

  8. CET K-2, 100% In-Person TIME KINDERGARTEN 1ST 2ND 8:00-8:20 Arrival Arrival Arrival 8:20-8:45 AM Meeting AM Meeting AM Meeting 8:45-9:25 ELA ELA ELA 9:25-9:55 WIN 9:55-10:30 ELA Snack Snack WIN Specials 10:40-11:35 Lunch Science/SS Math 11:40-12:40 Math Lunch WIN 12:45-1:35 Specials Math Lunch Snack 1:50-2:20 Science/SS Specials Science/SS

  9. CET 3rd Grade Hybrid MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Croton (A-K) In Harmon (L-Z) At Croton (A-K) In Harmon (L-Z) At Croton (A-K) At Harmon (L-Z) In Croton (A-K) At Harmon (L-Z) In School Home School Home Home School Home School Arrival 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:00-8:20 ELA 8:20-9:50 ELA 8:20-9:50 ELA 8:20-9:50 ELA 8:20-9:50 ELA 8:20-9:50 ELA 8:20-9:50 ELA 8:20-9:50 ELA 8:20-9:50 Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 Remote Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special 10:25-11:10 10:25-11:10 10:25-11:10 10:25-11:10 Learning 10:25-11:10 10:25-11:10 10:25-11:10 10:25-11:10 Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math For ALL 11:15-11:50 11:15-11:50 11:15-11:50 11:15-11:50 11:15-11:50 11:15-11:50 11:15-11:50 11:15-11:50 WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Math 12:20-12:35 12:20-12:35 12:20-12:35 12:20-12:35 12:20-12:35 12:20-12:35 12:20-12:35 12:20-12:35 Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20

  10. CET 4th Grade Hybrid MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Croton (A-K) In Harmon (L-Z) Croton (A-K) In Harmon (L-Z) Croton (A-K) Harmon (L-Z) In Croton (A-K) Harmon (L-Z) In School At Home School At Home At Home School At Home School Arrival Morning Arrival Morning Morning Morning Arrival 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:00-8:20 8:00-8:20 Meeting 8:00-8:20 Meeting Meeting Meeting Math 8:20-9:35 Math 8:20-9:35 Math 8:20-9:35 Math 8:20-9:35 Math 8:20-9:35 Math 8:20-9:35 Math 8:20-9:35 Math 8:20-9:35 Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special 9:35-10:20 9:35-10:20 9:35-10:20 9:35-10:20 9:35-10:20 9:35-10:20 9:35-10:20 9:35-10:20 Math Math Math Math Math Math Math Remote Math 10:30-11:05 10:30-11:05 10:30-11:05 10:30-11:05 10:30-11:05 10:30-11:05 10:30-11:05 10:30-11:05 ELA ELA ELA ELA ELA ELA ELA ELA Learning WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN 11:15-11:45 11:15-11:45 11:15-11:45 11:15-11:45 11:15-11:45 11:15-11:45 11:15-11:45 11:15-11:45 For ALL ELA ELA ELA ELA ELA ELA ELA ELA 11:45-12:40 11:45-12:40 11:45-12:40 11:45-12:40 11:45-12:40 11:45-12:40 11:45-12:40 11:45-12:40 Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS Science/SS 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 12:40-1:10 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 1:15-2:00 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20 Math 2:05-2:20

  11. Wednesday 3rd & 4th Grade Remote Learning for ALL 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE Morning Meeting 8:00-8:15 Morning Meeting 8:00-8:15 Math/Sci 8:20-9:25 ELA/SS 8:20-9:45 Specials 9:35-10:20 Math/Sci 9:55-10:15 Math/Sci 10:30-10:55 Specials 10:25-11:10 ELA/SS 11:00-12:30 Math/Sci 11:20-12:30 LUNCH 12:30-1:15 WIN 12:30-1:00 WIN 1:15-1:45 LUNCH 1:00-1:45 Afternoon Wrap-up 2:00-2:20 Afternoon Wrap-up 2:00-2:20

  12. CET 100% In-Person Time 1ST GRADE 2ND GRADE 3RD GRADE 4TH GRADE KINDERGARTEN 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:00-8:20 Arrival 8:20-8:45 AM Meeting 8:20-8:45 AM Meeting 8:20-8:45 AM Meeting 8:20-9-30 Math 8:20-9:50 Math 8:45-9:25 ELA 8:45-9:30 Specials 8:45-10:20 ELA 9:25-9:55 WIN Snack 9:35-10-20 Specials 10:00-10:20 ELA 9:30-11:05 ELA 9:55-10:30 ELA Snack Snack 10:35-11:05 WIN 10:25-11:10 Specials 10:30-11:05 Math Snack 10:40-11:35 Lunch 11:10-12:05 Lunch 11:15-11:45 WIN 11:15-12:20 ELA 11:15-12:20 ELA 11:40-12:40 Math 11:45-12:40 Lunch 12:10-1:15 Math 12:20-12:55 WIN 12:20-1:15 Lunch 12:45-1:35 Specials 12:45-1:50 Math 12:55-1:50 Lunch 1:15-1:40 Science/SS 1:15-1:45 WIN Snack 1:50-2:20 Science/SS 1:40-2:20 Specials 1:50-2:20 Science/SS 1:50-2:20 Science/SS 1:50-2:20 Science/SS

  13. Remote Learning For All Schedule (All Students at Home) l l o o o o Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday h h c c S S 1/2 class sessions live full class live 1/2 class sessions live e e l l d d Per.1 Per.5 or 9 Per.1 Per.1 Per.5 or 9 d d 9:30-9:50 i i M M C C Per.2 Per. 6 or 9 Per.2 Per.2 Per. 6 or 9 10:00-10:20 V V P P Per.3 Per. 7 or 9 Per.3 Per.3 Per. 7 or 9 10:30-10:50 Per.4 Per.8 Per.4 Per.4 Per.8 11:00-11:20 11:25-12:15 Per.1 Per.5 or 9 Per.5 or 9 Per.1 Per.5 or 9 12:15-12:35 Per.2 Per. 6 or 9 Per. 6 or 9 Per.2 Per. 6 or 9 12:45-1:05 Per.3 Per. 7 or 9 Per. 7 or 9 Per.3 Per. 7 or 9 1:15-1:35 Per.4 Per.8 Per.8 Per.4 Per.8 1:45-2:05

  14. PVC Middle School Hybrid Schedule

  15. Wednesday Remote Day 8:30-8:45 VIP Period 1 8:50-9:10 Advisory l l o o o o 9:15-9:30 VIP Period 2 h h c c S S 9:35-9:50 VIP Period 3 e e l l d d d d 9:55-10:10 i i VIP Period 4 M M C C V V 10:15-10:30 VIP Period 5 or 9 P P 10:35-10:50 VIP Period 6 or 9 10:55-11:10 VIP Period 7 or 9 11:15-11:30 VIP Period 8 11:35-12:20 Lunch 12:25-1:25 Teacher Meetings/PD Individual appointments with teachers + special 1:30-2:50 programs extra curricular club meetings

  16. l l o o o o h h c c S S e e l l d d d d i i M M C C V V P P

  17. Croton-Harmon High School


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