What value do SAIs add to the implementation of Agenda 2030 ? • Urge national governments into action if there isn’t any. • Independent oversight on the implementation of Agenda 2030 in national context. • Recommendations for enhancing preparedness and implementation of Agenda 2030. • Raise awareness amongst citizens and stakeholders on the significance of implementing Agenda 2030. • Effective, accountable and inclusive institutions. SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 2
How does IDI support SAIs in AUDITING SDGs ? Support SAIs in Guidance on Performance conducting high Advocacy & Awareness Raising Audit of Preparedness for quality audits of Implementation of SDGs SDGs Cooperative Performance Are Nations prepared for Audit of Preparedness for implementing SDGs : SAI Partners : KSC, Implementation of SDGs insights and recommendations UNDESA, KNI, INTOSAI Regions, CAAF, IBP, GAB SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 3
Performance Audit it of Preparedness for Im Imple lementation of SDGs Audit Objective 1 – To what extent has the • Integration - • Inclusiveness Whole of - Leave No government adapted the 2030 agenda into its Government one Behind national context? Approach Audit Objective 2 – Has the government identified and secured resources and capacities (means of implementation) needed to implement the 2030 • Follow up and • Multi Agenda? Review - Data stakeholder engagement Audit Objective 3 – Has the Government established a mechanism to monitor, follow-up, review and report on the progress towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda? SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs Based on VNR Guidelines
Lessons Learned What worked What could be done better • Innovation • More ‘ how to support’ • Inclusion • Strategic options • Partnerships • Wider strategic alliances • Stakeholder engagement • Support for strategic considerations • Advocacy and Awareness raising • Global outreach • Focus on ISSAIs • Audit impact • Visibility • Common understanding and coordinated effort • Value addition SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 5
IN INTOSAI & ID IDI Priority INTOSAI SP 2017-2022 IDI SP 2019-2023 Cross-cutting Priority 2 Relevant SAIs Contributing to the follow-up IDI will continue to support SAIs in auditing and review of the SDGs within SDGs. After supporting them in auditing the context of each nation’s preparedness for the implementation of specific sustainable SDGs, IDI will support SAIs in auditing development efforts and SAIs’ implementation of specific SDG goals and individual mandates. targets SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 6
Future Plans SDG Innovation SDG Audit SDG Digital & Data Model Education Analytics SDG Advocacy SDG SDG Strategic and Awareness Cooperative Considerations/ Raising Audits SAI Level SDG Strategic SDG Audit SDG Leadership Partnerships Impact SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 7
From preparedness to implementation PA of Preparedness ISAM Audit of Preparedness Audit of Implementation Across the agenda Related to individual SDG Performance targets Audit Audit of Preparedness Implementation Performance Audit Link between Financial, for of SDGs compliance & performance Implementation of SDGs audit Individual audit level SAI level and individual audit level Focus on coherence, Focus on coherence, integration, inclusion, integration, inclusion, participation participation SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 8
Focus on outcomes Recognise SAI Diversity ISAM ISSAI Based Principles Inclusiveness Add Value SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 9
Leave no ‘How To’ Innovative SAI behind Provides detailed Doable for SAIs with Explores innovative tools and different capacity audit approaches, techniques levels, mandates and tools and techniques environments ISSAI Mainstream Based Gender /inclusiveness PA, FA and CA Provide for ISSAIs used as gender/inclusiveness quality considerations at SAI level and individual audits benchmarks SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 10
What is ‘Audit of implementation of SDGs ’ • Audit of SDGs (goals/targets ), using WoG and SDG principles. • Audit contributing to implementation of SDGs e.g. financial, performance, compliance audits in related to SDG goal/target areas or audits with considerations related to implementation of SDGs SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 11
Strategic Two Considerations at SAI Level for SDG Levels Relevant Audits SAI Level & SDG Relevant Individual Audits Individual FA, CA, PA Audit Level SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 12
Effective Organisational setup Strategic Partnerships SAI Audit Planning Strategic Considerations Professional Capacity at SAI level Audit Methodology Leveraging on technology Achieve Audit Impact SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 13
SDG Audit unit Effective One multi Disciplinary Team Organisational setup for Coordinating Mechanism between teams auditing implementation Each team has multidisciplinary skills of SDGs Coordination with sub nationals SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 14
Performance Audit Audit of Implementation Financial Compliance of SDGs Audit Audit SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 15
PA Entity, programme, PA of implementation of SDGs Outcome based process based Cross cutting across Examination of entities and Performance coherence not programmes required Audits of Examination of Inclusion questions coherence and Implementation may not be included integration required of SDGs Limited stakeholder Inclusion questions engagement need to be included Multi stakeholder engagement SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 16
How do we walk fast and far together ? SAIs making a difference by Auditing SDGs 17
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