atomic and molecular data provided by multiply charged

Atomic and Molecular Data provided by Multiply Charged Ion Beam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Technical Meeting on Uncertainly Assessment and Benchmark Experiments for Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion Applications Vienna, Austria, 19-21 December, 2016 Atomic and Molecular Data provided by Multiply Charged Ion Beam Collision

  1. Technical Meeting on Uncertainly Assessment and Benchmark Experiments for Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion Applications Vienna, Austria, 19-21 December, 2016 Atomic and Molecular Data provided by Multiply Charged Ion Beam Collision Experiments at Low Energies Hajime Tanuma Department of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University

  2. Charge eXchange Spectroscopy (CXS) P q+ + T → P (q-t)+ * + T t+ ↓ photon : energy, intensity P (q-t)+ P : projectile, T : target Experimental method for measurements of 1. Charge transfer cross sections 2. Transition wavelengths Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 2

  3. Today’s three messages from CXS 1. CX spectra of lower charged W ions might be not suitable for plasma diagnosis. 2. Meta-stable He-like ions are interesting, but make cross section measurements complicated. 3. Triplet-Singlet ratios are very important in collisions of H-like ions with neutrals. Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 3

  4. Multiply Charged Ion Beam Lines in TMU Analyzing Magnet 14.25 GHz ECR Ion Source Switching Magnet Spectrometers - Silicon Drift Detector for X-ray - Grazing Incident Spectrometer for Extreme Ultra-Violet - Czerny-Turner Spectrometer Collision cell for Visible and UV 4 Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University

  5. Setup for X-ray measurements Ion Beam Collision Cell to capacitance target manometer gas inlet Magic Angle = 54.736 ° 5 Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University

  6. Ta instead of W Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 6

  7. Isotopes of Ta & W Z = 73 Z = 74 Ta W A NA A NA A : mass number 180 0.012% 180 0.12% NA : natural abundance 181 99.988% 182 26.50% 183 14.31% 184 30.64% 186 28.43% For ion beam experiments with charge state separation, Ta is much suitable. Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 7

  8. Mass Spectrum of Ta Ions T ~ 1x10 6 K Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 8

  9. EUV Spectra in collisions with O 2 18+ - O 2 Ta Intensity / arb. units Ta 17+ 17+ - O 2 Ta Ta 16+ 14+ - O 2 Ta Ta 13+ 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Wavelength / nm Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 9

  10. Charge dependence of UTA Peaks 22 Two series of UTAs 20 with wide spreads Wavelength / nm 18 Identification of transitions 16 is now in progress. 14 But, it seems to be difficult 12 by the Cowan code. 10 8 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Charge state of Ta ion Without charge separation, it might be difficult to distinguish charge states in EUV spectra of Ta. Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 10

  11. The production mechanism of the excited states Plasmas (LPP, LHD, EBIT, etc.) : excitation from the ground state by electron impact → Almost Resonance Lines (RL) CXS : electron transfer to the excited orbital from the neutral targets → Transitions between excited states (TBES) Different mechanism = Complementary data → “Complementary Spectroscopy” Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 11

  12. CXS@TMU Sn 21+ -He Sn 20+ 3 RL of Sn 20+ & many TBES 5 10 15 20 25 Wavelength / nm EBIT@UEC 07042105 20+ 20+ E e = 693 eV Ee~693eV Ie= 6.4mA q ≤ 22 q max =21+ q IP / eV +22 1127 +21 642 5 10 15 20 25 Wavelength / nm +20 608 07042106 E e = 613 eV Ee~613eV +19 537 Ie= 6.5mA q ≤ 20 q max =19+ 20+ IP = Ionization Potential 5 10 15 20 25 Wavelength / nm Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 12

  13. Meta-stable He-like Ions Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 13

  14. Un-expected Soft X-ray emissions in collisions of He-like ions with He C 3+ (1s 2 nl ) : E = 15 keV/ q Intensity / arb. units < 64 eV ~ 560 eV N 4+ (1s 2 nl ) : ~ 620 eV < 98 eV C 4+ - He N 5+ - He O 6+ - He O 5+ (1s 2 nl ) : < 138 eV 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Photon Energy / eV Silicon Drift Detector : D E ~ 70 eV Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 14

  15. Energy Level Data in NIST ASD O 5+ 1s 2 2s 2 S 1/2 : IP = 138.12 eV 1s2s( 3 S)2p 4 P J : 554.24 eV 1s2s( 3 S)2p 2 P J : 562.59 eV 1s2s3s 4 S 3/2 : 636.03 eV h n ~ 560 eV : O 5+ 1s 2 2s – 1s2s2p h n ~ 620 eV : O 5+ 1s 2 2s – 1s2s3s Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 15

  16. Why 1s2s nl states are produced? Meta-stable states in a primary ion beam He-like ions : few % of 1s2s 3 S 1 from ECRIS O 6+ (1s2s 3 S 1 ) + He → O 5+ (1s2s nl ) + He + → O 6+ (1s 2 ) + e - : Auger O 6+ (1s2s 3 S 1 ) + He → O 5+ (1s2s nl ) + He + → O 5+ (1s 2 2s) + h n Influence of 1s2s states on cross section measurements are not clear. Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 16

  17. Theoretical Auger and X-ray emission rates C N O Auger < ( or <<) X-ray M. H. Chen et al ., Phys. Rev. A 27 (1993) 544. Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 17

  18. Triplet-Singlet Ratios Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 18

  19. Triplet-Singlet ratios in CX Statistical weights σ Triplet = 3 σ Singlet J. L. Nolte et al ., J. Phys. B 45 (2012) 245202. Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 19

  20. Preliminary Cross Section Data SC (Single Capture) : H-like → He-like (1s nl , Total) True SC + Transfer Ionization (TI) X-ray : Emission from He-like w (1s 2 ← 1s2p 1 P 1 ) + partially y (1s 2 ← 1s2p 3 P 1 ) σ S + σ T > σ SC > 4 σ S σ Xray Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 20

  21. Summary 1. CXS of Ta (instead of W) ions in the EUV region Ta q + : q = 10 – 20 2. The first observation of UTAs in 8 - 20 nm 3. Complimentary data from EBITs are required. 4. We need theoretical calculation for identification of emission lines. 5. Meta-stable states in the primary He-like beams might contribute to the uncertainty of cross section measurements using ECRIS. 6. Triplet-Singlet ratios might be far from the statistical weights in charge exchange collisions of H-like ions with neutral targets. Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 21

  22. Collaborators Nobuyuki NAKUMURA, Univ. of Elecro-Communications Kunihiro OKADA, Sophia Univ., Tokyo Gerry O’SULLIVAN, Univ. College Dublin Ling LIU & Jianguo WANG, IAPCM, Beijing (Phillip Stancil, Univ. of Georgia) Present students Past students Naoki NUMADATE Hirofumi SHIMAYA Yoshiyuki UCHIKURA Takuya ISHIDA Kento SHIMADA Takuma KANDA Takuto AKUTSU Hayato OHASHI Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 22

  23. 御静聴ありがとうございました。 Thank you for your attention. Go raibh maith agat. 謝 謝 감사합니다 Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University 23

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