atlas trt barrel

ATLAS TRT- Barrel Module Acceptance Testing 17 August 2004 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ATLAS TRT- Barrel Module Acceptance Testing 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation What does TRT stand for? The barrel Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is part of the ATLAS inner detector. The TRT is designed to

  1. ATLAS TRT- Barrel Module Acceptance Testing 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  2. What does TRT stand for?  The barrel Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) is part of the ATLAS inner detector. The TRT is designed to measure the position of particle tracks and measure the amount of transition radiation they produce. 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  3. Position of TRT-Barrel in ATLAS 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  4. Position of TRT-Barrel in ATLAS 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  5. Barrel  Inner radius = 560mm  Outer radius = 1070mm  96 modules in total  32 of each type 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  6. 3 types of modules  Type 1: 329 wires  Type 2: 520 wires  Type 3: 793 wires 105,088 wires in total 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  7. Life of a Module  Built in American institutes:  Duke University, Indiana University and Hampton University.  Shipped to CERN for testing in acceptance lab  Shipped to the SR building for assembly 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  8. Barrel Modules • 1.5m in length • Contain straws (4mm diameter) which holds a wire (30µm diameter) • HV is distributed to a group of 8 straws called “Pads” 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  9. Straws and Wires  Straws: Drift tubes made of kapton with a conductive coating so it acts as a cathode → kept at high voltage of negative polarity  Wires: 30µm diameter gold-plated tungsten sense wire → wire held at ground 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  10. Acceptance Testing  Dimension  Wire Tension  Gas Leak Test  High-Voltage Test  Gain Mapping  Long-term High-Voltage test  Final Gas Leak Test Shipped to the Assembly hall 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  11. The Test!!  Apply 1550V  Monitor each pad between 16 channels  Current > 2µA  → TRIP!!! 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  12. 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  13. HV 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  14. Now What?  Redistribute pads  Wait…  → TRIP!!!  Put each wire onto an individual channel  Wait….  → TRIP!!! 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  15. RESULT!!!  17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  16. High Voltage Test – Why?  On average 36 wires are crossed by a track  Accept only 1% dead channels ~1050 wires removed 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation

  17. Conclusion 1. Need to write EVERYTHING down 2. Be Patient 3. Systematic 4. Wear Rubber Gloves 17 August 2004 Michelle Galvin Summer Student Presentation


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