Atlantic PIRI “The Atlantic RBCA approach”
• Atlantic PIRI (who we are) • Atlantic RBCA (what it is) • Our mandate and strategic vision (what is expected of us and where we want to go?) • The approach (why does it matter?) • Our Initiatives (what are we doing?) • Sustainability (where does Atlantic RBCA fit? )
• PIRI ( P artners I n R BCA I mplementation) A partnership between regulators, industry representatives, regional consultants and corresponding members working to: • Develop, implement and continuously improve common technical tools to support impacted site remediation programs in Atlantic Canada for major sectors (Atlantic RBCA) • Collaborate and promote sustainable remediation of impacted sites and brownfield re-development through harmonization of flexible technical tools, criteria, training and communication with each other and with stakeholders • Monitor, evaluate and integrate risk assessment concepts
• RBCA “Rebecca” ( R isk B ased C orrective A ction) Introduced to Atlantic Canada in 1997, it’s a remedial process that provides consistent, effective and achievable standards • Software Model (Toolkit) and Technical User Guidance • Based on ASTM, customized for Atlantic Canada • Built using a tiered risk assessment approach • Founded on sound science and continuously improved • Sanctioned for Petroleum Hydrocarbons • Expandable to other common contaminants
• Memorandum of Understanding • Operational Terms of Reference • “Corresponding Members” Terms of Reference • Harmonization, Technical and Stakeholder Working Groups • Corresponding Members and Task Groups • Laboratory Sub-Committee • Five Year Strategic Plan • Annual Work Planning and Summary Reports • “Online” Training
Mission Statement Leader in harmonized site-specific approaches regulatory and to impacted site management Vision Statements • Enhancing the Atlantic RBCA process and regulatory programs and ensure they are effective in serving the needs of Atlantic Canadians. • Delivering upon the objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding using our core strengths and areas of expertise, which are principally related to scientific and technical fields, and related legislative issues with respect to impacted sites management. • Engaging stakeholders and promoting site-specific and sustainable remediation approaches in the region with the goal to be sought by jurisdictions and stakeholders outside of Atlantic Canada for the demonstrated thought leadership of Atlantic PIRI.
Commitment to Harmonization Value of Continuous Harmonization Improvement Protection of Human Health and the Environment Science-Based Consensus Decision Approach Making Stakeholder Engagement
Maintain and enhance consistency among the four Atlantic Provinces Provide regulatory support Improve Atlantic RBCA process Integrate appropriate advances in risk assessment and management Encourage harmonized regulatory and legislative changes Further site redevelopment through enhanced communication and engagement of stakeholders
• Repurposing previously used land has significant benefits to society as documented in the NRTEE study. ($1 in $3.8 out). • An efficient approach to re purposing land that addresses health protection on a site specific end use basis, enables more properties to be addressed and more efficiently. • Remediated properties = fit for use, are repurposed or ready for new development. • Widely accepted approach in Atlantic Canada and since 1997, over 7,250 sites have been brought to regulatory file closure. • Because site-specific risk assessment and risk based remedial options support sustainability goals.
key is to understand risks ( R isk B ased) in order to come up with sustainable remediation options ( C orrective A ctions) RECEPTOR EXPOSURE RISK CONTAMINANT
Three tiers of increasing technical complexity are available All three Tiers achieve the same result of environmental protection Tier 1 – Easy to use look up tables for screening or cleanup levels (human health and ecological receptors). Tier 2 – Computer generated site- specific screening or cleanup levels and easy to use pathway specific tables. Tier 3 – More detailed and advanced methods and measurements for determining site- specific screening or cleanup levels
� Modernized Atlantic RBCA website � Published report on Publicly Accessible Information on Contaminated Sites � Completed an Economic Impact Benefits Analysis � Developed a Communication Plan � Exploring membership growth and renewal opportunities � Providing continued support to provincial initiatives as needed � Conducting jurisdictional scans for contaminated sites/ brownfield regulations � Improving petroleum hydrocarbon soil vapor guidance � Drafting chlorinated solvents guidance � Monitoring sustainable remediation and risk management approaches � Monitoring emerging issues � Updating online training
Protection of human health and the environment are important considerations in the overall health and sustainability of our environment. Provide a forum to encourage harmonized regulatory and legislative changes necessary to implement sustainable remediation approaches throughout Atlantic Canada. • Atlantic RBCA is a sustainable remediation approach • Adopted a Tiered Risk Assessment approach • Providing tools for cost effective and site-specific remedial options • Promoting Best Management Practices for site investigations • Harmonizing throughout Atlantic Canada • Engaging stakeholders to promote Brownfield Redevelopment • Training practitioners using online courses
• Focus on our Strategic Goals – Monitor, evaluate and integrate appropriate advancements in risk assessment and remediation – Encourage harmonized regulatory and legislative changes – Engage stakeholders and promote site-specific and sustainable remediation approaches in the region • Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – Sustainable Remediation Approaches Metrics
Metrics for measuring sustainable remediation approaches success could include : • Meetings with senior provincial regulatory representatives to solicit opportunities, analyze challenges and respond with recommended approaches that represent multi-stakeholder perspectives. • Levels of integration into provincial guidelines, regulations and legislation (different between jurisdictions) • Adaptation of recommended harmonization opportunities into regulatory processes. • Percentage from harmonization opportunities matrix (32 potential areas) and jurisdictional scans from outside Atlantic Canada
Metrics for measuring sustainable remediation approaches success could include: • Incorporation of sustainability principles and tools into Atlantic RBCA approach. • Use of best management practices, qualitative ranking processes, quantitative analysis • Monitoring sustainable remediation approaches throughout region • Percentage of traditional (e.g. dig and dump) vs. sustainable remediation (e.g. natural attenuation) approaches • Use of best management practices, qualitative ranking processes or quantitative analysis
• Without Atlantic RBCA, sites in the Atlantic region would be required to clean up to generic standards (not the most sustainable approach) • Trend since 2006 is more towards conducting Tier III Risk Assessment (vapor intrusion risk assessments) which significantly reduces the amount of contaminated materials to be removed from a site and the resources necessary to clean it up. • Need to continue engaging stakeholders in raising awareness of the benefits of sustainable remediation throughout our region. • Need to learn from your experience and improve upon ours in the progression of sustainable remediation goals. • Enhance our network with SuRF Canada and its members.
Atlantic PIRI: Atlantic RBCA: Atlantic RBCA Online Training:
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