Athletic Field Availability & Utilization NOTE: This presentation is a working document, and some recommendations or ideas may have evolved or changed based on continued discussions and additional analyses.
MEETING OVERVIEW • Athletic Field Inventory & Field Classifications • Field Scheduling Vocabulary • Athletic Field Allocation Guidelines • How Athletic Fields are Used • Current Athletic Field Allocation Process • PSMP - IAC Step 1: Field Allocation & Field Scheduling Variables • PSMP - IAC Step 2: Athletic Field Availability & Field Utilization • Field Utilization Public Engagement • Schedule of Engagement Opportunities • Role for PSMP-IAC Members in the Process 2
FIELD UTILIZATION & PSMP Priority Action 4: 1.2.5. Analyze athletic field utilization to improve data on the current use and assess future athletic field needs. The County will work with the community to determine a set of use assumptions that will enable consistent evaluation of field utilization and capacity. This will be used in conjunction with the Level of Service recommendations (see 1.2.4.). (pg. 60) 1.2.4. Conduct a public space needs assessment, including a statistically valid survey and Level of Service analysis, on a 5-year cycle. As the County needs, trends and population projections may change, conducting a needs assessment and reviewing and updating Level of Service analysis and methodology on a regular basis would allow the County to keep pace with these changes and adjust its recommendations accordingly. In addition, the County will periodically evaluate existing and gather new data on public space amenities, such as casual use spaces, natural lands, dog parks/runs, trails, athletic fields, community gardens, etc., to refine the Level of Service standards and approaches in the future. (pg. 60) 3
ATHLETIC FIELD INVENTORY DIAMOND FIELDS RECTANGULAR FIELDS COMBINATION FIELDS 19 42 35 14 synthetic 3 lighted 2 synthetic 15 lighted 19 lighted Fields Used For: ▪ Football (tackle & flag) ▪ Soccer Fields Use For: Fields Used For: ▪ ▪ Lacrosse Baseball All Diamond & Rectangular ▪ ▪ Field Hockey Softball Sports Depending on ▪ Kickball ▪ Rugby Season/Time of the Year ▪ Drop-in play ▪ Ultimate Frisbee ▪ Kickball 4 ▪ Drop-in play
ATHLETIC FIELD CLASSIFICATIONS Currently DPR classifies athletic fields into three categories. Permit – Takes- Priority • 77 of Arlington’s 96 athletic fields are Permit-Takes-Priority fields. • Permit holders have priority use of the field. • Available for public use when a permit isn’t issued. Permit Only • 13 of Arlington’s 96 athletic fields are Permit-Only fields. • Only permit holders may use the field. Community Use Field • 6 of Arlington’s 96 athletic fields are Community Use fields. • Community Use fields are designated for drop-in use. • Barcroft #5, Gunston #3, Rocky Run, TJ Lower, VA-Highlands #2, and Westover Rectangle. • Community Use Fields are sometimes programmed with scheduled games or practices. 6
FIELD SCHEDULING VOCABULARY • RECTRAC – DPR’s reservation, registration, and financial reporting software. • RESERVATION – Facility that is reserved in RECTRAC. • PERMIT – Confirmation of a facility RESERVATION. • ALLOCATION – Total amount of hours allocated per field, per season. • FIELD SCHEDULING VARIABLES DRAFT DEFINITION - Factors affecting field availability and utilization. • FIELD AVAILABILITY DRAFT DEFINITION - Total hours athletic fields are available for use. • UTILIZATION – DRAFT DEFINITION Athletic field allocations using field availability that incorporate field scheduling variables. 7
ATHLETIC FIELD ALLOCATION GUIDELINES The Athletic Field Allocation Guidelines govern the use of athletic fields in Arlington County. The guidelines include multiple focus areas. DPR uses two main areas of the guidelines to schedule athletic fields. • Tiered Priority Scheduling • Definition of Primary and Secondary Seasons 8
TIERED PRIORITY SCHEDULING • Prior to the Athletic Field Allocation Guidelines fields were allocated to user groups with previously existing DPR relationships and inequity existed amongst user groups. • In 2015 public engagement sessions were held to determine a priority system for field allocation. Arlington Public Schools Tier I: Arlington Residency, Youth, Non Profit Tier II: Arlington Residency, Adult, Non Profit Tier III: Arlington Residency, For Profit (youth or adult) Tier IV: Other 9
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SEASONS • Prior to the Athletic Field Allocation Guidelines seasons were not clearly defined. • This created longer seasons, and unclear beginnings and endings to seasons. • Youth organizations are provided up to a 14-week spring season, and 10 week fall season. • Adult organizations receive a 12-week season in the spring and fall. • Organizations may request an out-of-season allocation. • Natural grass fields are closed in the summer and winter for maintenance/resting. 10
ATHLETIC FIELD USES Before athletic fields are allocated to DPR partner organizations field permits are issued to APS and partner universities. • Arlington Public Schools • After School Programs • Interscholastic Athletics Games and Practices • Band Practices • Partner Universities • Barcroft #6 (GW) • Boeing Field #1 (MU) School Stadium Baseball Softball Fields Fields Fields • APS High School Activity end times spring and fall Yorktown 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm seasons. W-L 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm • Activities may run later due to games or special events. Wakefield 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 11
ATHLETIC FIELD USES • DPR allocates fields to its partner leagues Organization Offering for games and practices in the spring and Arlington Little League Youth Baseball fall seasons. Arlington Babe Ruth Youth Baseball • DPR receives allocation requests from partner organizations and issues field Arlington Travel Baseball Youth Baseball permits based on previous requests. Arlington Soccer Association Youth Soccer • As youth non-profit Tier 1 organizations, Youth Ultimate League of Arlington Ultimate (Frisbee) fields are allocated to these organizations first. Arlington Youth Lacrosse Youth Lacrosse Arlington Tackle Football Youth Football Arlington Girls Softball Association Youth Softball Arlington Senior Babe Ruth Baseball American Legion Post 139 Baseball 12
ATHLETIC FIELD USES • DPR allocates fields to its internal leagues Sport Offering Youth/Adults after fields are allocated to partner organizations in the spring and fall Flag Football Youth seasons. Softball Adults • DPR uses previous field allocations and participation numbers to evaluate Pick-Up Soccer Adults allocations for the current season. Bolivian Veteran’s Soccer League Adults • Athletic Field permits for these leagues are NOVA Coaches League Adults then issued. Arlington Co-ed Kicks Adults • DPR then allocates fields to social leagues Arlington Women’s Soccer Adults and private rentals. League Old Guys Soccer League (OGSL) Adults 13
CURRENT ATHLETIC FIELD ALLOCATION PROCESS Athletic Field Allocation Process • Each season since 2016, DPR staff review field allocations from the previous like-season to allocate field space to partner organizations. • Partner organizations submit allocation requests per season. • Total allocation is reviewed and compared to actual field use totals. • Permits are issued. Arlington Public Schools Tier I: Arlington Residency, Youth, Non Profit Tier II: Arlington Residency, Adult, Non Profit Tier III: Arlington Residency, For Profit (youth or adult) Tier IV: Other 14
ATHLETIC FIELD ALLOCATION EXAMPLE • Reported Teams in Spring Hours Scheduled Hours Per Allocation DPR previously used Organization Spring 2018 in 2018 (Per week) Policy (Per Week) Delta blanket permits to allow Youth Baseball for a more iterative (ALL,ABR,ATB) 201 Teams 974.5 505.1 469.4 scheduling process. Reported Teams in Spring Hours Scheduled in Hours per Allocation • DPR now uses blanket Organization Spring 2019 2019 (Avg. Per week) Policy Delta permits for the first two Youth Baseball (1st two weeks) 227 Teams 919.25 562 357.25 weeks of the spring season. • Implementing the Reported Teams in Spring Hours Scheduled Hours per Allocation Organization Spring 2019 in 2019 (Avg. Per week) Policy Delta allocation policy has created more efficient ABR 94 Teams 250 262.5 -12.50 field use. ALL 125 Teams 271 275.5 -4.50 ATB* 8 Teams 14 24 -10.00 15
PSMP-IAC STEP 1 What is Athletic Field Allocation? • Current definition - Potential total amount of hours allocated per field, per season. What are Field Scheduling Variables? • Inclement weather cancellations. • Capturing non-reserved or drop-in use. • Arlington Public Schools use. • Field Density. • Activity start & end times in the spring & fall seasons. 16
PSMP-IAC STEP 2 What is Athletic Field Availability? • Agreed upon hours athletic fields are available, incorporating field scheduling variables. What Does This Mean For Field Utilization? • Athletic Field Availability must be defined before understanding utilization. • Are field users honoring field allocations? 17
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