Atelier « L’exploitation durable des ressources L’exploitation durable des ressources Atelier « halieutiques (gestion écosystémique halieutiques (gestion écosystémique, système , système d’information, transfert et valorisation des d’information, transfert et valorisation des connaissances) » » connaissances) The GFCM -ATSELMED workshops: A multidisciplinary approach for the improvement of the selectivity of the bottom trawling in Mediterranean sea FAO REGIONAL PROJECTS: THE COPEMED PROJECT Colloque Euro-Méditerranée – 20-21/11/2007 Juan A CAMIÑAS, IEO Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga EASTMED PROJECT COMPONENTS AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Dr. CONSTANTINA KARLOU-RIGA, Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development & Food General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - FAO 1 08/02/2008
Colloque Euro Méditerranée/ Euro-Mediterranean Symposium 20 – 21 Novembre 2007/ November 20-21, 2007 Toulon The GFCM - ATSELMED workshops Sète 9-11 February 2005 and Barcelona 2- 4 April 2007 A mult idisciplinary approach f or t he improvement of t he select ivit y of t he bot t om t rawling in Medit erranean sea
Constat on Mediterranean bottom trawling Low level of production. Large specific diversity Small size of many marketed species (e.g. cephalopods and crustaceans) Important contribution of accessory species to the catch value Implying the use of gears with reduced (from Bahamon) selectivity, with as a consequence : fishing mortality of juveniles of commercial species discards of unmarketable species and benthos discard of marketable species according to market demand (from Farrugio)
Various types of bottom trawls Traditional 2 faces Mediterranean trawl 4 faces trawl with small or Croatian trawl ( from Soldo,) Croatian trawl ( from Soldo,) large lateral faces 4 faces trawl with large meshes or rope in the square Twin trawls and fixed opening trawls (gangui, rapido,) Juge France (Ifremer) Juge France (Ifremer)
Various codend designs Approx. Mesh size (mm) panel length (m) Material PE 5 5 5 5 110 4.9 twisted 50 50 50 50 66 66 50 50 Conical or cylindrical shape 110 11.0 twisted 100 100 50 50 200 200 100 100 46 4.6 Mesh size from 28 to 46 mm twisted 200 200 700 46 4.6 twisted 200 200 600 600 stretched 46 9.2 twisted 400 400 With or without extension 46 knotless 9.2 braided piece 200 200 46 9.2 knotless braided 200 200 PA or PE material Turkish bottom trawl (from Tosunoglu) Twisted or braided twines Knotted or knotless net Different types of closure« zip », « codline » (from Chilari)
Atselmed 1 ( Sèt e 9 – 11 February, 2005 ) St andardizat ion of select ivit y met hods applied t o t rawling in Medit erranean sea • to strengthen the current knowledge on bottom trawl selectivity in Mediterranean sea • to define the most appropriated and reliable methodologies and experimental protocols for the different Mediterranean fisheries.
Atselmed 2 ( Barcelona, 2–4 april 2007 ) On t he gradual implement at ion of f ull square mesh codend • Review of main Mediterranean trawling metiers with a particular attention to the gear characteristics and their national selectivity regulations • Review of application of square mesh panel or codend to European fisheries; difficulties, benefits for the fishing industries • Presentation on recent studies on square mesh codend selectivity in Mediterranean sea and their application to the fisheries • Review on square mesh selectivity and on different process to build and fix square mesh panels or codend to a bottom trawl • Consequences of the application of 40 mm square mesh to Mediterranean bottom trawl
Main outcomes 57 attendees for the 2 meeting from 8 Member States of the GFCM, and experts from Denmark, Finland, Argentina and Colombia GFCM/Atselmed 1 report is published in FAO Fisheries Report n °° 820 GFCM/Atselmed 2 report is in progress The 27 presentations of the 2 meetings will be available on GFCM website:http\\
Experimentations on various item Diamond mesh codend Square mesh codend Square mesh panel Sorting grids Square mesh and grid Full square mesh codend study (from Piccinetti et al.,) Twine material Knotless net Survival after escapement Twine dimension Sorting grid (from Adamidou et al.) Square mesh panel (Belcari et al.)
Methods of observation & selectivity sampling Selectivity sampling methods Underwater video research observation (from Sonin) Double codend Cover codend Alternated hauls Retention codend for grid Cover codend method (from Sala)
NECESSITY: Further actions required Methods of analysis and modelling Selectivity Fryer Select model Ecosystem Multi-variate analysis, Ecological modelling Bio-economic analysis and simulation Ecological model Mefisto model From Coll et al., 2006. J. Mar. Syst. 59: 63-96
Main conclusions of Atselmed meetings The implementation of 40 mm square mesh cod-end is going to have generally positive effects for the majority of the studied species. From a biological point of view, the WS stressed that the 40 mm square mesh cod-end should be implemented as soon as possible. This measure is considered not sufficient to recover highly exploited species and ecosystem. Additional measures will also be required. The available information on the effect of application of 40 mm square mesh cod-end does not cover the whole Mediterranean. The WS encouraged the development of selectivity studies in more GFCM GSAs.
The GFCM-TECHNOMED network ‘To promote the establishment of a network of Mediterranean fishing gear technologists, including fishing industry . (30th GFCM meeting , Istanbul, 24–27 January 2006,)” Objectives and tasks to assist SAC in its recommendations on fisheries management dealing with fishing technology aspects To favour the cooperation between Mediterranean scientists involved in fishing technology studies To assure a permanent watch on fishing technology issues in Mediterranean sea Fiel ds selectivity, environmental impact of fishing gear, effects on fishing effort and capacity, fuel saving, security Organisation transversal working group of GFCM to day 66 Mediterranean scientists from 10 countries have replied positively to the invitation to participate to this network To assist SAC of GFCM
Actions to be undertaken Development of selectivity studies in more Mediterranean GSA using a multi disciplinary approach, taking into account technological, biological, ecosystem and socio-economic aspects integrating the participation of experts from fishing industry for the implementation of square mesh codend Standardization of the terminology of Mediterranean fishing gears: glossary and catalogue are needed. Researches on: Effect of selectivity on discards, survival of escapees, fishery economy Effect of technology on fishing effort and fuel consumption Technical solutions to mitigate fishing impact on environment website:http\\
La pêche dans le golf e du Lion : chalut ier de r et our de la pêche Thank you for your attention phot o H.Farrugio
Diamond and square mesh codend A B Traditional diamond mesh codend (A) and Square mesh codend (B).
FAO REGI ONAL PROJECTS: THE COPEMED PROJECT Juan A CAMI ÑAS I NSTI TUTO ESPAÑOL DE OCEANOGRAFI A Centro Oceanográf ico de Málaga Colloque EURO- MEDI TERRANEE. Toulon (France) 20- 22 nov. 2007 Atelier 3: Exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques. Session 3.
COPEMED Project (Advice, Technical Support and Establishment of Cooperation Networks to Facilitate Coordination to Support Fisheries Management in the Western and Central Mediterranean) was born in 1996 to strengthen scientif ic collaboration among Western and Central Mediterranean countries involved in the management of f isheries in this area. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Malta, I taly, France and Spain have adhered to the project. Colloque EURO- MEDI TERRANEE. Toulon (France) 20- 22 nov. 2007 Atelier 3: Exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques. Session 3.
Project Region Colloque EURO- MEDI TERRANEE. Toulon (France) 20- 22 nov. 2007 Atelier 3: Exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques. Session 3.
The main objective of the project was • to widen scientif ic knowledge and regional • cooperation f or the sustainable management of the Mediterranean f isheries. I t was f inanced by Spain through the AECI • (Agencia Española de Cooperación I nternacional). With an initial duration of 5 years, the project • was extended 4 more years up to May 2005. Colloque EURO- MEDI TERRANEE. Toulon (France) 20- 22 nov. 2007 Atelier 3: Exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques. Session 3.
Within the f rame of international cooperation, COPEMED: reinf orced the capacities of the Southern riparian • countries, f avours collaboration between the participating • states supports their contribution to the scientif ic activities • recommended by the regional f isheries management bodies (GFCM and I CCAT). GFCM is the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean. ICCAT is the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. Colloque EURO- MEDI TERRANEE. Toulon (France) 20- 22 nov. 2007 Atelier 3: Exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques. Session 3.
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