Asteroid orbital inversion using Asteroid orbital inversion using Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods Karri Muinonen 1,2 1,2 , , Dagmara Dagmara Oszkiewicz Oszkiewicz 3,4,1 3,4,1 , , Karri Muinonen Tuomo Pieniluoma Pieniluoma 1 1 , , Mikael Mikael Granvik Granvik 1 1 & & Jenni Jenni Virtanen Virtanen 2 2 Tuomo 1 Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Finland 2 Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala, Finland 3 Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, U.S.A. 4 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, U.S.A. Solar System science before and after Gaia, Pisa, Italy, May 4-6, 2011
Introduction Introduction Asteroid orbit determination Asteroid orbit determination is one of the oldest inverse is one of the oldest inverse problems problems Paradigm change from deterministic to probabilistic Paradigm change from deterministic to probabilistic treatment near the turn of the millennium near the turn of the millennium treatment Uncertainties in orbital elements, ephemeris Uncertainties in orbital elements, ephemeris uncertainties, collision probabilities, classification uncertainties, collision probabilities, classification Identification of asteroids, linkage of asteroid Identification of asteroids, linkage of asteroid observations observations Incorporation of statistical orbital inversion methods into Incorporation of statistical orbital inversion methods into the Gaia/DPAC data processing pipeline the Gaia/DPAC data processing pipeline Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC, Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC, Oszkiewicz Oszkiewicz et al. et al. 2009) 2009) OpenOrb OpenOrb open source software ( open source software (Granvik Granvik et al. 2009) et al. 2009)
Statistical inversion Statistical inversion Observation equation Observation equation A A posteriori posteriori probability density probability density function (p.d.f.) function (p.d.f.) A priori p.d.f., A priori p.d.f., Jeffreys Jeffreys or uniform or uniform Observational error p.d.f., Observational error p.d.f., multivariate normal multivariate normal
Statistical inversion Statistical inversion A posteriori A posteriori p.d.f. for p.d.f. for orbital elements orbital elements Linearization Linearization A posteriori A posteriori p.d.f. p.d.f. in the linear approximation in the linear approximation Covariance matrix for Covariance matrix for orbital elements orbital elements
MCMC ranging ranging MCMC Initial orbital inversion Initial orbital inversion using exiguous using exiguous astrometric data (short observational time data (short observational time astrometric interval and/or a small number of observations) interval and/or a small number of observations) Ranging algorithm Ranging algorithm Select two observation dates Select two observation dates V Vary ary topocentric topocentric distances and values of R.A. and distances and values of R.A. and Decl. . Decl From two Cartesian positions, compute elements and From two Cartesian positions, compute elements and 2 against all the observations against all the observations χ 2 χ In MC ranging, systematic In MC ranging, systematic sampling sampling and and weighted sample elements weighted sample elements How to sample using MCMC? How to sample using MCMC?
MCMC ranging MCMC ranging Gaussian proposal p.d.f. in Gaussian proposal p.d.f. in the space of two Cartesian Cartesian the space of two positions positions Complex proposal p.d.f. in Complex proposal p.d.f. in the space of the orbital orbital the space of the elements (not needed!) elements (not needed!) Jacobians Jacobians and cancellation and cancellation of symmetric proposal of symmetric proposal p.d.f.s p.d.f.s
Examples Examples
Gaia/DPAC DU456 demonstration Gaia/DPAC DU456 demonstration DU456, development unit entitled DU456, development unit entitled “ “Orbital Orbital inversion” ” inversion MCMC ranging as standalone Java MCMC ranging as standalone Java software including GaiaTools GaiaTools software including Potential for a future online computational Potential for a future online computational tool with a friendly interface tool with a friendly interface
Conclusion Conclusion MCMC ranging more efficient than MC MCMC ranging more efficient than MC ranging ranging Operational within the Gaia/DPAC pipeline Operational within the Gaia/DPAC pipeline and as stand-alone software and as stand-alone software MCMC-Gauss under MCMC-Gauss under development and to development and to be incorporated into Gaia/DPAC be incorporated into Gaia/DPAC MCMC-VoV MCMC-VoV on the drawing board on the drawing board
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