ASSI SSISTANT SE SECRETARY JOSEPH A A. . MAIN IN Mine Emergency Operation Improvements Since 2009 Pittsburgh, PA January 5, 2017
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations No Novemb mber 2 200 009, 9, Assis istant ant Sec ecretar ary M Main ain Begins egins Complete R Revie iew of M Mine ine Emer ergenc ency Res espons nse Pr e Prep epar ared ednes ness: No Novem ember ber 2009, 2009, A Assistant S Secr ecretary Ma Main t tasks MS MSHA Tech echni nical Sup upport and nd MS MSHA’s Mi Mine Em ne Emer ergency ency Uni nit t to iden entify g gaps i in m n mine ne em emer ergen ency cy p prep epared edness and nd p propose s e solut utions. Janu nuary 20 2010 T 0 Tech echni nical S Sup upport r res esponds o out utlining p priorities es, shortcomings a and nd i improvemen ents nee needed ed at MS MSHA a and nd w with ind ndustry mine ne res escue t cue tea eams. Assi ssist stant S Secretary M Main ain imme immediately est stab ablish shes a s a fu funding g pla lan t to o moder ernize e MS MSHA’s MEO MEO and nd m mine em e emer ergen ency cy co communica cations s system and nd eng engage s stakeh eholder ers. | @MSHA_DOL 2
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations Prio Prior t r to 2 2009, MS MSHA MEO MEO has has: Bec eckley Pit Pittsburgh Bas asic ic comman and center offic ice Mo Mobile gas as lab ab Ventilat ation m monitorin ing MEU EU team tr truc uck truck & Remot otec robot ot Labor orator ory-only y chromat atograp aph Anal alog seismic system Resc scue capsul sule Pric ice Basic s c surface ce c communica cation ons Bas asic ic comman and center offic ice MEU EU team tr truc uck Sem Semi-mobile gas c chromat atograp aph Prio Prior t r to 2 2009, MS MSHA MEO MEO w was as: Dis istant f from the min ining ar areas as wit ith lo long response times Usi sing ng dated equi uipment nt Using separ arat ate c coal al an and m metal l an and nonmetal min ine rescue team ams Not takin ing advantage of t the n newest technolo logie ies | @MSHA_DOL 3
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations Prior t Prio r to 2 2009, MS MSHA S Seis eismic ic Locat ation S System is is: The o original l seis ismic ic loc ocatio ion s system recommende ded by y the National al Acad ademy o y of Engi gineering i g in 197 970 An anal alog s g system u using c g components that at were re ou out-of-date Not a a sys ystem that at M MSHA HA co could r rely up upon t to l loca cate mi mine ners in n an an emerge gency | @MSHA_DOL 4
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations Assistant nt S Secretary M y Main’s ’s 2 2009 Directive of of Overhau haulin ing MEO: Adds a a new Mi Midwest Mi Mine R Rescue S Stat ation to im improve response tim imes Adds dds 23 new MEO veh ehicles across t the U e US S that support o Gas as monit itoring an and an anal alyses o Surface e and under derground d comm mmunication o The e mobile e comm mmand d staff o Rescue e teams ms and equipmen ment Upgrades al all four ME MEO O stat ations w with stan andar ardized equipment in includin ing: o Infra-red g gas as an anal alysis is o Chromat atograp aphic analys ysis is o Surfac ace communicat ations o Mine e emer mergen gency team m personnel el and equipmen ment o New stat ate-of of-the-ar art underground communic ications, tracking, mappin ing, a and at atmospheric ic sys ystems Improves command an and c control an and ME MEO O staf affin ing an and t trai aining Develops new state-of of-the he-ar art s seis ismic locat ation sys ystem | @MSHA_DOL 5
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MSHA HA Ch Changes i in n 2010 a and nd 2 2011: MSHA’s PEIR joins with MEO to develop a new surface communications system in 2010. This system corrects the communication problems encountered during the Upper Big Branch Mine rescue and recovery operations. A new state-of-the-art mobile command center is put into service at the Pittsburgh Station in 2011. This vehicle supports the on-site command staff during a mine emergency . | @MSHA_DOL 6
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MSHA HA Ch Changes i in n 2012: Completes engineerin ing traile iler, whic ich is put into se service t to sup support onsite e engine neering ng staff d during mine e emer mergen gencies es Instal alls ls a a specia iall lly desig igned underground transportatio ion vehicle le t that supports m mine rescue needs at at the ME MEU at at the Beckley stat ation Installs a new PEIR communicat atio ions HUB, new mobile gas as lab ab an and a a new ME MEU team truck at at the D Denver/Pr Price stat ation Conduc ucts ts a Mine Emergenc ncy Resp sponse nse Drill (ME MERD RD) wit ith Consol E Energy at at its B BMX MX Complex i in Western n Penns nnsylvani nia | @MSHA_DOL 7
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MSHA HA Ch Changes i in n 2013: MSHA Coal and Metal and Nonmetal Mine rescue units combine to form one MEU. MSHA opens a new mine rescue station at a temporary location in MSHA Coal District 10 offices in Madisonville, KY. | @MSHA_DOL 8
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MSHA HA Ch Changes i in n 2013: Revamps Min Mine Rescue Contests in in both Coal al an and Me Metal al an and • Nonmetal l to: Improve training Expand participation to include mine rescue stakeholders Joseph A. Ho Holmes Min Mine Saf afety Associat ation establi lishes the Ho Holmes • Mine R Rescue Asso Association to provide sup support and g gui uidanc nce for mine ne rescu cue n nation onwi wide Estab ablishes Oc October 30 as as Min Mine Rescue D Day y to honor mine • res escuers, p past and d pres esent | @MSHA_DOL 9
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MSHA HA Ch Changes i in n 2014: Updat ates mine rescue train aining g guid ide an and creat ates an an Advan anced Skil ills ls Trai ainin ing guid ide f for min ine rescue teams Aids NIOSH SH’s devel elopmen ment o of e explorer er a and a d a snake e robots to deploy y down a borehole le Fin inalizes new Min Mine Emergency Response D Drill ills (ME MERD RD) Acquir ires a a 28 inch drill steel c cap apab able of d drilling a a large ge hole for a res escue capsule Develops an an ele lectronic log to provide a a dig igit ital al version of even ents d during g an emer mergen gency Develops a a ME MEO O map appin ing tool providing real al-tim ime mappi pping New stat ate-of of-the-ar art underground communic ication sys ystem in installed at at Pit Pittsburgh stat ation | @MSHA_DOL 10
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MSHA HA Ch Changes i in n 2015: Opens s a a new full lly y equip ipped fac acilit ity at at the Kentucky Coal al Acad ademy in in Mad Madis isonville, KY, Y, t to servic ice the Mid Midwest Electric ical l Div ivision t tak akes over er the e devel elopme ment of t the s e seismic locat atio ion sy syst stem resp sponse se Robotic Response nse Team m formed med in in Pit Pittsburgh to o wor ork wit ith the new robots bein ing obtain ined from N NIOS OSH | @MSHA_DOL 11
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MSHA HA Ch Changes i in n 2016: MS MSHA HA establishes a a group of min ine emergency special alists that at train ain t the company an and stat ate min ine r rescue team ams on th the use use of st state-of of-the he -art communi unications ns e equi uipment nt | @MSHA_DOL 12
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MSHA HA Ch Changes i in n 2016: Assemb embled ed a team t m to compete i e in internat atio ional al competition Electric ical l Div ivision t tak akes over er the e devel elopme ment of t the s e seismic locat atio ion sy syst stem resp sponse se Robotic Response nse Team m formed med in in Pit Pittsburgh to o wor ork wit ith the new robots bein ing obtain ined from N NIOS OSH | @MSHA_DOL 13
MSHA Mine Emergency Operations MS MSHA S Statu tatus in in 2016: ME MEO O has s min ine rescue s stat ations in in: o Pit Pittsburgh, PA o Beckl kley, WV o Mad Madisonville, KY o Pr Price, UT. o Den Denver, CO O (sub ub-statio ion o of Price) Eac ach of the four ur sta stations ns hav ave standardi dized e ed equipme ment including: o Infra-red d gas s analy alysis o Chrom omatog ographic c analys ysis o Surface e communicat ations o Min Mine emer mergen gency t team m personnel el an and equipmen ment, and o Under dergr ground c d communicat atio ions Comm mmand d centers an and additio ional al underground c communicat atio ions locat ated at at the Pittsburgh stat Pit ation and d Den Denver sub sub-statio ion Th The Robotic Res esponse a and Sei Seismic Locat ation System Response Te Teams locat ated at at the Pit Pittsburgh Stat ation | @MSHA_DOL 14
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